Chapter 257

World government is able to control many Sea Kings of action, these huge beasts tend to have infinite terror body, they are huge amazing, when the roll of the waves of the world are invincible, it is precisely the existence of these creatures just let the whole world seems to be confusion and subversion .

The Sea Kings even been hit, do not fear, like the front of this big octopus tentacles that cross there, are like a python and a horror, where the body shaking, wavering.

Fujitora smile all of a sudden it will hit fly this beast, but immediately next to some more strange things in his thought is helping Kaido of the Beasts of the time, I did not expect this Kaido of the Beasts instantly turned into a terror Kuanglong, where direct mouths.

His mouth to release thousands of lightning directly hit them in this small area, Kaido of the Beasts is a kind of fruit Huanshou ability who can turn into a dragon flying in the sky, and when he’s angry, indeed shake heaven and earth, of all things collapse.

Which way he attacks is that most central areas, even next to a huge Sea Kings, more importantly Fujitora smile is here.

Fujitora smile Observation Haki quite amazing, in other incarnations of the moment when he realized, and he will instinctively feel that the atmosphere here is something wrong, and immediately hands more power in a burst release, this is more invincible Fujitora smile.

Maybe he’s not as combat that Kaido of the Beasts.

But in practice the terms of Observation Haki, these top strong not much more powerful than him, he lost his eye but can continue operations through superior perception.

Fujitora smile quietly released a powerful force, the moment in the hands of a knife to block the wind Jian Yu lightning shock and collapse Ming, he knew he was going to kill someone deliberately hands-on, this guy would be the one Kaido of the Beasts do?

Fujitora smile to block the blow power of lightning, around the continuing conflict in the explosion, although slightly surprised him, but it will not hurt.

But then Fujitora smile already smell the taste of the kind of crisis hit, he is not nervous but a little more excitement.

“Kaido of the Mr. Beasts, it seems the direction of your attack is some mistake, it was deliberate, decrepit all this is quite sensitive, and perhaps eye was blind, but these things I am sure I guess right. ”

Fujitora smile coldly said, this time he took the knife with one hand majestically stood there as if it is an insurmountable mountain, Kaido of the Beasts is from beginning to end did not say anything.

Next few wearing a white suit and jumped out of the CP0 agents, those agents are present in Wanokuni level really can not compare fighting in front of these people, they are more rapid, more powerful, fighting also higher.

This is true among the elite CPO agents, each of whom Grandmaster various Marine Six Styles of such fighting skills.

And the damage caused by attacks and by far the most people think of when they appear in an instant jump (do Lee’s) the way forward who everyone have a finger forward, it seems to have a sudden moment in the endless wind break out.

This is the spirit of these people is this unique ability, the presence of these people is to complete the task, who hands them dare to kill, Fujitora smile let alone.

Look at all this dust thoughtfully in the distant land.

The Wanokuni also suffered some other shock horror, surrounded by rolling relentless waves hit.

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