【Chapter 273】The door has been welded, no one wants to go out

Xie Jun, who was far away in the summer province, naturally did not know that in the eyes of Shinomiya Kaguya and others, he had become a scumbag.

But even if he knew about it, he wouldn’t care, anyway, he didn’t have any intersection with those two beautiful girls.

After a few days of wandering around Shenlongjia with Xiaolin Gentian and Erina.

Xie Jun and his party went to Daxing Xiaoling in the northeast of Xia Kingdom.

That’s where Xie Jun grew up.

Daxing Xiaoling is the intact and largest virgin forest in the Xia Kingdom. It starts from the banks of the Heiwan River in the north and reaches the upper valley of the Xilamulun River in the south. The area is 327,200 square kilometers.

The virgin forests here are dense and it is one of the extremely important forestry bases in the Xia Kingdom.

As one of the three great culinary families of the Xia Kingdom, it was an easy task for the Xie family to get a piece of land here.

In the vicinity of Sukexielu Mountain, Mr. Xie has built a lot of hills here, with a total area of ​​about 600 square kilometers, all of which live on the site of Xie’s family. .

When Xiaolin Rentan and others came to Daxiaoling, they realized the magic of this place.

The formation of Daxing Xiaoling landform has obvious unequal shape.

The overall topography of the whole region is northeast-southwest trending. It belongs to the shallow hilly area, with the highest peaks in the north, west and central parts. The highest peak, Huanggangliang, is even more than two kilometers above sea level.

Sukexielu Mountain is located in the northeast of Daxing Xiaoling.

As soon as Xie Jun and others got off the plane, someone had already prepared a special car.

The group drove directly to Sukexelu Mountain.

After years of development, except for a few areas, Daxing Xiaoling can be said to be almost developed by Xia Kingdom.

There is a spacious road that runs directly through the entire Daxing school ridge.

After a long journey, Xie Jun and others finally resisted their destination.

What appeared in Kobayashi Rentan and others was a huge park.

It was surrounded by barbed wire, like a “prison” that was completely cut off from the outside world.

A quaint steel gate stands proudly in front of Xie Jun and others.

Xie Jun stopped the car, sighed helplessly, and said, “Wait for me in the car, I’ll ask the old man to open the door.”

Based on what he knew about his old man, the old man was definitely still sulking, so he deliberately didn’t open the door.

As the old-age place for the old man, the security facilities here are extremely advanced.

Don’t look at these barbed wire fences, they seem to be easy to break through.

If you don’t believe it, you can try it out, and it is guaranteed to let you know what the double pleasure of electric shock and poison arrow is.

When Xie Jun’s physical attributes were all around 20:00, there was no way to escape from here. One can imagine how terrifying the security facilities are.

In order to prevent his grandson from escaping, Mr. Xie spent at least half of his brain cells to build this “prison” that flies can’t get out of.

Xiaolin Rentan and Erina looked at the quaint iron gate with a bit of confusion. The top of the surrounding barbed wire was blooming with a strange cold glow in the warm sunlight, which made people feel a chill in their hearts.

“Is this where Xie Jun lived since he was a child?”

“Looks so scary? It’s like a prison!”

No wonder “Jun Xie has always been reluctant to come back, how does this look like a place where people live?”

“I’m going to see Xie Jun’s grandfather soon, why do I suddenly feel a little nervous?”

“Me too, it’s a little scary to think about someone who can build a prison to imprison my grandson~~~”

The four girls roared and chatted.

Xiaolin Rentan and Erina suddenly became nervous for no reason.

But the two of them listened a lot to Xie Jun scolding their old man.

In the mouth of his boyfriend, the other party is simply a terrible lunatic.

And Erina once heard Senzaemon mention that the other party was the number one pastry chef in the mainland decades ago.

No one could calm down at the thought of seeing such a mysterious figure soon.

After Xie Jun got off the bus, he went straight to the gate.

“Hey~~~ old man, open the door!”

“Who is coming?”

“Don’t say you didn’t know I was back?”

“Laozi doesn’t know, please report quickly!”

“My way! I’ll leave without opening the door~~~

An old, breathless voice came from the loudspeaker.

Xie Jun replied angrily.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that his grandfather had committed another secondary illness.

Even saying a word is half ancient, which is really a bit painful.

0 asking for flowers…

In the face of this funny old man, he was never too lazy to be polite and left without opening the door.

“Don’t don’t don’t~ Laozi will open the door right now~~~

Sure enough, when he heard that Xie Jun was leaving, the old man immediately softened and said hurriedly.

With a rumbling sound, the quaint iron gate opened directly.

Xie Jun exhaled a suffocating breath, got into the car to start a fire, and drove in.

Every time he talks to the reconciled old man, he feels so tired.

“When I see the old man, don’t care what he says, in short, it’s fine as if you didn’t hear it.”

After hesitating for a while, Xie Jun, who was driving, still gave Erina and others a shot.

With the funny character of the old man, he must think that these girls are daughters-in-law, and it is not surprising even if they say some nonsensical words.



| Kobayashi Gentian and Erina don’t matter, but Alice and Hisako don’t have that kind of relationship with him.

If you feel ashamed because of your old man’s words, that’s not good.

Hearing Xie Jun say this, Kobayashi Rentan and Erina became even more nervous.

How funny does it have to be for Xie Jun to give them a goodbye in advance?

They know Xie Jun very well, and each other doesn’t care about anything most of the time.

But in the heart of the other party, Old Master Xie was like a difficult opponent, as if it was difficult to get along with.

The same is true for Alice and Hisako. They don’t have a deep relationship with Xie Jun. This time they came to play with him completely.

Originally, such things as meeting parents have already easily caused misunderstandings by others.

Only then did I realize that the other party had a bad personality.

The two girls immediately became nervous.

“Well, is it too late for me to get out of the car now?”

Hisako asked timidly.

“And me, and me, I want to get off too!”

Someone took the lead, and Alice immediately followed.

She could hear the sound from the loudspeaker at the door just now.

Just like a grumpy old man with a serious secondary illness, Alice felt that she didn’t have the guts to face it.

Hearing the call of the two beautiful girls sitting in the back row, Xie Jun sneered: “Do you still want to get out of the car at this time? It’s too late and the door has been welded, and no one wants to go out today.”

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