I'm in Food Wars: Opening A Restaurant

106 Mother-daughter relationship


"I've already made an improved version of Yukihira ramen, but the result is still not as good as Dad!" Hearing this, Yukihira Sōma turned his head away, feeling very depressed inside!

"Hehe! 39

"Sōma, plus this matchup, you've lost 499 games in your life!""


Yukihira Jōichirō, hehe laughed.

Looking at his sullen son at the moment, he has a shyness! It seems that he can often win his own son, which is a very fulfilling thing for him!


"I lost 499 games?"

"Dad, did you remember wrong? 35

"I remember counting this duel, I only lost 498 games to you in total! 33 Yukihira Sōma frowned and quickly turned to Seiichiro and retorted.

"Two five seven" "Hey!"

"There is no difference between one more and one less!"

"Besides, no matter how many cooking battles our father and son compete, you will lose to me in the end!" Yukihira Jōichirō couldn't help but reached out and patted Sōma's shoulder, the smile on his face became even brighter!

"Really satisfied!

"I don't believe it, I will always lose to you!"

at last.

Yukihira Sōma, who was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood, had no choice but to clench her fists and shout at Yukihira Jōichirō.

Although he has lost nearly 500 cooking battles, from Sōma's eyes, there is absolutely no sign of giving up and discouragement!

on the contrary.

In every cooking battle with his father.

He can find out the reasons from himself and recognize his own shortcomings!

That is to say.

In these years, in fact, he has been relying on the comparison with his father Seiichiro's cooking, and has gradually improved his cooking skills and abilities!

"Daddy! 35

"The autumn trials may be coming now, and I want to take this opportunity to become stronger! So, please, can you teach me cooking during this time!

at this time.

Yukihira Sōma, however, changed his face and spoke to Yukihira Jōichirō in a very pleading tone.

"Hmm! 95

"I'm here for this.

With a smile on his face, Yukihira Jōichirō's deep eyes were actually staring at the son whose eyes were full of determination! Finally, he answered in a serious tone.


very deep!

At the end of the star and moon in the sky, a breeze blew up a little sand on the ground and made a "huhu" sound, making this quiet and peaceful night a bit more artistic!


At the Sea of ​​Clouds restaurant.

Tadokoro Megumi, Yoshino Yuuki, Sakaki Ryoko, the three girls from the Polar Star Dorm dorm, have all left!

On the other hand, Nakiri Alice still stayed, and when she saw that Erina and Nakiri Mana had been chatting for a long time, she couldn't help but feel a little happy!

Chu Feng.

He had nothing to do, so he had to wipe the kitchen knife with a knife cloth.

Looking at the mirror-like blade, that handsome face, he suddenly felt bored!


True too.

Mother and daughter reunite, is there anything to talk about?

After chatting for several hours, are you not tired of it? Glancing at the mother and daughter Erina and Nakiri Mana who were chatting, Chu Feng only thought depressed.

"Mom! 35

"You...you're telling the truth?"

"That Chu Feng's cooking can really satisfy your tongue?" At this moment, Erina, who was in a trance, couldn't help but be surprised!


"Only his cooking can make me feel delicious.

Nakiri Mana, with a happy smile on her face.

She touched her hot face, and every time she thought of Chu Feng's cooking, she became unbearably thirsty, and she became very absent-minded. All she thought about was his Chu Feng... cooking!

"it is good!


"Mom, this way you don't have to run away from home again! Also, you...you don't have to live in such pain as you did in the past!"

Looking at her happy mother, Erina finally believed that it was all true.

Can't help but.

She was so excited that she burst into tears again!

To know.

Erina's biggest dream is to try her best to make her cooking one day conquer her mother's tongue and free her from pain!


Can't do it.

She really can't do it.

Not to mention a few years, even if she worked hard to improve her cooking skills all her life, she did not have the confidence to make herself the strongest chef in the world!


No matter how.

Erina is very happy to know that Chu Feng's cooking is able to conquer her mother! Perhaps, in this life, the happiest thing is this!


"I'm really sorry. 39

"I didn't expect that Azami Nakiri would do such a thing to you after I ran away from home! You have suffered a lot over the years!


Looking at the excited Erina.

Nakiri Mana reached out and touched Erina's forehead, her eyes filled with guilt!

"Do not!"

"Mom, from the moment we have the tongue of God, we are destined to have such a fate! So, I... I really don't blame you!""

Erina, suddenly smiled and hugged her mother tightly!

Their mother and daughter have not held each other like this for a long time! Since when did they become estranged, it seems that since her Mana's departure, they have never been so close!

"Chu Feng."

"Thank you very much. 99

"I never imagined that you would have cured my mother's disease during the residential training activities!

"And just when our mother and daughter are about to meet again, you even went to great lengths to make a bowl of porridge with red dates, longan and lotus seeds, so that the relationship between my mother and me can be 2.0 stitched! 99


"I really don't know how to thank you!"

at last.

Erina, get out of Nakiri Mana's arms!

She knew that when things had developed to this point, it was Chu Feng's secret efforts to restore her and her mother to the relationship that should be between mother and daughter.


She quickly came to Chu Feng, grateful.

"Ha ha!

"It's really weird."

"You are the eldest lady of the Nakiri family, but you are very indifferent to people! But I didn't expect you to say thank you in front of me today! 95

Seeing this, Chu Feng couldn't help laughing.



As soon as Erina heard this, her delicate and lovely face immediately turned red!

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