【Chapter 276】Who said that Lan Feihong pretended not to have a girlfriend all his life?

After putting down the tea, Xie Jun sat down beside Kobayashi Rentan casually, and the latter whispered something in his ear.

Xie Jun glanced at his old man speechlessly, knowing without guessing that Xiaolin Rentan and others clearly misunderstood.

His old man seems to have a physique that misleads others, and his words are always full of inexplicable ambiguity.

“Don’t listen to this old man’s nonsense, my grandma is living well in Europe!”

Xie Jun felt that it would be better for him to explain a little.

Otherwise, I don’t know what Erina and the others will make up on their own.


Erina looked at her boyfriend differently, and always felt that her head was a little hard to turn.

From the tone of Old Master Xie just now, it is easy to tell that the other party has lived alone for a long time.

Since Xie Jun’s grandmother is still alive, why didn’t the old couple live together?

But this is obviously Xie Jun’s family affair, and Erina is not easy to get to the bottom of it.

The old man Xie didn’t care, he just sighed and pointed at Xie Jun and said, “It’s not because of this kid’s education problem, the old woman went to Europe in a fit of rage, and hasn’t come back for almost ten years.”

The words were full of melancholy, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Mr. Xie must be very regretful.

Xiaolin Rentan and the others couldn’t help but feel a little sad, and the kind-hearted ones can’t see the separation of the people they love.

Only Xie Jun said heartlessly: “Isn’t it because of your education problem that grandma ran away from home in anger? Besides, I didn’t tell you that I didn’t know how to get her back after so many years. After all, I still can’t let go of your face…

He will not be polite to his old man. The two have been together for more than ten years, and they have already known the bottom line, and they know each other’s character very well.

The character of this old man and Xie Jun are very similar, they are both the kind of people who refuse to admit defeat and accept softness.

Xie Jun’s grandmother had a big quarrel with him because of his grandson’s behavior because he didn’t understand the old man’s abuse. The two eventually broke up, and it took nearly ten years since the old lady left.

The old man Xie is also a stubborn donkey, he just endured ten years without going to find the old lady.

Xie Jun was a little speechless about this, but there was no good way to persuade the two of them.

Xiaolin Rentan and the others are all smart people, and they quickly guessed the reason.

It’s just that the pro-officials are difficult to interrupt the housework, and they are not easy to intervene.

Everyone tacitly did not continue this topic.

At this time, Xie Jun asked, “By the way, why did you never tell me that you are the first pastry chef in the mainland, Master Xie Lu Xie, Master Ya”?”

After going through so many things, he is now extremely sure that his old man is the steel-stick Jie master in the “China Little Master”.

Xie Lu laughed, as if the topic just now did not cause any sadness, and said, “You never asked me.”

Xie Jun smiled bitterly in his heart, how could he have known that he had crossed into the world of little masters in the past.

Moreover, the three great families of God of Cooking are obviously incompatible with the characters in the original book of Little Master.

There are no famous chefs surnamed Xia in the original book of Xia Liujie and Xiao Dajia.

Until Xie Jun went to Neon Country, he thought this was the world of “Shokugeki no Soma”.

Shaking his head and laughing for a while, he recounted the experience during this period to the old man, especially focusing on the experience of Shenlongjia No Man’s Land.

When it comes to the dark cooking world, Xie Lu rarely listened to it patiently, and did not even interrupt Xie Jun’s narration in the middle.

After a long time, the old man Xie sighed: “Speaking of the dark cooking world, that was decades ago. If it wasn’t for the old man Nakiri who came here, the old man wouldn’t even know that these mice have appeared again.

“At that time, the old man was still very young, and he had a little friendship with the current owners of the Xia Liu family. At that time, everyone was only a ninth-level chef, traveling all over the world, constantly looking for people to learn cooking skills, just to improve their cooking skills.”

Encountering the “dark cooking world is also because of the legendary kitchen utensils. The Liu family boy had better luck, and accidentally obtained the magic holy bronze utensil and Zhuanlong pot, which naturally attracted the attention of the dark cooking world.

“At that time, the “power” of these mice hiding in the dark was quite large, and the old man and others were all involved in the battle, but the three families of Xia Liujie were also inherited for hundreds of years. The strength of the joint is natural Incomparably powerful, coupled with the great assistance of the chefs of the Xia Kingdom, the dark cooking world naturally couldn’t bear it…

“It’s just a pity, although we worked together to severely injure Kaiyu, the leader of the dark cooking world, we finally let him escape. I just didn’t expect this guy to choose the no-man’s land of Shenlongjia as a place to bury his bones. It is probably when he knew it. There are not many days, and you want to keep the legendary kitchen utensils by your side forever..

Speaking of the past, Mr. Xie was obviously a little melancholy.

Those days when I went on an adventure with my comrades are really nostalgic.

Xie Jun already had a general understanding of what happened in the past.

It’s just from Xie Lu’s words that Xia Liujie’s three families have been called the family of chefs by the chefs of the Xia Kingdom three hundred years ago, and they have obviously been separated from the setting in the original book.

Although Liu Subaru’s background in the original work is extraordinary, he is far from his current family background.

It’s just that Old Master Xie didn’t mention who the head of the Xia family was.

Xie Jun couldn’t help being curious and asked aloud.

1. Late, I almost forgot if you didn’t say it, that kid hadn’t become the head of the Xia family at that time, nor was his surname Xia!”

“No surname Xia? Could it be that he joined the Xia family?

“Yeah, that kid Lan Feihong was lucky back then, and when the dark cooking world ambushed us, the princess of the Xia Kingdom took a fancy to him. After we teamed up with the Xia family to bring down the dark cooking world, that kid joined the Xia family, plus a suit of clothes. He is very good at cooking, and soon became the head of the Xia family!

The old man Xie sighed for a while, even with his cynical personality, he couldn’t help feeling the luck of his friend.

But Xie Jun was stunned and almost suspected that he had auditory hallucinations.

Who said Lan Feihong pretended not to have a girlfriend all his life?

What’s more, he got the Princess Xia Country Master, and he also became the head of the family of God of Cooking.

(The one who got the money) The proper protagonist template is even better than Liu Xing.

The Xia Kingdom has been implementing the imperial system since more than 300 years ago.

As for the Xia family, it was the end of the bloodline of the Xia kingdom’s royal family.

Every generation of family masters is the prince of Xia Kingdom.

It’s just that Xie Jun didn’t expect that the arrogant Lan Feihong in the little master cartoon would agree to join the Xia family, which was a bit unexpected.

But thinking about it, he loves the county master very much, and the Xia family has a lot of heritage and heritage, so Lan Feihong’s joining the Xia Kingdom is not a loss at all.

Now that Xie Jun has determined the source of the protagonist of the little master, he can’t help but sigh. The development of this kind of plot really makes people feel a lot.

Who would have thought that the legendary kitchen utensils that Kai You, the leader of the dark cooking world, had taken great pains to obtain, are now in the hands of Xie Jun.

Magic Holy Bronze, Zhuanlong Pot, Taiji Bowl, Yin-Yang Mirror..

Now that I think about it, Xie Jun took a huge advantage.

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