[Chapter 215 Map of the mainland of red sea bream, Xia Guo Quartet Cuisine

“Hi~~~ That’s WGO’s special executive officer?”

“I didn’t expect this luminous dish to actually let this boss come to the scene!”

“Wait~~~ Why do I feel like she’s a little familiar?

“She is what I remember, she is the daughter of the Demon King, Nakiri!”

“Scary! I didn’t expect the boss of the WGO to be a member of the Nakiri family…

In the attic of the Tianshou Pavilion, there was a buzz of discussion again.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock of Luminous Cuisine,

Nagina really appeared, and once again shocked everyone’s jaws.

These celebrities in the food industry have always had a deep cooperative relationship with WGO.

But no one has ever seen the real face of the WGO boss.

Who would have thought that this boss would actually be a member of the Nakiri family.

For a time, the weight of Nakiri’s family in everyone’s heart became heavier.

Nakiri Senzaemon and Yukihira Jōichirō did not leave and were still watching the broadcast in the attic.

After Nakiri sat down, he couldn’t wait to taste Xie Jun’s dishes.

Instead, he carefully looked at the real dish in front of him. 01

Seeing it with your own eyes is very different from what you see on TV.

Apart from the fish head and tail, this red sea bream dish has the shape of a rooster in the middle, which is indeed very similar to the territory of the Xia Kingdom.

Nakiri was really startled.

This is simply the most imaginative dish she has ever seen in her life.

He raised his head slightly, Xie Jun’s figure reflected in his beautiful eyes, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Nagina really couldn’t imagine how the other party came up with such an idea.

For a long time, she hesitated: “Xie Jun, what is the name of this dish?”

Xie Jun smiled and said casually: “Map of the real sea bream continent!”

“Continental map? A very apt name for the dish. This dish in front of me really reminds me of the majesty of the Xia Kingdom!”

Nakiri really let out a burst of emotion, ready to taste this magical dish in front of him.

The scent in the air was light, but the three reviewers made no comments.

Whether the food is good or not can only be known if you taste it yourself.

[Map of Red Sea Bream Continent] It is clearly divided into four parts.

Each section uses a different cooking method.

According to the different styles of the dishes, they can be divided into four directions: east, west, northwest.

Nakiri Mohui first eats dishes that represent the North.

“It’s made by wrapping thick red snapper fillets and scallions in the dough, and grilled in the same way as Peking-style roast duck.”

“It’s so rich in Beijing cuisine, it even gave me the illusion of being in the Xia Kingdom, the capital city…

Nakiri’s really beautiful eyes sparkled, and she was intoxicated by the deliciousness, and she involuntarily let out a groan.

“It turns out that the West represents Sichuan cuisine? The fattest fish in the red snapper is wrapped in the skin and deep-fried, and then topped with a layer of red oil sauce. …

Oh my god “~~~ This combination of deliciousness and spicyness is simply addicting!!!”

Annie’s face was flushed, and it seemed that she was completely addicted to the flavor of Sichuan cuisine.

“Eastern Magic City, every piece of elastic sashimi is covered with delicious crab roe, it’s a gorgeous and delicious masterpiece~~~

Crazy instantly felt an extreme umami taste, as if she had come to that extremely prosperous metropolis again.

“Southern Cantonese cuisine, the plump belly of the red snapper, with the unique vegetables in Guangxi, mixed together with rich oil consumption.”

“The red snapper meat and fresh vegetables are a perfect combination. The delicious taste seems to make me feel the breath of spring~~”

Nakiri has really started tasting dishes that represent the South.

She never imagined that Xie Jun would perfectly present the dishes representing the four major flavors of the Xia Kingdom in one dish.

This is different from Caibo Chaoyang’s forcible fusion of flavors from all over the world.

Xie Jun presents the four most representative flavors.

Taste it in turn, but it gives a completely different feeling.

Nakiri and others seem to have traveled through the vast mountains and rivers of the Xia Kingdom, feeling the majesty of that great country, and enjoying the delicacies of different regions.

“Delicious, so delicious~~~”

“It’s like a dream!”

“I’ve never eaten such delicious real crocodile meat!”

The three censors looked like crazy, stunned everyone present.

They couldn’t believe that a special executive officer and two first-class executive officers could be so crazy because of a dish.

Seeing their intoxicated faces, Drake, who was beside him, wanted to cry without tears.

She was supposed to eat the luminous food, but now she can only watch from the side.

Those who have not experienced this feeling of suddenly falling from heaven to hell are simply unimaginable.

At this moment, Deklar’s heart was full of despair.

Caibo Chaoyang and Liu Miaoke were heartbroken for a while.

As can be seen from the expressions of the three executives,

Xie Jun’s cuisine is obviously a thousand times more tempting than theirs.

At least the other party is just indulging in it when he tastes his own food.

But now, the three of them are obviously completely crazy.


There is also a special executive officer.

Caibo Chaoyang and Liu Miaoke’s hearts sank, and there was a wry smile on their faces.

At this moment, like some of Tōtsuki’s students, they deeply realized the power of Xie Jun.


in the attic.

“Isn’t it? Is it really that delicious?”

“Are four flavors in a single serving more delicious than a combination of flavors?”

“I don’t know, but since the special executives are so intoxicated, Xie Jun’s cooking should be better, right?”

“As expected of the youngest top chef in history, he conquered all the executives as soon as he shot.

“Yes, Miss Liu Miaoke, who is also from the God of Cooking family, is slightly inferior.

“It seems that the champion of the top group should be Xie Jun…

Celebrities from all over the world.

Looking eagerly at Nakiri and others tasting the food.

I heard a series of admiration from the three of them.

At this moment, everyone can’t wait to rush off the field to take their place.

This is the first time they have seen Luminous Cuisine,

The comments of Nakiri and others fell into their ears without fail.

Now my heart is itching like a cat’s scratch, and I can’t wait to eat a bite of Xie Jun’s food.

But unfortunately, they are just invited spectators, not censors.

Naturally, he was not qualified to come on stage to review the cooking of the contestants, so he could only stare in the attic.

At this moment, everyone finally saw the power of luminous cooking.

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