[Chapter 203 The preliminaries begin, the strongest lineup of Tōtsuki Academy

A day later, both Xie Jun and Erina received news of Yukihira Jōichirō’s defeat.

Major food magazines are scrambling to report it, and it’s hard for them to know.

The name Caibo Chaoyang appeared in everyone’s sight for the first time.

Office of Chief Tōtsuki.

Erina, Xie Jun, Hisako and Yukihira Sōma are all there.

Yukihira Sōma’s face was a little ugly.

He has called his father to confirm the authenticity of the news.

At the same time, he knew Caibo Chaoyang’s true identity.

Yukihira Sōma had a hard time accepting the news that his father had been defeated again.

And still lost to another ‘son’.

Erina frowned.

She also couldn’t believe that besides Xie Jun, there are still young people in this world who can defeat the long-established Chef Caibo.

After all, Jōichirō was the chef she admired most in the past, but now the object of her longing has been replaced by Xie Jun.

But Erina knows how powerful Chef Caibo is.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help looking at Xie Jun worriedly, and said in a low voice, “I know Chef Caibo’s cooking level very well, he’s probably one of the strongest chefs I’ve ever seen, and now he even loses to this Caibo. Chaoyang, and the opponent’s next goal is to solve Jun, I always feel a little uneasy!”


With a smile on Xie Jun’s face, he shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, Caibo Chaoyang is definitely here for the THEBLUE competition. Whether he comes to trouble me or not, we will meet on the field.

“Threats to be the strongest chef in the generation, and wants to take away my kitchen knife? Ah, I just don’t know if Yukihira-kun, the eldest brother, has that strength!”

Xie Jun’s face was full of confidence.

than cooking?

He has yet to lose.

Perhaps this talent wave Chaoyang can make him enjoy himself a little bit.

Erina and Hisako were speechless, and Yukihira Sōma smiled wryly.

Xie Jun is indeed a “halberd eater.

As long as you meet high-level opponents, you start to get excited.

Erina Beauty Eye Medium Wave Filter.

There is no denying that she just likes this confident man.

The worry in her heart gradually faded, and she has strong confidence in Xie Jun’s strength.

As if infected by this confidence, Yukihira Sōma’s face gradually returned to normal.

Although he is still far from being a top chef, he cannot interfere in the battle between Xie Jun and Caibo Chaoyang.

But he felt that he couldn’t admit defeat, as long as he continued to work hard, one day he could surpass his brother.

As for surpassing Xie Jun?

Forget it, Yukihira Sōma gave up long ago.

He’s been beaten enough, and he doesn’t want to find any more discomfort.

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, it was January 1st, the day when the THEBLUE competition started.

The current Elite Ten at Tōtsuki Gakuen, along with Erina, Hisako, Chennao, Akakubo Momo, and Eishi Tsukasa, gather to go to their destination.

This is already the strongest lineup in the history of Tōtsuki Gakuen.

All the teachers and students of the school believe that they can achieve the best results ever in the THEBLUE competition.

That’s right.

Xie Jun thought for a long time and finally decided to give the last spot to Eishi Tsukasa.

Eishi Tsukasa’s cooking level is second only to Xie Jun in Tōtsuki.

With him playing, Tōtsuki Gakuen has a better chance of getting good grades in the general group.

Xie Jun is very comfortable in the school now, and sometimes he has to think about Tōtsuki a little bit.

The general group of THEBLUE competition is divided into preliminaries and main competitions.

Only after entering the official competition through the qualifiers will the audience be invited to enter the stadium and broadcast live to the world.

The competition between top chefs will only start when the general group holds the main competition.

Everyone took a special car to their destination.

0- Ask for flowers…

This is a newly built venue somewhere in Tokyo.

When Xie Jun and others arrived, there were already many young chefs gathered here.

However, no well-known top chefs were found, and most of them were ordinary chefs.

It is estimated that only Xie Jun, the top chef who came with the team, will appear in the preliminaries of the general group.

As soon as Xie Jun came out, there was an uproar.

Food magazines around the world have long published photos of the youngest chef ever.

The tall Xie Jun instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

There was a trace of respect in the eyes of these ordinary chefs.

Regardless of age, whoever reaches it first.

A teenager who can become a top chef at the age of sixteen deserves everyone’s admiration.

Xie Jun looked around, and he didn’t know any of these contestants.

A little puzzled, there are no Tōtsuki graduates he knows.

After asking Erina, he realized that everyone can only participate in the THEBLUE contest once.

Shinomiya Kojiro and Kikuchienko have all participated once before, and naturally it is impossible to participate again this year unless they become top chefs.

The competition for the Top Chef category only started this year.

Even if you have participated in the THEBLUE competition in the past, as long as you become a top chef, you will be invited.

According to Yukihira Sōma, his father Jōichirō was among them.

However, after losing to Caibo Chaoyang, Jōichirō, who was deeply affected, gave up this idea.

Xie Jun found a place to rest at random, and Kobayashi Rentan and Erina went to the competition venue.

Spectators were not allowed to enter the preliminaries, and Xie Jun was no exception. He had to wait in the rest area.

“If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have come with the team so early.

Xie Jun lamented, feeling a little bored.

At this time, Annie, who was wearing a long lace dress, came with a faint smile on her face. and

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