I'm in Food Wars: Opening A Restaurant

118 Alice, go wash the dishes!

the next day.

Early in the morning!

In front of the door of Yunhai Restaurant, there is a young girl with blue double braids! I saw her dragging her suitcase, her face was slightly tired, and she didn't look energetic!


"What a surprise."

"I have my share of this outdoor practice course! Also, the place for the practice is this Yunhai Restaurant owned by the owner of Chu Feng!"

Tadokoro Megumi, muttering to himself.


"Is anyone else here before us?"

at this time.

Erina, came slowly from a distance.

And behind her, there is still the inseparable Arato Hisako.


"Miss Erina."

See here.

Tadokoro Megumi, greeted quickly.

have to say.

In terms of body, Tadokoro Megumi is petite and slender, while Nakiri Erina is slender, both of them have ice muscles and jade bones, and their skin is white and smooth!

Of course, the difference in origin also makes the temperament of the two women different!

Tadokoro Megumi from the countryside.

It will be more or less "earthy", but also a little more tender.

In particular, her unique tenderness is enough to make any man with a strong heart in the world feel warm because of this, and thus cherish her!

on the contrary.

Erina is a little less gentle, and more cold and Tsundere.

But her innate nobility and elegant temperament made many people fall for it.


No matter how you compare.

These two women are the best of the best!



"We will meet again soon! However, at this moment, Nakiri Alice, who had just arrived in front of the restaurant, couldn't help but greet Erina.


"Alice, you're finally here!"

Nakiri Erina, just nodded in response.

I can tell.

In the face of Nakiri Alice who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, she actually didn't want to answer.


"What a surprise. 35

"This time the outdoor practice course has your name! After I saw the list last night, I was completely stunned!"

Seeing this, Nakiri Alice couldn't help but sigh slightly.


She secretly glanced at Erina with her eyes, but she could see that today's Erina seemed to be putting a lot of effort into dressing up!

"It seems.

"You, like me, attach great importance to this practice class!

"The new outdoor practice course is full of surprises."

"So I naturally have to pay attention, and being able to take this opportunity to learn cooking with Chu Feng is also a growth for me!"

"It's you.

"Obviously, I have only been to Yunhai Restaurant once, and I am not very familiar with that Chu Feng! As a result, I didn't expect your name to be on the list of the first batch of interns!

Nakiri Erina, said lightly.

"Huh? 39

"Is this... need to say?

"There must be good potential in me, that's why I was sent here for an internship!" Nakiri Alice replied with a blushing face and a guilty conscience.


"There's another poor student in the back of a crane. 35

"So, the list of this outdoor practice class is definitely not arranged according to an individual's comprehensive performance or potential!""

Erina, slapped her face directly.


"so what?""

"Anyway, I'm an intern at Yunhai Restaurant, and this is a fact that can't be changed! As soon as Alice heard it, she didn't know how to refute it!

at last.

She could only grit her teeth and replied with a certain death.

Time flies.

With the arrival of the last intern, Mito Ikumi.

The outdoor practice course of Tōtsuki Academy has officially started, and Chu Feng's cloud sea restaurant has finally ushered in a new change!


In the hall on the first floor.

Chu Feng, staring at the five girls in front of him.

Tadokoro Megumi, Nakiri Erina, Mito Ikumi, Nakiri Alice, Arato Hisako, these five people are all sitting around awkwardly.

Maybe it was because they realized that their current status was just an intern at Yunhai Restaurant, so they didn't dare to speak in front of Chu Feng.


"Use ten minutes to start a short meeting.

"From now on, your current status is the intern of my Yunhai Restaurant. You are all regular customers about the situation of Yunhai Restaurant, so I don't need to say more!

at last.

Under the awkward and lifeless atmosphere, Chu Feng was the first to speak.


"Each of you, personally selected by me, is the talent that the restaurant needs. I believe that you have the ability and level to run this restaurant with me!

As soon as this word comes out.

Erina and the others all looked at each other in dismay.

They finally realized that the list of these five interns was chosen by him, Chu Feng! But, why did he have to designate these five people?

On this issue, Erina and others are very confused!


"Let me tell you about the work arrangements for each of you!"

"In terms of cooking, Erina is the strongest among you! So, the whole back-cooking work is handed over to Erina to manage!"

`" Good!

"No problem, I...I will try my best.

smell this.

Erina's eyes flashed, and she said excitedly: "Chu Feng, don't worry! I will definitely live up to your expectations, and I will definitely help you do things well!

Seeing Erina who had little resistance, Chu Feng was inevitably shocked.

After all, in his impression, this Nakiri Erina is simply a dead Tsundere. If she didn't come out and blush and retort a few words, she wouldn't be called Erina!


This time.

She is so obedient, which makes Chu Feng unexpected!


"Tadokoro Megumi.

"You are responsible for the work of the front desk, especially to entertain the diners who come in for dinner!

"Don't underestimate this job, in the face of all kinds of diners, you have to figure out their tastes and observe what dishes they generally like to order!

"I believe that this job will definitely give you something to gain."


"Chu Feng, I... I will do my best.

Tadokoro Megumi, knowing that he is so valued by Chu Feng, has a somewhat flattered reply (to Li Zhao).

"Mito Ikumi, you are in charge of cutting vegetables and meat in the back kitchen. After all, you are an expert in meat cooking, and you are good at handling meat ingredients. 55


"no problem.

Mito Ikumi, nodded.


"You are responsible for the order cashier, the statistics of various income and expenditure, and the purchase of ingredients."

"Because the business of Yunhai Restaurant is getting better and better now, you can register what the diners want to eat with a pen and paper."

"In this way, there will be no confusion in the order of dishes and the wrong dishes are served.


"I understand.

Hisako, also nodded.

"Then... what about me? What am I supposed to do?""


Alice, asked anxiously.

"You? 35

"Go wash the dishes! 35

Chu Feng took a deep look at Alice and said lightly.



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