[Chapter 240] Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara

The Shinomiya family has a very long history, even dating back to the Warring States Period of Neon.

From hundreds of years ago to the present, the Shinomiya family has maintained a strong influence, and even the former shogunate and the emperor could not shake the status of this family.

Such a family with a long history is naturally full of talents. In almost every era, there are outstanding talents who have led the Sinomiya family to glory from generation to generation, making this towering tree even more luxuriant.

But at a certain period, the people of Siyanjia changed completely, and they became arrogant and paid more attention to status and class.

It was at that time that some members of the Sinomiya family began to oppose this class-defining status quo, which eventually turned into a battle between two different factions.

In the end, some members of the Si Gong family went abroad with a small amount of resources and laid a huge foundation abroad.

In this generation, there are two business geniuses, Shijo Shingo and Shijo Shiina.

With the influence of one of the three families of Xia Guoyu, the Shijo family returned to the Neon Kingdom more than ten years ago.

In fact, after more than 100 years of development, the current Shijo family has no blood relationship with the Shinomiya family.

But the two guys who are connected by flesh and blood are still in the same situation.

As the head of the Shijo family, the Shinomiya family has always regarded this family as a traitor, and could not wait to get rid of it.

Especially in the past ten years, the two wealthy families have come and gone on the same land, and they have been fighting happily.

Now that the Fourth Palace Patriarch suddenly came to the door, even Xiaolin Rentan, an outsider, knew that the other party was not good.

As for whether the other party came to Xie Jun, it is unknown.

Thinking of this, Kobayashi Rentan couldn’t help but look at his boyfriend worriedly.

Xie Jun naturally thought of this, and shook his head with a smile, signaling his girlfriend not to worry.

Entering the hall was a grey-haired old man who looked like he was in his sixties.

The silver-white hair was combed with a big back, and he looked radiant and energetic.

Behind the old man, there were two girls with very different styles.

One of them was a cute girl who tied up her black and bright hair with a red scarf, and her brown-red eyes gave a sense of agility.

The other is a girl with long pink hair and sapphire blue eyes. The bangs on her forehead add a cute color to her.

You don’t have to think about it to know that this old man is the current head of the Si Gong family, Si Gong Yan’an.

Rao is Xie Jun, who doesn’t pay much attention to these things, and has also seen this guy on TV.

And beside Shinomiya Yanan, there was also a man wrapped in black robe, giving Xie Jun a very familiar feeling.

“Patriarch of the Fourth Palace is here, I don’t know what to do?”

Shijo Shiina slowly got up, with a faint smile on his face, as if he was really welcoming the other party.

Shitiao Zhenwu and the others did the same, and did not show any dissatisfaction at all.

The two have been fighting for decades, and they have already reached a certain tacit understanding, and they will never show hostility easily.

Typical face grinning, heart MMP.

Xie Jun was speechless about this for a while, and he also inherited a little bit of understanding of the old man’s irritable and impatient personality.

It’s just that this is the grudge between the two families of Gong Shijo, and he, who has no sense of belonging to his family, naturally cannot understand the psychology of his family.

Sigong Yan’an smiled and said old-fashioned: “Isn’t this heard that the son of the four patriarchs has returned, so he came to pay a visit~~~

The old man’s words were very polite, but his protracted tone had a strange feeling, making it difficult to understand his true intentions.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shinomiya Yan’an’s eyes fell on Xie Jun, and he said with a smile: “This must be the youngest top chef in history, the son of the Shijo family master is indeed a hero, and he is very young at a young age. There has been a huge wave in the food industry, and now the food-related circles around the world are discussing topics about you~~~

Shinomiya Yanan praised without restraint, as if she was very envious of Shijo Shiina for giving birth to such an excellent son, and her eyes were filled with deep appreciation.

The two girls behind him suddenly showed surprised expressions on their faces. They had never seen the owner praise a young man so much, and the other party was just a cook.

Facing the words that looked like the old fox said, Xie Jun and his mother didn’t believe a word.

After all, after fighting with Shinomiya Yanan for more than ten years, Shijo Shiina knew very well what this old fox was like.

Since the other party wasted his tongue and said so much nonsense, he must have a deeper purpose.

Therefore, Shijo Shiina’s eyes fell on the black-robed man beside him.

Obviously, the Shinomiya family is completely directed at Xie Jun.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that the son came to attend the family banquet on the front foot, and then came to visit Shigong Yanan on the back foot.

Thinking of this, the smile on Shijo Shiina’s face gradually subsided, and he said coldly: “Tell me, what exactly does the Shinomiya Patriarch want to do this time?”

If it’s just a business and political battle between the two families, Shijo Shiina is not worried, then it’s a normal thing, everyone can do it according to their abilities, and she has long since become accustomed to it.

But when it comes to his precious son, Shijo Shiina will not give the Shinomiya family any good looks.

At this moment, she is like a lioness protecting her calf, exuding a cold and stern breath all over her body.

Shinomiya Yanan didn’t seem to care about Shijo Shiina’s change of face, and smiled lightly: “Shijo Patriarch don’t have to worry, I have no ill intentions this time, I just want to meet the new star in the food industry, my youngest daughter and her friends. , But I have always admired nephew Xie Jun.”

Behind them, Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara looked stunned.

The two were only temporarily taken to the Shijo family’s suburban manor by Shinomiya Yan’an, and they had no idea of ​​the master’s plan.

Even Shinomiya Kanan’s biological daughter, Shinomiya Kaguya, doesn’t know her father’s plans, let alone her friend Chika Fujiwara.

However, the two women are smart people, they instantly understood Shinomiya Yan’an’s plan, and then the expressions on their faces returned to normal, as if they were not the ones who were stunned just now.

The relationship between the two wealthy families and the relationship between water and fire, the two women knew very well, and at this time, it was the wisest choice to keep silent.

Xie Jun and others took all of this into their eyes, and the two girls behind Shinomiya Yanan were obviously just tools drawn by the other party.

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