[Chapter 218] Yulong Pot, Xie Jun owns four legendary kitchenware

“The champion of the top group of this THEBLUE competition is — Xie Jun!”

When Nakiri announced the final winner, there was a burst of applause in the attic.

These celebrities from all over the world may have never dealt with Xie Jun before.

But they, who have always been in this circle, have an almost fanatical love for food.

And Xie Jun, who can make luminous dishes, naturally gets their approval.

Such a talented chef can get the – top class champion.

They seem to have foreseen that in the future, the other party will definitely be at the pinnacle of the cooking world.

Annie had a sweet smile on her face.

She was the first person in WGO to see Xie Jun’s cooking skills,

He was also the first person to taste each other’s food.

At the same time, she recommended Xie Jun to Nakiri.

Now the other party can win the final victory, which also proves her vision.

The smile on Nakiri’s face quickly faded, she was a cold-hearted person.

She, who has been stern for a long time, has forgotten to laugh like this.

Soon, a staff member entered the venue carrying a safe.

The system prompt sounded in Xie Jun’s mind instantly.

He knew that what was inside was the Jade Dragon Pot.

He didn’t care about the woman who seemed to be in the dark cooking world beside him.

Xie Jun stood up and walked towards Nakiri.

The latter was amused for a while, and an arc was drawn on his face.

When he announced the winner just now, Xie Jun didn’t move, as if he didn’t care about the honor of the champion of the competition.

Now that the prize came out, this kid came over immediately, clearly thinking that Yulong Pot was more attractive.

Nakiri shook her head secretly, and somehow she didn’t dislike Xie Jun’s frank and unpretentious behavior.

Because she herself is a person who only pursues her own heart and never cares about worldly vision.

WGO uses the most advanced safe, and if anyone other than herself wants to forcibly open it, the self-destruction system in the safe will be activated.

Don’t think that the legendary kitchen utensils will not be destroyed, with the current level of technology, the Yulong pot can be melted in minutes.

Nakiri opened the safe without hesitation, and two Chinese iron pots appeared in front of everyone.

The two pots are identical, the bottom of the pot is engraved with ancient characters, and each pot has two handles.

Everyone in the attic stared intently at the “Jade Dragon Pot” that appeared on the jury’s table.

“Is this the legendary kitchen utensil? It looks very ordinary, doesn’t it?”

“The shape is also very strange. It is completely the style of ancient Chinese kitchenware. I don’t know what is so magical about this pot?”

“I didn’t expect to see the legendary kitchen utensils in my life, and I came to Neon Country to watch the game in vain!

According to the legend, “the kitchen utensils are all magical kitchen utensils made by a famous chef in Xia Kingdom thousands of years ago. I don’t know where WGO found them?”

“I heard that Xie Jun already has two legendary kitchenware, plus the prizes of this competition

Oh my god “~~~ Four legendary kitchen utensils, I didn’t expect them to fall into the same hands!

Celebrities around the world have more or less heard some legends about these amazing kitchenware.

But in the legend, how many kitchen utensils are there and what functions each one has, they don’t know anything about it.

However, this kind of magical kitchen utensils cannot be considered too much with the toes, otherwise it cannot be called a legendary item.

Coupled with the publicity of the media some time ago, many people know that Xie Jun has the eternal sword and the magic holy bronze.

0 Ask for flowers…  

Today, Xie Jun is the sole owner of four legendary kitchen utensils.

While everyone was shocked, there was even more envy in their eyes.

But most people have no intention of fighting.

– Most of these celebrities are not chefs, and the legendary kitchen utensils can only be handed over to others for use.

Secondly, Xie Jun’s background is a bit scary. It is not a cost-effective thing to offend Xie’s family, one of the three families of Xia Guoyu, just for the sake of food.

Xie Jun didn’t care about the audience’s comments, the two Yulong pots in front of him were obviously more worthy of his attention.

“Xie Jun, get your reward~~~”

Nakiri really said lightly that she didn’t even have a trace of nostalgia on her face when she gave out the legendary kitchen utensils.

This makes Xie Jun feel a little strange, but after thinking about it, it has not been recognized by the legendary kitchen utensils, and they cannot fully play their due functions.

Just like when Nakamura Thistle and Eishi Tsukasa use the ‘Magic Holy Bronze Ware, except for the most basic functions of foaming and quick cooking, there is almost no flavor enhancement to the ingredients.

It is estimated that Nakiri has tried to use the “Jade Dragon Pot” for cooking a long time ago, but most of them can’t make dishes that can satisfy her “God Tongue”.

In fact, Xie Jun’s guess is not wrong, Nakiri has tried countless times.

Since I can’t play the magical function of the “Jade Dragon Pot”, it is better to take it out as a prize than to keep it as a waste product.

Anyway, the purpose of her THEBLUE competition is to find delicious food that she has never tasted.

As long as there are chefs who can meet this requirement, they are also eligible for the legendary kitchen utensils.

And with this layer of origin, it will be much more convenient to ask for delicious food in the future.

A person who can become a WGO chief executive will not do such a loss-making business. and.

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