[Chapter 212] Jade Broken Beads, True Butterfly Pie Leather

This is indeed an unexpected thing.

But when you think about it, it makes sense.

Xie Jun, Caibo Chaoyang, Liu Miaoke.

All three are considered to be the youngest top chefs of the generation.

There will naturally be competition between them.

Caibo Chaoyang even provoked Xie Jun when he was choosing ingredients.

Although Liu Miaoke didn’t say a word, the purpose of choosing red snapper as ingredients is self-evident.

Anne, Dekla, and Clutch didn’t care about the secret contest between the three young men.

They all looked at the dish in front of them with interest.

Now they knew in their hearts that the woman in front of them would not use an ordinary dish to deal with this competition.

The three first-class executives invariably did not touch the food in the soup.

Good things are naturally reserved for last.

The first thing they tasted was shark fin.

Gently pick up the shark fin inserted in the soup, the caviar inlaid on it seems to be faintly blooming.

Annie’s eyes flickered with suspicion.

Caviar is generally served cold.

Although Liu Miaoke did not heat it directly, he embedded the caviar into the fried shark fin.

Coupled with the temperature of the boiled fish soup itself, it is conceivable that the caviar also absorbs a lot of heat.

This half-baked caviar, Annie and others have never tasted.

147WGO provides top quality ingredients.

Shark fin naturally need not say more.

What Liu Miaoke chose was the dorsal fin, the cartilage taken from the shark’s dorsal fin.

The stewed shark fins are crystal clear, obviously the top delicacy.

In fact, the nutritional value of shark fin is not as good as that of eggs and meat.

But it has been known as one of the Eight Treasures from ancient times to the present, and has an extremely solid position in the various delicacies.

Not to mention its scarcity, just in terms of taste, it can also rank in the forefront of many ingredients.

Annie and others have naturally tasted many carefully crafted shark fins.

But they had never seen such crystal clear shark fins cooked by Liu Miaoke.

In particular, it is also inlaid with black gem-like caviar, like the emperor of jade broken pearls, giving people a poignant feeling.

“What’s the name of this dish?”

Annie didn’t rush to eat, but suddenly asked.

Dekla and Crazy also had a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

“Jade Broken Beads!”

Liu Miaoke’s red lips parted lightly, still cherishing words like gold.

Annie suddenly realized that she couldn’t help thinking of an ancient poem from the Xia Kingdom. She likes to read books, all kinds of books (abdf) are liked.

A thousand-foot-long flying stream hangs over the door of the cave, and Jade Broken Bead’s face is cold and sprayed with autumn. Ancient and modern do not know that the water is rolled, and the green dill is the hook with the moon.

Today, only this poem can describe this dish.

The red lips parted lightly, and Annie took a bite of the shark fin very gently.


The soft feeling touched the teeth, and the caviar burst open in the air.

The delicious taste instantly stimulated her nerves, causing her to moan involuntarily.

The caviar with the temperature of the road is not as uncomfortable as I imagined before.

As if a feeling naturally arises, the caviar tastes best only in this way.

After eating a small piece of shark fin, Annie and the others turned their attention to the soup noodles of the boiled fish.

Unlike ordinary boiled fish, what Liu Miaoke did was that there were no other side dishes except shark fins on the soup noodles.

It is like a bottomless red soup, revealing an indescribable sense of mystery.

Annie and the others picked up their spoons and gently scooped some out of the soup.

Only then did they discover that in addition to the red snapper fillets, there were vegetables such as tofu, shiitake mushrooms, and bean sprouts in the soup.

While tasting the dishes made by Liu Miaoke, Annie and the others showed intoxicated expressions on their faces.

Their consciousness has entered a world of beauty, and they are immersed in the world of seafood.

The majestic sea, the brave and vigorous sharks, the vegetation hidden in the bottom of the sea

Some of the illusions are so real, as if you can reach out and touch them.

Liu Miaoke’s artistic conception contains a brave and adventurous spirit.

This is a concrete manifestation of her state of mind.

Liu Miaoke, who has just become a top chef, is like a new generation of adventurers who set sail to the sea, full of passion all over his body.

Annie and the others slowly opened their eyes with smiles on their faces.

They all felt that Liu Miaoke’s cooking was very hopeful to satisfy Nagini Shinji’s “God’s Tongue.”

Annie prepared a plate of shark fins and sea bream, and naturally the staff brought it to the adult.

Caibo Chaoyang, who was the second cook, was actually keeping an eye on Liu Miaoke.

His “super hearing is not as good as Xie Jun’s, and naturally he can’t hear the conversations of those people in the attic.

But from Liu Miaoke’s cooking techniques, it can be seen that this woman is extremely extraordinary.

In particular, the other party’s boiled fish used shark fins like him.

However, Caibo Chaoyang still maintains the confidence he should have.

He didn’t think he would lose.

Caibo Chaoyang walked towards the judge’s seat with the dishes in his hand.

Even if the plate is covered with a bell-shaped lid,

Anne and the others still smelled a seductive fragrance.

What kind of delicious food does this have to be so that the lid can’t hide the taste?

This idea popped up in Annie and the others’ minds involuntarily.

Soon the answer will be revealed.

“Sea bream pie crust! Please try it!”

Caibo Chaoyang said lightly, his tone full of confidence.

Annie and the others were shocked.

Caibo Chaoyang’s dishes finally revealed their true colors, but they surprised everyone.

The appearance of this dish was very strange, and it even broke the cognition of this group of first-class executives.

On the utensils that hold the dishes, there is a layer of pie like a net.

The incomparably attractive fragrance seemed to form a smoke visible to the naked eye, floating from the grid.

“Please eat it directly with a spoon, it is recommended to taste it with the following ingredients and soup

Caibo Chaoyang always had a confident smile on his face, then raised his head to look at the high attic, and continued: “How about a special executive officer? You should be watching too, right?”

Everyone was shocked by Caibo Chaoyang’s arrogance.

No one expected that he would directly invite WGO’s top executive to taste it.

You must know that Liu Miaoke, who is from the family of God of Cooking, can enter the final tasting session only after her cooking is tasted by three judges.

However, Caibo Chaoyang intends to bypass the first link directly and enter the final review.

This conceited and arrogant person instantly aroused the resentment of the audience.

After all, the THEBLUE competition is sponsored by the WGO. No matter what their identities are, the contestants must abide by the rules set by the organizers.

Annie froze in place, and suddenly, her delicate earlobes trembled, and she nodded subconsciously.

Nakiri really, has given orders through a Bluetooth headset.

She also became a little interested in Caibo Chaoyang’s cooking.


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