[Chapter 237] Four real concubines and four emperors

The reason why Xie Jun didn’t want to meet Shijo Shiina after he came to Neon Country.

Naturally, it was because they were still complaining about the parents who liked their sons.

I could have been a wealthy young man with peace of mind, but I have lived a hard life in the mountains and forests since I was a child. Who can bear this?

Of course, with the growth of age, I have also learned a lot, and this kind of complaint has gradually weakened, but it has not completely disappeared.

In fact, he also understands the difficulties of his parents. The Xie family is completely the old man’s word. His father, who has been hiding abroad all the year round, is even more afraid to put a fart in front of the old man.

Especially whenever the old man Xie took out the steel rod, his father shivered with fright. It is conceivable that the other party experienced the baptism of the “steel rod of love” when he was a child.

His father also had no talent as a chef, so he had the opportunity to show his talents in the business world, and he also married the eldest lady of the Shijo family back then.

However, even if the two couples were having a good time outside, they still didn’t dare to disobey the old man’s intention.

Since seeing Xie Jun’s extraordinary talent, his hard days have come.

Shijo Shiina does go back to Xia Country to visit Xie Jun every year.

But the undisciplined father rarely went back, mainly because he was afraid of being beaten.

But Xie Jun really can’t stand the enthusiasm of his mother.

How old you are, how embarrassing it is to hold him like this.

After a long time, Shijo Shiina seemed to sense his gaffe before releasing Xie Jun, wiping the tears from his eyes without a trace.

Maria doesn’t seem to be surprised by this, but she doesn’t know how many times she has received calls from his wife, crying why Xie Jun hasn’t come to see her.

Shijo Shiina is worthy of being a strong woman in the business world. She is even better at changing faces than Erina. The next moment she put on an elegant smile and said, “You are the Kobayashi-chan that Xiaojun often mentions, right? Auntie has long wanted to see you. You’re a real person, and it’s much more beautiful than what you see on TV!”

Hearing Xie Jun’s mother’s praise, Xiaolin Rentan bowed his head a little embarrassedly, and whispered: “I’m also very happy to see my aunt, and my aunt is also very beautiful, not like Xie Jun’s mother at all, but more like him. my sister..

Oops “Oops, Kobayashi-chan’s mouth is so sweet, auntie likes you more and more~~~”

Shijo Shiina naturally took Kobayashi Rindo’s hand, and the two walked in front of them and chatted in a low voice, seeming to have forgotten the existence of Xie Jun.

Xie Jun glanced at his mouth and felt that his mother’s ability to talk nonsense was not small, and it was the same as the truth.

Since coming to Neon Country, Xie Jun hasn’t answered his mother’s phone.

Needless to say, Shijo Shiina’s understanding of Kobayashi Gentian must have come from Maria.

However, seeing how his mother and Xiaolin Rentan were talking happily, Xie Jun was relieved, and he was also worried that his mother would not look down on Rentan-senpai.

Although, even if the family opposes their relationship, it is useless.

Xie Jun is not afraid to solve the old man, does he still care about his parents who seldom meet.

After going up the stairs, I came to the lobby on the second floor.

Xie Jun and Kobayashi Rentan found that a lot of people had gathered here.

Although Xie Jun had never seen anyone from the Shijo family except his mother, he had long known from Maria that Shijo Shiina gathered the elite of the Shijo family this time.

It was a special welcome party.

The welcome object is naturally Xie Jun and Kobayashi Rentan.

Xie Jun is very helpless about this, he has always disliked such big family gatherings.

After all, he and the people of the Shijo family are still relatively separate.

As a family that split off from the Shinomiya family more than a hundred years ago, the Shijo family has developed over the years and has many members of the direct line and the branch family.

And now, all the members of the Shijo family gathered here, and they are definitely the elite among the elites in the Neon Kingdom.

The most striking is a man who is 80% similar in appearance to Shijo Shiina.

Xie Jun (abdf) once heard her mother say that this should be her twin brother, Shijo Shingo.

And beside this man, stood two boys and girls with similar appearances, obviously also a pair of twins.

Xie Jun was speechless for a while, and always felt that the genes of the Shijo family were a bit unique, and it was so easy to have twins.

Xie Jun doesn’t know much about the pair of children from his uncle’s family, but he just heard about it from his mother.

It seems to be called Shijo Emperor and Shijo True Concubine.

Concubine Shijo was wearing the uniform of Shuchiin High School, a famous school in neon, with short brown hair in a double ponytail, and a pair of purple eyes staring curiously at Xie Jun and Kobayashi Rentan, with a shallow smile on her face. cute look.

The four emperors’ hair color and pupil color are exactly the same as that of the four real concubine, except that he looks a little serious in a white casual suit, with a straight face from beginning to end, as if everyone owes him 1.8 million.

Xie Jun doesn’t know if this guy is like this, or if he doesn’t like him for the first time.

But he didn’t care, this time he mainly brought Xiaolin Rentan to see his mother, and went through a cutscene by the way.

As for the people of the Shijo family, he never took it to heart.

Although everyone is relatives, but they have never been in contact with each other, naturally there is no relationship.

Xiaolin Rentian held Xie Jun’s arm, and it was the first time she experienced this kind of occasion, which still made her a little nervous and restrained.

Only by relying on Xie Jun can she feel safe.

The school uniform of Shuchiin High School gives people a feeling of British aristocracy. The black and white knee-length skirt does not give people a monotonous feeling, but adds a bit of extravagance.

As a first-class prestigious school, the status of Shuin High School in Neon Country is equivalent to that of Tōtsuki Academy in the food industry.

It’s just that one goes the route of cultivating elites in business and politics, while the other is the cradle of elite chefs.

Xie Jun and Rindo Kobayashi also don’t know why Shijo Makoto wears school uniforms to the family dinner?

Logically speaking, Shuchiin High School should be on vacation now, right?

Fortunately, both Xie Jun and Xie Jun are carefree characters, and they never bother to think about problems they can’t figure out.

Concubine Shijo looked curiously at this long-awaited cousin in front of her.

I just feel that the other party is very tall, not like a person with four bloodlines.

It has been almost a year since he came to Neon Country, and Xie Jun has now grown to 1.88 meters.

In the eyes of Sijo Zhenfei, who was less than 1.6 meters tall, she was simply a little giant.

Most of the people in Neon Country are not tall, Xie Jun is tall enough to crush everyone present.

On the other hand, the four emperors were a little unhappy and waved their mouths.

Because when talking to Xie Jun, he always has to keep his head up.

Immediately, a feeling of inferiority arose.

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