Chapter 148 The attack is not high, but the insult is very strong


Akainu snorted coldly and didn’t answer Luo Chen’s words. He really couldn’t beat Luo Chen in the air, and it wasn’t a shame to admit that.

He doesn’t have that kind of arrogant character, and he does everything he can to deal with evil pirates, which is his purpose.

As long as the pirates can be eliminated, send the pirates to Impelton.

Then he Akainu will use all of them, whether it is a sinister move or an open and honest battle!

Only good for dealing with pirates.

Akainu’s extreme justice will never allow any evil to repeatedly jump in front of him.

When the figure moved, the soles of the feet slammed, and the ground was crushed by the powerful force, like a cannonball, and flew towards Luo Chen.

The right hand turned into magma, rapidly expanding.

The wind and waves carried by the figure were fiery, and rushed towards Luo Chen.


[Yan Mo] in Luo Chen’s right hand waved out, and the black blade slashed on the magma.

The two handed over, and a strong air wave came out, centered on the two, like a turbulent sea 360 waves, swept out.

The flying sand and rocks around were all blown away, and the trumpets were blown upside down outside the canopy, as if they were about to be uprooted.

The two wrestled for a moment, and Luo Chen’s left hand “Tianyu Feather Slash” slashed Akainu’s assistant.

It was difficult for Akainu to reach the defense with his left hand, so he could only lift his legs and feet, and Armament Haki covered it and kicked it towards Tian Yu Zhan.


Luo Chen grinned and exerted strength with both hands.

Akainu’s eyes flashed with red light, and a rock thorn suddenly attacked from under his body. He exerted force on his hands and feet, pushed Luochen away very quickly, and stepped back.

He didn’t panic in his heart, after all, he was a Logia capable person, as long as it wasn’t covered with Armament Haki’s attack, this kind of sudden attack would not hurt him at all.

But this kind of gourd-like attack is not very aggressive but highly insulting.

Akainu’s forehead popped a blue vein, gnashing his teeth.

If he was really attacked by a rock thorn and broadcast live to the eyes of the world (becj), would he lose the face of Marshal Marine?

“Marshal Akainu, I didn’t expect you to retreat. Haven’t you always been hard-hearted in the face of pirates?” Luo Chen chuckled lightly.

“Stop saying that.

Hearing such a sarcastic tone, Akainu was furious, and his tone was full of coldness.

“Hehe, am I right?” Luo Chen said.

Constantly sarcastic, Akainu has a slightly irritable and impulsive personality, and now he can’t wait to slap Luo Chen’s mouth a few times.

The magma on his body continued to flow, and it spread out on the ground, white smoke rose precariously, and the temperature in this area was much higher.

Akainu shouted angrily and ran towards Luo Chen.

The two collided when they wanted.

When the magma and the blade meet, there is a sound of golden stones.

The two figures flickered back and forth in this high temperature area, and the naked eye looked like only two afterimages.

Alas! Bang! Bang!

“Dark Hound!”

Accompanied by Akainu’s low whine, he held his palm empty, and suddenly fell against Luo Chen’s chest under the explosive force of the magma.

The famous sword in Luo Chen’s hand was raised horizontally and horizontally, and two slashes were drawn out by the swing of his arm.

There was a trace of fear in Akainu’s fierce eyes. At that moment, his fist covered Armament Haki and collided with the two slashes, causing violent sparks.


Then, a shocking force swept out from the blade.

Shakes the air at Akainu’s fist into cobweb-like cracks.

Akainu groaned, took a few steps back, and stared at Luo Chen, who was not taking a step back, his fists were aching.

If it wasn’t for Armament Haki’s timely coverage, Luo Chen’s slash would be enough to cut off his fist.

Moreover, the ability of Shock Fruit, which is extremely destructive in melee combat, makes Luo Chen, a great swordsman who is good at melee combat, even more powerful.

The attack is accompanied by the power of shock that can carry out internal destruction, and it is really difficult to defend.

Armament Haki can only cover the surface, even if the shock force is weakened by Armament Haki on the way into the body, it is not pleasant.

Fortunately, Akainu is a strong general at the level of the emperor, and his physical skills, two-color Haki, and fruit ability development have not fallen.

Rather than relying too much on fruit abilities like Kizaru, Haki is a little weaker in Taijutsu.

“A la la, Mr. Laugh, can you fly faster at this speed?”

Aokiji put his hands in his pockets and said lazily.

Is this flight speed too slow?

Didn’t you see that Mr. Marshal is here now?

If it weren’t for his frozen fruit ability, he couldn’t fly, and he also wanted to save the trouble and let Fujitora fly over with a smile.

If he was using Moonwalk now, he would have already arrived.

“Well, I’m really sorry about that, Your Excellency Kuzan, it’s the fastest speed now.” Fujitora smiled sincerely and apologized.

This really can’t blame him, the gravity fruit ability, can control the flying dead object is not bad.

It’s not like Akainu uses magma explosions as propulsion.

“Forget it, anyway, it is impossible for the marshal to lose so easily.” Aokiji said.

The original three Admiral, the strength is almost the same.

And Akainu itself is a hawkish style, and he has always spared no effort in fighting pirates.

Luo Chen wants to defeat him, it is impossible for a while.

During the flight, Aokiji glanced across the island.

The navy who landed and the pirates who followed Luo Chen’s call were fighting together.

The scene was very chaotic, but although there were a lot of pirates, few of them really wanted to fight Marine again.

The Marines they came this time were of the general level, and it was not difficult to deal with.

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