[Chapter 096] Erina’s change, the Elite Ten Council begins

“How can you be so messed up?”

“You can figure it out!”

“Acquiring publishing houses and animation companies in order to publish a comic? Are you not afraid of losing everything?”

Erina was stunned for a moment, completely ignorant of the brain circuit of the man in front of her.

“What? Is there a problem?

Xie Jun shrugged indifferently.

It doesn’t matter if you make money or not, happiness is the most important thing.

Being rich is so capricious.

“Isn’t that a problem? Do you think a work can support a company?”

Erina replied angrily, she didn’t understand why she was angry.

“Who said I only have one work? Huh… No, you seem to be worried about me?”

Xie Jun glanced at Erina oddly, feeling that this Miss Tsundere was a little different from usual.

Are you impressed by my superb cooking skills?

I am a little proud.

“Who… who would worry about you? I wish you failed!”

Erina blushed, and glanced her head aside as if she had been poked at the center.

Hisako looked at Erina, who seemed a little shy, in surprise.

I always feel that the state of Miss today is a bit wrong.

But she couldn’t understand why.

Xie Jun didn’t care about Erina’s change in attitude.

As for what the other party is worried about, it is not a problem for him at all.

Not to mention that the publishing house itself has close cooperation with weekly magazines, as well as authors of novels and comics.

Over the years, he has signed in every day, and has also obtained a lot of comics, books, and light novels.

Not to mention the book.

It’s best not to publish this stuff, the impact is not very good.

Xie Jun is a very upright person most of the time.

Absolutely do not want to teach bad children.

He would just be alone in his room, locked up and enjoying himself.

At present, the only comics in his hand, there are Slam Dunk, Inuyasha, the shape of the voice, the name of the unheard…

And light novels, Sword Art Online, Accelerated World, Demon High School, and My Sister can’t be this cute..

Anyway, there are quite a few in stock over the years.

Fortunately, with these things, his life in the mountains would not be so boring.

Erina’s mood is a bit complicated at this time.

Putting down the sketch in her hand, she turned her back to Hisako and said, “It’s getting late, we should go back~!”

“Huh? Stop reading comics?”

Hisako reluctantly withdrew her gaze, she really wanted to continue watching Jojo’s first part.

“Don’t watch it, who likes watching such childish things!”

Erina snorted softly and turned to leave.


Xie Jun was stunned for a while.

This eldest lady really turned her face faster than a book.

Didn’t you still look so obsessed just now?

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to guess the girl’s mind.

Tadokoro Megumi and others saw that Erina was gone, and also said goodbye one after another.

After all, I have played all afternoon, and if I stay longer, I have to have dinner at Xie Jun.

Sitting in the car on the way home, Erina stared out the window in a daze.

A lot of things have happened today, which made her feel inexplicably complicated.

After meeting Xie Jun at the door of the hotel, her mood was like a roller coaster, without a moment of peace.

Recalling the embarrassment of the past, the moment of intimate contact in the car, and then knowing that Xie Jun is more powerful than the chef he admires

Finally, this arrogant man even draws cartoons.

Erina didn’t know how to describe the man she had always hated.

Maybe it’s a dream.

Thinking of Xie Jun’s smooth knife skills and perfect seasoning, the dishes she made are exactly the same as her ideal.

She also aspires to be a cook like the other party.

Then, do whatever you want.

Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that Xie Jun doesn’t seem to be that annoying.

Tōtsuki Gakuen, Tenth District, al building.

This is the office building of the Elite Ten Council.

Xie Jun has a fresh memory of this place.

After all, it was the first time to date Kobayashi Rentan.

Here he tried Baumkuchen compared to Momo Akkubo.

In fact, Xie Jun did not intend to attend the meeting.

He was absent from the first two deliberations.

Because that day after Erina Tadokoro Megumi left, he had asked his girlfriend if he would come back.

Since Kobayashi Gentian didn’t come back to attend the meeting, he naturally lacked interest.

But he had to come today.

Because my little secretary participated in the autumn selection, there seems to be a small problem.

He had long known from Erina that three people from the Chinese Cuisine Research Society might participate in the autumn selection this year.

Tadokoro Megumi, Hōjō Miyoko, Mito Ikumi.

As for “Meat Charm! When did you join the Chinese Cuisine Research Society?

Of course it was pulled in by Nakiri Erina.

At that time, she probably thought that if it wasn’t for Mito Ikumi, she would not have run into Xie Jun, and naturally she would not have lost to the opponent.

With the idea of ​​”being able to cope with difficulties”, Mito Ikumi officially became a member of the Chinese Cuisine Research Society.

Xie Jun doesn’t care about this, anyway, this player’s strength is still very good.

This time, the candidate for the Elite Ten Council to be discussed is Tiansuo’s sister.

Some people seem to think that she is ineligible to participate in the residential training by relying on Xie Jun’s help to pass the residential training.

Xie Jun decided to come and see, who would dare deny the qualification of his little secretary.

The top floor of the building.

Eishi Tsukasa, Erina and Isshiki Satoshi are already sitting in the conference room.

Xie Jun sat directly in the empty seat between Isshiki Satoshi and Erina.

Eishi Tsukasa was a little surprised by Xie Jun’s arrival, but didn’t think much of it.

Since the other party is one of the Elite Ten members, it is a matter of course to participate in the meeting (Nono’s).

Isshiki Satoshi laughed, knowing that the other party was here for Tadokoro Megumi’s business.

Before the others arrived, Xie Jun was a little bored, and casually said to Erina: “The publishing house has been settled, and jojo will be available soon.”

“Huh? It’s about to be published?”

Erina was a little happy, after all she still liked the story.

But she reacted immediately, and couldn’t help but take a peek at Isshiki Satoshi and Eishi Tsukasa.

Seeing that the two of them didn’t seem to be abnormal, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she has no image in front of Xie Jun, she still has to maintain her own elegance in front of others.

If you like comics, you must not let others know.

Not long after, Akakubo Tao, Rong Shan Zhi Jin and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning were also present.

The Elite Ten Council officially begins.

ps: The first update, please subscribe!

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