【Chapter 279】The country has no two sides, please taste

If it is said that eating knife-cut noodles is full of food, then watching the whole process of knife-cut noodles is an eye addiction.

Even in the chefs of the Xia Kingdom, a noodle-cutting competition is held every few years, just because it is full of ornamental.

The knife does not leave the face, the face does not leave the knife, the arm is straight and hard, the hand is flat, the hand and eye are in a line, one edge catches the other, the flat knife is flat, and the machete is three-edged.

The knife-cut noodles seem simple, but the technical tips are extremely strict.

With the old man’s craftsmanship, it is not too easy to cut two or three hundred slices in one minute.

It can be said that one leaf falls off the pot and one leaf floats, one leaf leaves the face and then a knife is thrown, the silver fish falls into the water and turns the white waves, and the willow leaves rides the wind down the treetops.

Just looking at Xie Jun’s ramen again, compared with Xie Laozi’s shaving noodles, it seems like two extremes.

Since the wheat flour is not mixed with water, Xie Jun’s dough is extremely dry.

In this case, the noodles are forced to be pulled, which makes the whole process appear a kind of “raw 180” hard feeling.

It was as if the dough was being torn apart abruptly, and this sound made people feel uncomfortable.

But it is very strange, even though Xie Jun can make a sound when he stretches the dough, the dough has no signs of breaking.

Kobayashi Gentian and others speculate that it may be due to the addition of alkaline water.

This miraculous water imparts unparalleled cohesion to wheat flour, allowing the dough to stretch as long as it wants.

It’s just that the adhesiveness is too strong, so the noodles that are added with alkaline water cannot form noodles of the same thickness under a few buttons like ramen noodles.

In this case, the elongated dough must be cut into noodles.

Xie Jun folded a long piece of dough four or five times, and then began to cut quickly.

‘Kick ke ke ome’

The kitchen knife in Xie Jun’s hand swayed up and down quickly, making strange noises on the cutting board, and noodles with uniform length and thickness appeared in front of everyone.

at the same time.

Mr. Xie has prepared five bowls of knife-cut noodles.

The bowl of noodles is covered with a thick layer of braised beef juice.

Among them, the beef grains with black and red eyes are even more eye-catching.

A tantalizing aroma permeated the kitchen.

The old man’s face showed a hint of color.

Sliced ​​noodles, but his specialty.

This time, the competition between the grandfather and the grandson is not an official halberd, and the number of examiners is not even stipulated, just let Xiaolin Rentan and other four girls act as judges.

As for why Mr. Jie prepared five bowls?

Of course it was for Xie Jun.

Won one last year when Xie Jun left.

Father Xie naturally finds a way to get back to the place.

Sometimes the old man is more competitive than the young man.

The four girls began to seriously taste Old Master Xie’s knife-cut noodles.

The shampoo used by this old man has obviously been processed for a long time.

Xiaolin Rentan and others are all experienced chefs, and they can tell the difference after a simple taste. As the sauce-flavored beef noodles for shampooing, they chose the best tendon meat from cattle.

Coupled with various condiments, various Chinese herbal medicines are made by frying, stewing and other production methods, and finally adding big bones to boil soup.

The delicious soup is thick, nutritious, and fragrant on the lips and teeth, which is really memorable.

Before eating the noodles officially, just tasted the beef and the base soup, Kobayashi Rentan and others felt that they had tasted the mellow and delicious taste.

Hisako is proficient in medicated diet, and found that this soup is not only delicious, but also not smelly or smelly.

Although it is impossible to accurately determine which Chinese herbal medicines Mr. Xie used.

But Hisako was able to guess how useful the soup was.

Tonic for yin deficiency, clear blood heat, nourish blood and soothe the nerves.

This bowl of noodles is already equivalent to a top-level medicinal diet.

Hisako once again felt the strength of a top chef.

It’s just a soup base, but it is more effective than the medicated diet that he has made with all his strength.

After a while of emotion, Erina and the others began to eat noodles.

As soon as the knife-cut noodles enter the mouth, the outside is slippery and the inside is rib, soft and not sticky.

After tasting it carefully, the more you chew it, the more fragrant it is.

Although generally, knife-cut noodles don’t need to be too al dente.

But the knife-cut noodles made by Mr. Xie made people want to chew them all the time, and they were reluctant to swallow them.

Kobayashi Gentian and Erina couldn’t help but be amazed.

They had only seen such perfect cooking at Xie Jun’s.

A bowl of hot knife-cut noodles.

Kobayashi Rentan involuntarily let out a burst of refreshing admiration.

She felt like she could eat another big bowl now.

The same goes for the rest of Erina, Alice, and Hisako.

But everyone knows that there will be Xie Jun’s cooking next.

Everyone put away their longing eyes and waited for each other’s cooking.

At this point Xie Jun has already started cooking the noodles.

He didn’t choose the toppings already prepared in the kitchen.

It’s made on site.

Ginger, garlic, dried onion, dried chili, pork fat.

The prepared accessories are extremely simple, which is in sharp contrast to the cumbersome shampoo made by Mr. Xie.

The old man Xie frowned slightly, feeling a deep contempt.

This kid Xie Jun, seems to look down on the old man a bit?

To actually use such a simple accessory for shampooing, I’m so angry!

Old Master Xie blew his beard and stared, but he didn’t make a sound.

The grandfather and grandson have lived together for more than ten years, and he knows Xie Jun very well.

This kid might come up with some unexpected dishes.

Therefore, before the other party has finished the dishes, Mr. Xie will never draw conclusions easily.

Xie Jun’s noodles are still cooking in boiling water, while he is cooking fat meat in another pot.

After removing the oil residue, add ginger, garlic and other accessories into the fresh lard.

After a simple sieve, the last remaining lard is the shampoo for this pasta dish.

The crowd was stunned for a while.

Such a simple and greasy thing, can also be called “topping?

The old man Xie stared at the boss with his old eyes.

He didn’t remember that he had taught Xie Jun this kind of weird stuff before.

It’s the exact opposite of the usual shampoo.

Generally speaking, the toppings in most areas are rich in flavor and 3.5 color alcohol, fat but not greasy.

But Xie Jun’s oil soup made with fatty meat is obviously too greasy and has a single taste.

Just out of trust in Xie Jun, no one commented rashly, and it is not too late to evaluate everything after tasting it.

| Kobayashi Rentan and others have seen it countless times, and Xie Jun can always come up with the ultimate deliciousness beyond expectations.

They were so sure that this time was no exception.

When freshly baked noodles are poured with oil soup.

Five bowls of plain and monotonous noodles appeared in front of everyone.

What surprised everyone was that the seemingly ordinary noodles in the bowl seemed to be emitting a faint glow.

“Guo Shi has no double face, please taste it!”

With a faint smile on Xie Jun’s face from beginning to end, he turned a deaf ear to Old Master Xie’s staring eyes.

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