[Chapter 243 The surprise of the noble ladies, the cooking is indeed extensive and profound


Four True Concubine was dumbfounded.

How did you become a censor in a blink of an eye?

She doesn’t know anything about this.

For a while, she reacted immediately, her little head kept swinging, and her two short ponytails moved back and forth.

“No, no~~~ I can’t do it!”

Sijo True Concubine quickly refused, as long as she thought about the censorship work under the crowd, she felt a little panic in her heart.

Even if her social skills are good, she is only a sixteen-year-old girl now, and she is always afraid of making wrong judgments.

A flash of thought flashed in Emperor Shijou’s eyes. Just now, he was slapped back by Xie Jun, and he just took this opportunity to see how capable this “cousin” is.

Sigong Huiye looked coldly at her father’s back, she was as smart as she knew the man’s plan, and the other party obviously regarded her as a tool person.

In addition to making excuses to propose eating halberds, you must also make yourself a judge, the purpose of which is self-evident, just in case you are ready to cheat.

Chihua Fujiwara’s reaction was exactly the same as Concubine Shijo, but this beautiful girl with a little black belly was just pretending, and she was extremely looking forward to Xie Jun’s cooking.

The last time she watched the THEBLUE contest, she almost drooled when she saw the intoxicated judges.

Subconsciously swallowing her throat, Fujiwara Chika felt that coming here with Kaguya Shinomiya this time was an extremely wise choice.

Shijo Shiina sighed, and as expected, Xie Jun did not reject Shinomiya Yanka’s proposal.

This kid has always been like this, as long as it comes to cooking, his self-confidence is about to break through the sky.

Shinomiya Yanan is not one of those young executives of the WGO. It is not an easy task to defeat the opponent’s willpower with delicious food.

Shijo Shiina raised a trace of worry for no reason, but did not show it.

Now that her precious son is about to eat halberds with others, she doesn’t want to cause any pressure to the other party.

In fact, both Xie Jun and Shijo Shiina knew that this was an inevitable halberd.

Even if there are no conditions in the end, it will evolve into the current situation.

The arrival of Shinomiya Yan’an was already doomed to this result.

The two families of the same origin at the beginning of the lake will never be able to give in to each other.

As Shijo Shiina’s son, Xie Jun naturally won’t sit idly by.

However, as long as you can know the whereabouts of a legendary kitchen utensils, this halberd is not a loss!

A smile appeared on Xie Jun’s face, who was picking ingredients, and doing good things made him more motivated.

Xie Jun picked red-eyed snow crabs, which are common on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

The bright red shell, like a coat made of maple leaves, is enthusiastic and unrestrained.

The red-eyed snow crab is much larger than the grey-eyed snow crab. An adult red-eyed snow crab weighs about four or five pounds.

Xie Jun picked a few at random and started preparing the dishes.

Mako Shijo watched curiously as the two top chefs selected ingredients.

After being introduced by Shinomiya Yanan just now, everyone knows Xiang En’s name.

“It’s so strange, why did the sea crabs that Mrs Xiang En chose look like this?

Concubine Shijo was puzzled, she had never seen this kind of crab before, the shell was grayish-yellow, and it looked soft.

She could see clearly just now, when Xiang En picked up the crab and pressed it hard, the crab shell actually dented.

As a noble lady, Shijo Mako is not good at distinguishing ingredients at all.

Xiaolin Gentian explained with a smile: “Because it is a soft shell crab, the shell is naturally a little soft.”

“Soft shell crab?”

The four Shuichi Academy seniors turned their heads to look at Kobayashi Rentan with curiosity in their eyes.

Even the Shijo Shiina siblings are no exception.

Kobayashi Gentian began to explain for these people.

In fact, the soft shell crab is a short-lived form shortly after the crab molts.

Crabs have to go through 13 shells in their life. Each time they grow up, it is like the beginning of a new life. When they shed their shells, they remove their photos, food sacs, and internal organs, so there is no trace of dirt on their bodies.

The new shell of the crab will gradually harden when it comes into contact with the water for a few hours, so the reason why the soft shell crab is precious is that the whole body is soft and does not have any sea odor within a few hours of changing the shell.

Xiaolin Gentian also did not expect Xiang Enhui to find another way to choose this high-quality ingredient.

0. Ask for flowers…  

Moreover, the soft-shell crabs all look the same, and she couldn’t distinguish the original species of the soft-shell crabs from a distance.

As for what exactly Xiang En plans to cook?

Just by looking at the ingredients selected by the other party, Kobayashi Gentian couldn’t see it either.

After all, Chinese cuisine has a wide variety of cuisines, and there are countless branches under the eight major cuisines.

Although Kobayashi Rentan and Xie Jun have been acquainted with each other, they have been taking time to understand Chinese cuisine, but it is still impossible to know everything.

After Kobayashi Rentou’s explanation, Shijo Maharaja and Fujiwara Chika couldn’t help but smacked their tongues secretly, and were shocked for a while.

Who would have thought that just a small crab could be divided into so many types.

The depth of the doorway completely refreshed their cognition.

Cooking is really extensive and profound.

And according to the other party, the identification and research of ingredients is only a compulsory course for chefs to get started.

It is conceivable that it is not an easy thing to become a good chef.

But… Xie Jun has now become a top chef rumored in the food industry, which makes the two girls admire even more.

Sigong Huiye’s beautiful eyes had a wave of light in the laser pool, but it just flashed by, and no one noticed.

Family education and childhood experiences have made her develop such a cold temper, and generally few things can move her.

“Even if you are curious about the food industry and Xie Jun, Kaguya Shinomiya will never reveal it.

Xie Jun obviously knows more about Chinese cuisine than Kobayashi gentian.

From Xiang En’s selection of materials, he had already guessed what the other party wanted to cook.

Air Fried Seven Flavor Soft Shell Crab!

It is a branch of Minnan cuisine and can be seen everywhere in the streets along the coast of Xia Kingdom.

It’s not difficult to do, as long as you know the cooking steps, anyone can make it at home.

It’s just that I want to make the ultimate delicious food, but it’s a test of the chef’s craftsmanship.

After all, this is a battle between top chefs.

Xie Jun didn’t care about Yin’s operation, no matter what kind of ingredients the other party chose, he would not change the dishes he had already decided.

June yellow!

It is also a famous dish in the coastal area of ​​Xia Kingdom. and,

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