I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor

Chapter 210: The seventh test, recapturing Shura's blood sword

  Chapter 210 The seventh test, regaining the Shura blood sword

  Finally, Mo Bai chose a plant-type soul beast diamond tree and killed it, obtaining his ninth soul ring.

  The diamond tree, after absorbing it, can strengthen the martial soul itself, and the direction of strengthening is the toughness and hardness that Mo Bai needs.

  After Mo Bai raised his ninth spirit ring to the quality of 100,000 years, Mo Bai's dark blue silver emperor had almost reached the extreme in hardness and toughness.

  After absorbing the ninth spirit ring and formally breaking through the Title Douluo, Mo Bai's previously accumulated spirit power level was also fed back at this time, directly pushing Mo Bai's spirit power level to level 95.

  So once upgraded to Title Douluo, Mo Bai is a Super Douluo.

   And the strength is absolutely powerful among the Super Douluo.

   "The sixth test of God Shura is completed, and the affinity of God Shura will be rewarded by 10%!"

   Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai's Sixth Trial of the God of Shura was also notified that he had completed it, and Mo Bai also distributed rewards.

  Including the previous 25%, Mo Bai's current Shura affinity has reached %35.

   "Seventh test of God Shura, from the hands of the Slaughter King, retrieve the divine weapon Shura Blood Sword left by God Shura!"

   "One year, after completion, the reward will be a level 1 soul power and 15% Affinity to God Shura!"

  The sixth test was completed, and the content of the seventh test of the God of Shura soon appeared in front of Mo Bai.

   "Artifact, Shura Blood Sword, King of Slaughter!"

  Seeing the task above, Mo Bai finally saw a slightly more difficult task.

  King of Slaughter, a powerhouse at the Title Douluo level, in the Slaughter City, the opponent's fighting power is also stronger.

  Especially when other soul masters face the King of Slaughter, they will be severely suppressed, because soul skills cannot be used in the capital of Slaughter.

  But the Slaughter King can use soul skills.

   "Unfortunately, I don't need to use soul skills!"

   "The Slaughter King's home court advantage is useless to me!"

   Mo Bai thought for a while, then suddenly laughed.


   After a year, Mo Bai came to the killing capital again.

   Outside the Killing Capital, Mo Bai rubbed out Barrett and the bullets he needed first.

  However, Mo Bai did not rub out the strongest soul guide bullets, but rubbed some casually, and there was only one explosion, and the bullets only had a penetrating effect after hitting, and no explosion effect.

  Because it is separated by buildings, Mobai can only use penetrating effects.

  Mo Bai thinks enough is enough, the King of Slaughter, even the King of Slaughter City, is only a strong man at the title Douluo level.

  After that, Mo Bai sneaked into the Slaughter City, and then began to use his star eyes to look for the Slaughter King.

  The Slaughter City is not that big, Mo Bai quickly found the location of the Slaughter King through the line of his star eyes.

   After finding the Slaughter King, Mo Bai continued to sneak in.

   Mo Bai set up Barrett until he could no longer approach, and aimed at the Slaughter King through the building.

   Aim and shoot.


  Mo Bai only felt a huge recoil, and a bullet disappeared in front of Mo Bai's eyes in an instant. After penetrating through all the buildings, it hit the target directly.

  Inside, the King of Slaughter, who was originally sitting on the throne, suddenly had hairs all over his body.


  Although he didn't know where the danger came from, the Slaughter King immediately chose to stand up and get out of the way.


  The Slaughter King's movements were already fast, but they were still not enough. Before he stood up and completely avoided it, he was hit on the shoulder with a pop.



  The Slaughter King let out a scream, and his figure quickly moved away with a look of shock and anger.

  He felt that his right hand seemed to be useless, unable to use any strength.

who is it? Who exactly?

   was able to sneak attack him without him knowing.

  And what kind of soul skill is this?

   The speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to dodge.

   Finally, the Slaughter King was also trying his best to find the enemy, but he sensed his surroundings, but found nothing.

   This made him even more shocked and angry.

   "No headshot, what a pity!"

   "It seems that it penetrated a few buildings and hindered it!"

   "But it's okay, let's continue!"

   Sniped Mo Bai secretly, and when he saw this, he secretly cried out what a pity.

  Mo Bai didn't change positions, anyway, the Slaughter King hasn't found him yet.

  Borrowed, Mo Bai re-aimed and shot.


"not good-"

  When the Slaughter King heard the sound, he was shocked again, and the figure quickly chose to avoid it.


  Even if he was prepared this time, the Slaughter King was still hit, but he just avoided the vital point.


   "Who is it, come out for me..."

  The King of Slaughter roared with red eyes, trying to find Mo Bai.


   But what responded to him was another gunshot.


   This time, it was the King of Slaughter who was hit in the right leg.


   "Return your body!"

   But when the gunshot rang out again, the King of Slaughter, who was already frightened, quickly returned control of his body to Tang Chen.

  He worried that if he continued, he would die.

  Then it would be better to return control of the body to Tang Chen first, and then find a chance to **** it back after Tang Chen defeats the enemy.

   Facing the attacks of Mo Bai and others, he really lost all confidence.

   You can't hide, and you can't find the enemy. If you continue, he will die.



   And Tang Chen, who had just been released by the blood-red nine-headed Bat King, sensed danger as soon as he returned.

  Without even thinking about it, Tang Chen directly summoned a **** sword to block in front of him.


  Mo Bai's attack was blocked perfectly.

   That is the artifact Shura Blood Sword left by God Shura. I don't know what material it is made of. Anyway, it is extremely hard. After being attacked by Mo Bai, it is not damaged at all.


  However, the strong force of the bullets still knocked Tang Chen back with his sword.

   "What a powerful attack!"

   Tang Chen's expression changed.

  After realizing the injury on his body, Tang Chen was even more furious.

   "Damn, what's going on with my body?"

   "That's right... My body was controlled by that Bat King before..."

  While furious, Tang Chen also remembered how he was parasitized and his control over his body was robbed.

  Thinking of this, Tang Chen became even more angry.

  He never thought that there would be a day when he would be robbed of the control of his body by a soul beast.

   That was simply the greatest humiliation to him.

  After realizing that he was parasitized back then, Tang Chen also understood why he was able to regain control of his body now.

  The injuries on his body have already told him.

  The Bat King encountered an enemy he couldn't beat, so he had to be released.

   "Not an idiot!"

   "But you deserve to die too. When I eliminate the enemy, you will die too!"

  Tang Chen snorted coldly, and said to the blood-red nine-headed Bat King who hid in his body.

  The blood-red nine-headed Bat King is almost as one with him, and he can no longer leave his body.

  So I can’t run away even if I want to.

  Tang Chen naturally didn't intend to let it go. After the enemy was eliminated, he would find a way to kill the blood-red nine-headed Bat King as well.

   If you dare to parasitize and **** his body, you should kill him!

   "Hmph, you'd better destroy the enemy first!"

  The blood-red nine-headed Bat King in Tang Chen's body snorted coldly upon hearing this.

   It is not afraid of this, after so many years, it has almost merged with Tang Chen, if Tang Chen wants to kill it, it is tantamount to killing himself, so it is not afraid.

   It was more worried that Tang Chen regained control of his body, and he would not be able to kill the enemy who attacked it.

  So the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King reminded Tang Chen to deal with the hidden enemies first.


   It was actually blocked!

  In the distance, Mo Bai was also surprised when he found that his attack was blocked.

   "Is that the artifact Shura Blood Sword?"

   Immediately Mo Bai also guessed that the one who could block his sniper attack intact might be God Shura's artifact, the Shura Blood Sword.

   "That's my stuff!"

   Mo Bai thought to himself.

   Then, Mo Bai continued to snipe, the bullet's penetration could be blocked, but the powerful force contained in it would not disappear.

   Sniping is still effective.

  So what should Mo Bai do or what should he do, continue to snipe at the King of Slaughter with the big sniper in his hand.

  Of course, Mo Bai didn't know that the current King of Slaughter actually had a different person in control of his body.

  Mo Bai only knew that after he fired two more shots, a wave of domain coercion enveloped him.

  Then the speed of the bullets he fired was severely weakened.

  Although it can still hit the Slaughter King in the distance, the impact is already much smaller.

"Got you!"

   After Tang Chen used the Killing God Domain to find Mo Bai, he snorted coldly, and his figure immediately flashed to Mo Bai.

   If you don't look at Tang Chen's messy appearance covered in blood, he is still very domineering.

   But the momentum is indeed not weak.

   It's easy to overlook his current injury.

"Who are you?"

  After Tang Chen came out, he asked Mo Bai.

  Seeing that the blood-red nine-headed Bat King forced by the opponent to release him, Tang Chen decided to give Mo Bai a chance to tell his name.

  Mo Bai saw that Tang Chen had found him and walked in front of him, but he didn't care. Instead, Mo Bai was a little surprised that the Slaughter King didn't recognize him anymore.

  Although I have changed my appearance, but I have already been here last time, and the killing capital should have updated his information.

   "The person who came to kill you!"

  But Mo Bai was puzzled for a moment, and didn't take it to heart, and responded lightly.

"You're confident!"

  Tang Chen looked at Mo Bai and snorted coldly.

  He could feel the strong self-confidence in Mo Bai, even facing him now, he was still so confident.

   "It's Mobai!"

   "He is Mo Bai, the holy son of Wuhun Temple! A genius who has created countless soul skills, and Wuhun is not restricted here!"

  Mo Bai didn't tell Tang Chen, but the blood-red nine-headed Bat King in Tang Chen's body hastily told Tang Chen about Mo Bai's information.

  So that Tang Chen would know how powerful Mo Bai is.

  But the blood-red nine-headed bat king didn't expect that the enemy would be Mobai.

   The opposite side just left the Killing City a few years ago. Has it become so strong in just a few years?

  After Tang Chen learned about Mo Bai's information from the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King, he was also extremely shocked, and looked at Mo Bai with serious eyes.

  This little guy, don't underestimate him!

   Also, how could the blood-red nine-headed Bat King be able to force the enemy to release him, how could it be so simple.

  Not to mention anything else, but the incomprehensible weapon in the opponent's hand is extremely amazing.

   That is, he is in control of a divine weapon like the Asura Blood Sword, otherwise he would not be able to come to the opponent.

   "The sword in your hand is mine!"

   "Give you a chance, give me the sword in your hand, and I won't kill you!"

  Looking at the Slaughter King on the opposite side, Mo Bai put away the sniper in his hand, and then said calmly.

   "Do you want the Asura Blood Sword?"

  Tang Chen's expression changed when he heard Mo Bai's words. "You also passed the test of God Shura?"

  From Mo Bai's words, Tang Chen obviously figured out something.

   "Yeah? Are you also the one who passed the test of God Shura?"

   "But it's not right, if someone gets the **** test, isn't there no way for others to get it?"

  When Mo Bai heard Tang Chen's words, he was also slightly taken aback.

   "Hahahaha..." Hearing Mo Bai's words, Tang Chen immediately laughed out loud at himself. He understood after knowing that Mo Bai had won the Nine Trials of the Asura God.

  My own Asura God Nine Trials had already failed, and had already been given up by the Asura God.

   For a moment, Tang Chen felt extremely remorseful in his heart.

  The hatred for the blood-red nine-headed Bat King in his heart became stronger.

  If it wasn't for the other party, he would have already obtained the inheritance of God Shura.

   "If you want to get the Asura Blood Sword, let me see if you have the ability to get it!"

  Tang Chen then snorted coldly, holding the sword in his left hand, pointing the tip at Mo Bai.

   "The Clear Sky Hammer!"


   At the same time, Tang Chen's right hand also summoned his Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer.

  Although the right hand is disabled, it is still no problem to forcibly drive the right hand with soul power.

  Seeing such a scene, Mo Bai was not surprised. Tang Hao was able to condense his hands and feet with his soul power back then, so there was nothing surprising.

   What really surprised Mo Bai was the martial soul in Tang Chen's hands.

   "Clear Sky Hammer, are you from the Clear Sky School?"

  Mo Bai was really shocked, he didn't expect that the King of Slaughter was actually a member of the Haotian School.

   Didn't Killing Capital cooperate with Wuhundian?

   How could the King of Slaughter be someone from the Haotian School?

   "That's right, you are the holy son of Wuhundian, so you should know me, Tang Chen!"

   Tang Chen said proudly.

  He has always been proud of his own Clear Sky School.

"I know!"

  Mo Bai nodded in surprise, and was even more surprised in his heart. The King of Slaughter in front of him was actually Tang Chen?

   "The King of Slaughter is actually you, what's going on?"

  Mo Bai suddenly came curious.

  I always feel that something is wrong, there is something hidden.

   "Hmph, that's because the previous me is not me!"

  Tang Chen snorted coldly when he heard the words, and then slowly told Mo Bai why he got to where he is today.

   Tang Chen didn't mean to satisfy Mo Bai's curiosity, but he wanted to delay the time and recover from his injuries first.

  Mo Bai knew it too, but Tang Chen's story was good, so Mo Bai delayed it for him.

  The opponent's injury, where it will heal in a short while, can only recover a little.


  (end of this chapter)

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