Chapter 224 Xiao Wu

   "Okay, they are all safe now, don't you feel relieved now?"

  Over the Star Dou Great Forest, Mo Bai smiled at Xiao Wu on his body.

  In fact, he didn't leave just now, but just hid himself.

  As a god, it is not difficult for him to hide from being discovered by Tang San and Bibi Dong.

   Originally, Mo Bai planned to leave directly.

   It's just that Xiao Wu is worried about Da Ming and Er Ming, so Mo Bai can only watch in the dark.

   But it’s okay to watch a movie for free.

  At least let Mo Bai see many methods of Tang San.

  At this stage, for him, the strongest is probably the artifact in the opponent's hand, the Seagod Trident.

   "Well, thank you, Mobai!"

   Knowing that Mo Bai is somewhat reluctant, but for her own sake, she still chooses to watch secretly just in case, Xiao Wu is very moved.


  Suddenly, Xiao Wu's figure appeared directly from Mo Bai's side.

   What came out was Xiao Wu's soul, and it was Xiao Wu who actively used Mo Bai's fifth soul skill to blast and kill the eight-duan fall, and then the soul instantly entered the materialization.


   "This is thank you!"

  After Xiao Wu's soul materialized, she suddenly attacked Mo Bai's cheek, and at the same time said to Mo Bai from the bottom of her heart.

   "A kiss is not enough, and the kiss is not in the right place!"

  Seeing this, Mo Bai laughed immediately, and immediately hugged Xiao Wu, not giving her a chance to dance away.

  Xiao Wu was hugged by Mo Bai, her face was startled, and she wanted to back away in embarrassment.

  It's just that Mo Bai didn't give her a chance anymore, so he immediately kissed her.


  Xiao Wu's eyes were wide open, and the pupils of her eyes kept changing with the invasion of ink white.

   Until the time for Xiao Wu's soul body to materialize came, the body disappeared, and the soul returned to Mo Bai.

   "Tsk tsk..."

   Mo Bai smacked his lips, he hasn't touched a woman for several days, it's a bit unsatisfying!

   It's just that the time for Xiao Wu's soul to materialize is too short, and she can't do anything she wants.

   "By the way, Xiao Wu's soul cannot be materialized for a long time, but mine can go in..."

   "There is no barrier to soul-to-soul contact!"

  Mo Bai thought of something, his heart moved, and then his whole soul entered his fifth soul ring, which was Xiao Wu's soul ring.

  As soon as he came in, Mo Bai saw Xiao Wu who was blushing and holding her face with a smirk.

  Obviously the intimate contact just now made Xiao Wu very happy.

  Mobai's soul came in, and Xiao Wu also discovered it immediately.

  Xiao Wu was not shy, but surprised.

  The long-term relationship finally got vent, and Xiao Wu was also very dissatisfied with the intimate contact just now.


  So when she saw Mo Bai coming in, Xiao Wu cheered happily, and threw her figure into Mo Bai's arms, raised her face and kissed Mo Bai proactively again.

  She doesn't want to be reserved, she is so far behind Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

  What Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have, she also wants to have.

  After resurrection, she will also give birth to Mo Bai.

  Mo Bai is naturally not polite, this is the purpose of his coming in.

  Since Xiao Wu didn't resist, then it couldn't be better.

  So Mo Bai truly turned Xiao Wu into his own woman in the soul state.

  It was a state that could not be expressed in words, very nice.

   Xiao Wu was a little more affected, probably because of her lack of body.

  In short, after the incident, Xiao Wu's soul fell into a deep sleep.

  With a sweet smile on his face, he fell asleep.

   "We must find a way to revive Xiao Wu as soon as possible!"

  Looking at the sleeping Xiao Wu, Mo Bai smiled.

  Although the feeling is very good, but it still lacks a certain feeling, so Mo Bai wants to revive Xiao Wu, and truly occupy her body and mind.

   "Almost forgot, Xiao Wu's mother is here too!"

  Then Mo Bai remembered that Xiao Wu's mother's soul was also in this soul ring space, but Xiao Wu's mother was in a deep sleep.

   "Xiao Wu's mother..."

   Mo Bai murmured, fixed his eyes, and saw Xiao Wu's mother sleeping deep in this soul ring space.

   Reviving Xiao Wu is relatively simple, you only need to find or create a body for Xiao Wu.

   Then using his divine power, he could easily fuse Xiao Wu's soul and body, thus bringing him back to life.

   On the contrary, Xiao Wu's mother is more difficult.

  Because Xiao Wu's mother's soul is not complete, in this case, her soul is basically in a deep sleep state.

   To revive Xiao Wu's mother, she must first recover her soul.

   You can wait for her to recover from a deep sleep, it will take a long time.

"By the way, Bibi Dong in this world should also have a remnant soul of Xiao Wu's mother. The two souls have the same origin. If the two souls are fused together, I believe it will be possible to make Xiao Wu's mother's soul Fully recovered!"

   "I just want to take out the soul of Xiao Wu's mother from this Bibi Dong, and I still have to go through the previous one!"

   "Unless Bibi Dong is willing to cooperate and let me take Xiaowu's mother's soul from her soul ring without any resistance!"

  Mo Bai thought of a way, and his expression became a little hesitant.

  He didn't know whether he should do that or not.

  Bibi Dong in this world is not the teacher he knows at all, but Yu Xiaogang is all in his heart, and now he wants to kill him to avenge Yu Xiaogang.

  Bibi Dong like this, Mo Bai is actually very disgusted, very responsive, not easy to see.

   "Xiao Wu, do you think I should do that?"

   After Xiao Wu woke up, Mo Bai asked Xiao Wu to see her decision.

   "This time must be fast, because after Bibi Dong becomes a Rakshasa God, your mother's soul, no doubt Xiao Wu's mother in this world, will disappear completely!"

   "Don't even think about letting Xiao Wu in this world reunite with her mother and daughter like you, that's impossible, she is not as lucky as you, and met me!"

   Mo Bai explained, and gave Xiao Wu multiple choice questions, should he do it?

  If you want, the mother of 'Xiao Wu' in this world can also be rescued, and her soul memory is exactly the same as that of Xiao Wu's mother, without any bad influence.

   If you choose not to, then the soul of the mother of 'Xiao Wu' in this world will inevitably disappear with Bibi Dong becoming a god.

   "Yes, of course!"

   "Just do it!"

  After Xiao Wu heard Mo Bai's words, she didn't hesitate at all. Compared to saving her mother's soul, she couldn't care less about the feelings of "Xiao Wu" in this world.

   Besides, just like what Mo Bai said, if Mo Bai doesn't care, the mother of 'Xiao Wu' in this world will soon disappear with Bibi Dong becoming a god.

   Then there is nothing to hesitate, the 'Xiao Wu' in this world is doomed to be unable to save her mother like herself.

   Who made her not as lucky as herself, and met Mo Bai!

   Besides, the 'Xiao Wu' in this world is not me, so it has nothing to do with me.

  She will care about Da Ming and Er Ming in this world, but she won’t care too much about ‘Xiao Wu’ in this world.

   "Well, if Bibi Dong is unwilling to cooperate..."

   Mo Bai nodded.

   "Then you go directly, your teacher has forced you, I know that your favorite is your teacher now, and you will definitely not get revenge, so let's get revenge on this Bibi Dong!"

   "This Bibi Dong is not your teacher, you don't need to be polite at all!"

  Xiao Wu heard Mo Bai's words and directly suggested.

  If Mo Bai was the only woman, she would definitely not say that.

   The problem is not, and she did that to save her mother, so Xiao Wu has nothing to worry about, and doesn't care too much.

   After all, she has watched Mo Bai and his teacher many times, so she still has the ability to accept it.


  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Mo Bai was a little speechless.

   Thought Xiao Wu would care about it, just like he wanted to play with the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin that day, but this time Xiao Wu fully supported it.

   "That's what you say!"

   "Although I was very happy to come here at the time, but after all, I belonged to being forced by the teacher, and I felt a little aggrieved in my heart!"

  Xiao Wu's subsequent words also reminded Mo Bai of the scene when he was locked in the teacher's back room.

  I quite agree with what Xiao Wu said.

   At the beginning, I was happy, but I was still a little bit aggrieved after all.

  For his teacher, Mo Bai is also reluctant to do anything to her now.

   The aggrieved feeling in his heart is actually nothing, Mo Bai has long since ignored it.

   It’s just that if there is a chance to get revenge in another way now, it’s not impossible.

  I think back then, when I learned that the teacher was caught by Chihiro's secret room, I was still envious and hated in my heart.

   Now it seems that I can take over this inheritance.

  First, the teacher inherited the Chihiro disease, and the secret room passed on himself.

   Now it's time to take over the teacher's inheritance by yourself, and take a look at Bibi Dong in this world in the secret room.

  Thinking about it, I am a little excited!

   "Right? Then let's go find that woman, it would be bad if we let her become a **** first!"

  Xiao Wu immediately urged Mo Bai to come.

  Compared to Mo Bai, she is actually the one who wants to see Bibi Dong being taught and tortured more.

   Regarding Teacher Mo Bai killing her mother, she has never forgotten the hatred in her heart.

   It was only later that Mo Bai rescued her mother's soul by mistake and had hope of resurrection, so Xiao Wu let go of the hatred in her heart.

  But if you want to say let go of it completely, that’s not the case.

  Since you can't get revenge from Mo Bai's teacher, then the same goes for Bibi Dong who took revenge on this world.

  If the Bibi Dong of this world is captured by the Mobai Chamber of Secrets, she knows that it will definitely be a very cruel revenge for Bibi Dong.

  She has always been on Mo Bai, so she also knows that Mo Bai's teacher has always liked Yu Xiaogang.

  Then Bibi Dong in this world is also the same.

  Now, it is Mo Bai who killed Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong's favorite.

   Then, it was Mo Bai who gave her to the secret room again, and was given to the secret room by the enemy who killed her beloved. Is there anything more unacceptable to her than this?

   "Okay, listen to you!"

  Mo Bai probably also knew Xiao Wu's psychology, and smiled when he heard this.


  At this moment, Bibi Dong didn't know that she was being missed by Mo Bai.

  After her cultivation was completed, she did not rush back to the Spirit Empire, but continued to hunt in the Star Dou Forest with the six elders.

  Since the soul rings of the two hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts cannot be hunted, the last two soul rings of her second martial soul also need to be configured.

   Only when her second martial soul, the Soul Eater Spider Emperor, has all the soul rings configured and her strength further improved, can she be more confident in completing her ninth test of the Rakshasa God.

  Therefore, Bibi Dong led the six elders to continue searching for a suitable soul beast in the Star Dou Forest.

  If she couldn't find one of 100,000 years, then she needed to find a soul beast whose age and ability attributes were more suitable for her second martial soul.

  Star Dou Great Forest, as the largest soul beast forest in Douluo Continent, it may be difficult to find a hundred thousand year soul beast.

   But it is not difficult to find some soul beasts that are more than 50,000 years old.

   Within a week, Bibi Dong successfully hunted a 60,000-year and a 70,000-year quality soul beast.

  And the attributes and abilities of the two soul beasts matched her second martial soul, the Soul-eating Spider Emperor.

  After successfully absorbing two soul rings, Bibi Dong's soul pressure and aura became stronger.

  Ju Douluo and the other six elders felt a little uncomfortable feeling the soul pressure emanating from Bibi Dong, and resisted with difficulty.

   Bibi Dong became stronger again, but none of Ju Douluo's six elders dared to congratulate Bibi Dong and congratulate the baby.

  Because those two hundred thousand year soul beasts were Bibi Dong's original target.

   Now, it's just the next best thing.

   To them, it is very strong, but to their majesty, this soul hunting operation is a failure.

   "Let's go, go back!"

   "Some things, you just need to know, don't say anything!"

  After completing the configuration of the second spirit ring, Bibi Dong also went back, and at the same time warned Ju Douluo and the others.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

  Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Ju Douluo and the others quickly and respectfully responded.

  They knew that what Bibi Dong said was that Bibi Dong had obtained the inheritance of Rakshasa God!

   Of course they dare not say more about this kind of thing.

   But thinking that their Majesty actually has the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, everyone is very excited.

  Gods, can they see the birth of a **** in their lifetime?

   It was Tang San, that brat, who actually had the inheritance of a god, which made them a little nervous.

  Tang San, but the enemy of their Spirit Empire!

  Seeing that they all understood, Bibi Dong turned and left without saying anything.

   It's time to go back and complete the ninth test of Rakshasa God!


  (end of this chapter)

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