After mastering these secret weapons, the Luo Chen Pirates were no longer in his eyes.

On the other hand, after the artificial moon was eliminated, the real moonlight began to spread into this area.

It turned out that there was always something on the sky above. covering.

The entire Moonlight Island is surrounded by a huge hard shell.

The previous artificial moon was hung on the surface of a huge hard shell.

If the artificial moon hadn’t been destroyed, there would have been holes in the huge hard shell, and it would have been impossible for the moonlight from the outside to spill in.

“Let Bullet move faster, don’t waste any more time, this secret base must be very important to the World Government, we must take it down.” Luo Chen said indifferently.

Then, the entire pirate group moved forward at a faster speed.

At this moment, the entire Moonlight Island suddenly began to shake.

One after another, silhouettes like hills continued to rush forward.

In the darkness, with the sound of thick breathing, danger slowly approached the Luo Chen Pirates.

Bullet, who was walking in the front, kept scanning the surroundings, and suddenly his eyes narrowed.

The black Armament Haki immediately wrapped the Bullet classic, as if wearing a layer of black armor.


Bullet clenched his fists and blasted straight ahead.

After a loud noise, Bullet’s voice flew backwards immediately.


The next moment, the black ghost energy erupted directly on the surface of Bullet’s body.

Bullet shouted angrily: “What? Since I can accept this uncle’s punch.”

Bullet entered the devil state without hesitation.

Then, I saw a few dark shadows gradually become clear.

It was a beast with bowls like hills. These beasts had red eyes, and the thick breathing kept thinking of them, and white smoke tangled back and forth at the tip of their noses.

“Damn, what the hell is this, how can they get so big?” Bullet’s face changed slightly.

A man on the side said tremblingly: “Boss, this looks like a rabbit.”

“What? Rabbit?” Bullet’s eyes widened and he looked forward carefully.

It was found that each figure had strong hind legs and forelimbs that were several times smaller. Of course, the most important thing was that there were two huge ears on the top of the head.

…… ask for flowers ……

“Are you a fucking rabbit?”

Bullet couldn’t help but curse.


Then the huge beast slammed on the ground with its hind legs, and rushed forward at a fast speed.


The wild beasts like hills continued to bombard the ground, and one after another violent sound continued to appear.


Bullet and his team were directly crushed under the gigantic beast.

In the surrounding environment, thick smoke and dust appeared and scattered around.

Luo’s face in the back changed greatly and said: “No, something big happened.

At the same time, Luo Chen and others who were at the back of the team also felt that the ground in front of them seemed to be shaking constantly.

Mrs. Shyarly and Hancock frowned slightly.

“It seems that Bullet’s mission this time is very difficult.” Luo Chen shook his head slightly, but he didn’t have any idea of ​​going to rescue.

After all, Bullet is a strong player from the Roger Pirates, and Luo Chen has absolute trust in his strength. Piece,

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