
Lively and fragrant!

The red dates, longan, and lotus seeds are all tumbling in the bubbling porridge soup!

The hot red dates, longan and lotus seeds porridge rushed into the nasal cavity with the aroma of rice, and the shiny red dates, longan, and lotus seeds, just a light smell will open your appetite!

In fact.

In Chu Feng's eyes.

Among all the cooking foods, porridge should be the simplest and most varied!

Only a single grain can be used to satisfy one's hunger; if there is Yaxing, various kinds of ingredients can be put in, and all kinds of porridge can be changed.

In the north of China, dried fruits and miscellaneous grains are often used in porridge, such as Laba porridge and millet porridge! The ingredients in the porridge in the south are more abundant, and live seafood, vegetables and plants can be used to cook porridge.

different eras.

Different porridges.

With their own stories, they are widely and closely related to people's lives, regardless of the noble or the low, regardless of the north and the south, until today!


Make porridge!

Make soup!

These three are the survival skills that human beings must master.

Especially when you are away from home and your body and mind are in a condition, a simple bowl of white 08 porridge is a comfort to the soul, which can smooth out the folds in your heart!


It's not troublesome.

It won't take too much time.

at this time.

Nakiri Erina, holding a thick china bowl in both hands.

Looking at the rising rice oil, it glistened under the light.

Along the edge of the bowl, while gently blowing cool, carefully sip the porridge, the delicate, thick white porridge with the warmth and rice fragrance slides over the tip of the tongue and into the stomach, warm!

Finally, between the lips and teeth, there is a warm grain fragrance and sweetness.

"Huh? Years

"Is this... japonica rice?"

After taking a sip, Nakiri Erina, who has the talent of God's tongue, quickly discovered something.

To know.

There are many varieties of rice, such as glutinous rice, pearl rice, japonica rice, candy rice and so on.

Among these common types of rice, glutinous rice grains are thick and short, soft and sticky, and are generally used to make sweet snacks with strong stickiness!

Can rice is less sticky, swellable, and has a high rice yield. The steamed rice is not only puffy, but also a good choice for porridge!

As for.

Japonica rice has a relatively high protein content.

And the viscosity is large and the swelling is small. Although the amount of rice is low, the cooked rice porridge will be more viscous.

"I see!"

"I remember that in the Wuchang area of ​​Heilongjiang in the Celestial Dynasty, there was a kind of rice known as the king of japonica rice. When the rice was raw, it had a faint aroma, and after it was cooked, it filled the house! 99

"In terms of taste, it is soft and tough, delicate and delicious!"

"Affected by the unique geography, climate and other factors of the production area, the rice produced in that area has a large accumulation of dry matter, moderate amylose content, and high amylopectin content!


"When you eat it, you will have such a sticky taste! 35

At this moment.

Erina, suddenly remembered something.

Her shining eyes kept looking at the bowl of red dates, longan and lotus seed porridge in front of her! For some reason, the taste of this bowl of porridge made her feel very familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while!


She could only eat one more bite.

The japonica rice has long been boiled into rice crackers, which are soft and gluey, the porridge is mixed with water and milk, and the entrance slowly slides into the throat like silk satin. The taste is truly amazing!

The trick to cooking porridge is nothing more than the preparation of raw materials, the matching of ingredients, and the amount and heat that you master.

And without a doubt.

In these aspects, Chu Feng has done a great job!

So, even with the super power of the tongue of God, Nakiri Erina is still unable to find any flaws in this bowl of porridge!

purr purr!

purr purr!

The sound of drinking porridge kept ringing.

This delicious red jujube, longan and lotus seed porridge adds a warm taste to the busy life, and makes Erina feel exhausted!



"The red jujube, longan and lotus seed porridge is made by scalding the hot porridge at a high temperature.

“The original light porridge absorbs the umami of the ingredients, and it also becomes fragrant and has a long aftertaste. 35

"Sweet red dates, fragrant longan, green lotus seeds, and sprinkled with a little chopped green onion, this taste can become so intoxicating! 95

Can't help but.

Erina, my mind is full of thoughts.

Although she rejects these simple common people's dishes, it does not mean that she has not tasted them before! It's just that at that time, because of Nakiri's educational concept, she gave up these dishes!

Now, this bowl of porridge with red dates, longan and lotus seeds has revived her memory!

every great phenomenon.

Everyone has experienced a process of deterioration, especially in the field of cooking.

The example of genius naturally inspires vain people to make superficial imitations or competitions, and this is also true under the elite education of Tōtsuki Gakuen!


All great geniuses cannot escape a kind of bad luck!

It is their existence that suffocates many weaker powers and buds, seems to desolate the nature around them, and leaves themselves in the predicament of loneliness!

Of course!


That weaker nature often only needs some air and sunlight to be reactivated and given a new life!

Undoubtedly, this bowl of porridge with red dates, longan and lotus seeds is a ray of soft sunlight in Erina's heart, illuminating her fragile heart that was bewildered by her childhood misfortune!


A bowl of porridge with red dates, longan and lotus seeds.

In this way, under the complicated emotions, Nakiri Erina slowly finished eating. And gradually, Erina has gradually entered a realm!

in her mind.

There is a vague figure that is slowly hugging her into his arms, making her feel a love that she has never had before!

that kind of love.

It is... a mother's love like the sea!

"Mom! 99

"I... I know, it smells like mom!" Unconsciously, a crystal tear fell from the corner of Nakiri Erina's eyes!

until this moment.

She finally remembered!

This bowl of porridge with red dates, longan and lotus seeds is the dish that her mother Nakiri Mana used to cook for her when she was very young!

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