[Chapter 256] The two countries exchange rare ingredients scientific research group

As a herbalist, Hisako has always had a soft spot for Chinese herbal medicine.

Now that she suddenly saw a large piece of herb, she couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed.

But this kind of feeling that can only be seen from a distance and cannot be played with, really makes her extremely depressed.

“Licorice, Artemisia annua, Prunella, red and blue flowers, don’t look at them, they are just some very common herbs!

Xie Jun looked at the sand squatting on the ground speechlessly, feeling how this girl couldn’t walk when she saw the herbs.

And the other party is now wearing a red sportswear, the clothes are a little loose.

She looks a little stretched when she wears it, giving people a cute feeling.

Sure enough, even if a good-looking girl wears ill-fitting clothes, it’s not too bad.

“Is it normal?”

Hisako was slightly taken aback.

Red and blue flowers are precious herbs that are hard to find in the market.

How did it become so ordinary in Xie Jun’s mouth?

Xie Jun laughed: “Well, when you enter the no-man’s land, you will know what it is to cherish medicinal herbs!


Hisako was still a little unresponsive, and a surprise flashed in his eyes.

But it always felt like something wasn’t quite right.


What did Xie Jun just say?

No man’s land?


We’re going to no man’s land?

Hisako finally reacted, and after standing up, she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

No man’s land is terrifying, she had already found out on the Internet last night, but there is a dangerous land with a survival rate of less than 1%.

Why did you wait for someone to go to such a dangerous place?

Hisako’s stiff neck slowly turned, and he looked at Erina with an ugly face, but the latter looked as usual.

At this time, no matter how slow Hisako was, he understood that his eldest lady already knew the destination of this trip.

And everyone should know.

Dare to be affectionate, is it the only one left in the dark?

Hisako felt like crying at this point.

She wasn’t worried about her own safety.

Just thinking that my eldest lady is going to such a dangerous place, I can’t help but worry.

Seeing Hisako who was about to cry, Alice laughed heartlessly.

She had been looking forward to this scene all night, and now she finally got what she wanted.


Xie Jun was speechless for a while, always feeling that Alice was a little crazy.

Fortunately, Hisako has followed Erina all the year round, and his psychological endurance is still quite strong, and he soon returned to normal.

Thinking of the legend about the Shenlongjia and the large number of rare plants that may exist in the no-man’s land, Hisako was slightly moved.

Erina saw through the girl’s mind in an instant, pulled the direction and walked into the depths of the forest.

It’s just that Hisako has some doubts.

Isn’t the no-man’s land a place strictly forbidden to enter the Shenlongjia Reserve?

So how do they get in?

until outside the fence of the protected area.

Only then did Hisako know that Xie Jun had been fully prepared for this trip.

The two countries exchange rare food materials scientific research team!

This is the name of the group of them.

Simply put.

In fact, it was an exchange group composed of students from the Xia Kingdom and the Neon Kingdom, who arranged to enter the Shenlongjia No Man’s Land for a scientific investigation.

Of course, everything was arranged by Maria.

For Xie Jia, it is not too simple to do this little thing.

Although the staff of the reserve felt that the name of this scientific research group was a bit strange.

But after all, there are documents issued by the National Academy of Sciences, and they have no reason to stop it.


Cherish the exchange of food?

How do you feel like facing a chef?

Isn’t this group of students a group of chefs?

When the figures of Xie Jun and others disappeared in the depths of the forest.

Such an idea popped into the staff’s mind.

But it shouldn’t be possible, right?

How could the cook go to the no-man’s land of Shenlongjia to do research?

This joke is not funny at all!

The staff instantly denied their thoughts.

It is still below the main peak of Shenlongjia.

The endless alpine arrow bamboos are full of spring.

The exposed rocks on the top of the main peak are like a series of broken wall remnants, looming.

In fact, the well-known main peak of Shenlongjia is just the highest known peak.

As for whether there are higher peaks in the no-man’s land, no one knows.

Because the no-man’s land is not only filled with miasma, but also the magnetic field is chaotic.

Not even the most advanced detection equipment can detect everything in it.

Xie Jun walked at the front with a large bag on his back.

The backpack contains tents, iron pots and other things.

After all, I don’t know how long I will stay in the no-man’s land, and the necessary materials (to get the king’s favor) are still essential.

Erina and Hisako walked in the middle.

It was the first time for the two to come to the primeval forest, and they couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.

After all, the fog has gradually appeared around, and the trees and vegetation have become blurred in a little distance.

As long as they think that there may be things like wild animals appearing around, the two girls feel a little bit in their hearts.

Kobayashi Gentian and Alice walked last.

The former is very daring, and once alone dared to venture into the Amazon forest.

This situation is not enough to make her nervous.

Alice has always been a crazy girl.

Although it was the first time she came here, she looked around at this time, and her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

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