
The temperature will drop and it will appear colder.

Despite the refreshing tea, Tadokoro Megumi, Erina, Alice and other women are already hungry after a busy day!


after closing down.

Chu Feng prepared barbecue again and sat around with the girls.

I can only see the fresh mutton on the iron plate, making a "sizzling" sound! Drops of hot oil always slide down the edge of the meat, exuding a strong fragrance!

Chu Feng!”


"Okay, isn't it?"

Looking at the rich mutton, Nakiri Mana is so greedy that his saliva is about to flow out!

"Don't worry!

"And some seasoning."

"Didn't you eat Mapo Tofu? Why are you hungry again?"

See here.

Chu Feng, turning over the mutton pieces on the iron plate, asked Nakiri Mana suspiciously.


"Just a plate of tofu, how can I eat it!

Nakiri Mana couldn't help swallowing and replied anxiously.

From the beginning to the end, her eyes never left the fragrant lamb! If she could, she really wanted to eat it in one bite!

Looking at Nakiri Mana's greedy appearance, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh!

Who would have thought.

A special executive officer of a WGO food organization, she has always hated cooking! But now, she will show such an indecent embarrassment for a small piece of barbecue!

at last.

Chu Feng continued to bake for a while.

Seeing that the mutton is already cooked, I pick it up and put it in Nakiri Mana's bowl.

"All right!"

"You eat first!

"Hmm! 35

"Thank you Chu Feng!

Nakiri Mana, staring at the roasted meat in the bowl, can't wait to eat it!

When the tip of the tooth pierced the layer of burnt and crispy shell, what was actually touched was the soft and tough tender meat inside!

this moment.

The meat-eating nature of human beings is thoroughly stimulated!

It seems to be back to childhood, back to the time when the curse of the tongue of God was not so strong, the primitive pleasure of catching whoever bites whoever is unscrupulous!

Head up!


The chunks of meat just fall into the throat!

Even the tongue apparently refused to let it go, pushing it back between the guillotine-like teeth, once...two times...the gravy shot in the mouth, moistening the rough cumin!

A slightly tingling chilli, the satisfaction reaches its apex after swallowing it down the throat.


This is the happiness that only a piece of roasted lamb can bring!


"I was so impressed!"

"I didn't expect that Nakiri Mana would be able to eat grilled meat for a day!" Licking his mouth, Nakiri Mana has entered a state of wanting to stop!

"Hey! 35


"What are you doing?"

"Obviously my chopsticks have caught the meat, but you actually snatched it!"


Seeing that the chopsticks were missing, Nakiri Erina couldn't help but look up, but she saw that Alice had already bitten into the mutton!

Can't help but.

Erina, eyes full of resentment!

Especially seeing Alice eating so intoxicated, she was extremely dissatisfied!


"What did you say?"

"If you catch the meat with your chopsticks, then the meat is yours? I took a fancy to you first, and you...why do you want to rob me?


Alice regained her senses, but was also dissatisfied.


"Forget it, I don't care about you!"

Erina looked stunned, she had seen such a shameless person before.

If it weren't for the fact that they were all under the same roof, working as an intern at Yunhai Restaurant, she would have long wanted to leave Alice's side (aica)!

"Little Hui!""

"Don't be stupid!"

"Come on, today you can find the problem first, it's a great improvement! Besides, you are busy all day, I feel distressed!"


"Big leg of lamb, for you to eat!"


Chu Feng put the roasted leg of lamb in front of Tadokoro Megumi!

Looking at the large roast lamb leg in front of him, Tadokoro Megumi couldn't help feeling flattered, and quickly replied happily: "Thank you Chu Feng, oh no, I'm an intern now, I should say thank you Chef Chu!


"Big leg of lamb?"


Erina was angry because Alice robbed the barbecue.

Glancing with her eyes, she saw that Chu Feng cared so much about Tadokoro Megumi, and even gave her a big leg of lamb! Involuntarily, she felt even more aggrieved!

what the hell!

I am in charge of managing the entire kitchen, and the workload is more complicated than theirs, okay?


"It's so biased!

In the end, Erina blushed, as if she wanted to act coquettishly in front of Chu Feng.

"Erina! 35

"Come on, this is the big three-fork barbecue.

"This piece of meat is located above the hind leg of the mutton. The meat is more tender, with more lean meat and less fat. It is the most delicious and chewy place among the many parts of mutton!


"this and that……

"You don't need to fill me with meat, I... I will definitely get what I want to eat! 99


Erina, blushing even more!

She was very moved in her heart, but the Tsundere energy in her bones still made her pretend to be cold and replied lightly to Chu Feng.


After a sound.

It can be seen that Nakiri Alice placed a beautiful ceramic bowl in front of Chu Feng. Taking a closer look, there was actually a little blush on her delicate face, and there was a bit of hope in her eyes.

"Chu Feng.

"I want to eat that front leg meat, can you help me with it?"

Chu Feng:????


"Can't you see how nice I am to Tadokoro Megumi and Erina?


"The Narcissist. 95

"I... how did I like you? Don't think that my mother wants to work hard to make do with us, and I will really like you!"5

At this time.

Alice, panicked.

In fact.

She is really jealous!

After all, Tadokoro Megumi and Erina do have unique style and temperament! Therefore, even if Alice herself is in front of them, she will still feel a little inferior!


She was a little scared.

Afraid that this outdoor practice course, Chu Feng will take care of them too much and neglect himself!

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