The sound of Spandam’s roar echoed in the laboratory, and many researchers in white coats trembled slightly.

In a short period of time, Spandam has established his absolute dominance by various brutal means.

I saw a man in a white coat said tremblingly: “Sir, this beast has not yet been successfully developed, they are only half-finished products, so

Spandam’s eyes were “forty-two”, and he stared at the man coldly, and said: “This is not the reason for failure, I will give you another half a month, and I must really study this beast.

As for this Luo Chen pirate group

I saw a middle-aged man with a black top hat on the side and said: “Sir, this research base is very important, and there must be no mistakes.”

Spandam also knows how much the World government attaches great importance to this research base and its talents and materials.

After pondering for a while, Spandam scolded secretly, and then said: “Everyone is ready to evacuate this island, according to our original plan to evacuate, remember, before this, we must leave a room for the Luo Chen Pirates. A big enough gift package.

“Follow your orders, my lord!”

Then, in the huge research base, people kept coming and going.

At the same time, Zephyr and Shiryu of Rain’s agreed time has come.

Among the weakest East Blue, a huge shadow hides behind the island.

This is Shiryu of the Rain and his fleet.

In order not to be informed of their movements by Naval Headquarters, the operation and the stream team used Zephyr, their latest research results, and then returned to East Blue without any risk.

Shiryu of the Rain looked at the peaceful East Blue in front of him, with a hideous smile on his face, and said: “I want to make this sea area surrender to my famous sword!

Set off!”

Shiryu of the Rain immediately headed for a Marine branch with her entire fleet.

Huge shadows swept across the East Blue.

On the other side, Zephyr and his new Marine combat team are in the North Blue waters.

Seeing that the appointed time had arrived, Zephyr immediately ordered: “All advance!”

An entire group of Black Pirates advanced rapidly, targeting the Marine branch of North Blue as well.

North Blue used to be the starting point for the Vinsmoke family domination.

Although the family is now dead, there are many assassination units here.

Therefore, when Zephyr and his battle team just revealed their whereabouts, many major forces have already learned of this.

Then the news of yesterday’s attack on North Blue quickly spread throughout the entire North Blue waters.

Well-informed people even learned that Shiryu of the Rain appeared in East Blue.

“Luo Chen Pirates, what are you trying to do?”

“Not long after the battle, is the Luo Chen Pirates going to attack Marine again?”

“Damn, I don’t have any time to recuperate at 4.6, Laozi has to run away again.

Anyone with discernment knows that the place where the Dustfall Pirates appear will definitely become the center of the battle.

If you want to survive, the best option is to leave the battle area quickly.

In the direction of Zephyr’s all the way, many small pirate groups did not dare to use their edge, leaving a suitable navigation area far away. .

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