
This is the impression and evaluation of most people on boiled cabbage.


This dish is full of excellent soup making skills!

The first is the choice of cabbage. We must choose undercooked Chinese cabbage as the raw material, and we must only use the tender heart that is yellow in the middle!


Like a soup base of boiled water.

Fresh food such as chicken racks, pork bones, scallops, Xuanwei ham hooves and other fresh goods must be put into boiling water pots, remove the blood and impurities, and then wash them!

Then put them into the soup pot together, and after seasoning, simmer slowly on low heat, and the soup should be kept slightly open during the whole process, and the time should be guaranteed for at least 1 hour!

Then chop the chicken breast until it is velvety, pour it with fresh soup and stir it into a slurry, pour it into the pot to absorb impurities.


Repeat the adsorption two or three times.

The originally turbid soup base in the pot was slowly purified after opening "287" and turned into "boiled water" as transparent. Moreover, if you smell it carefully, you can still feel that the fragrance is mellow and refreshing.

It can be seen that the choice of ingredients is often not a problem. But if you want to make a clear and transparent soup base with an unusually rich taste, it is a special test of the chef's skills!

time to wait.

It's not really that long!

Soon after, two plates of boiled cabbage were placed in front of Yukihira Jōichirō and Isshiki Satoshi!

"This is boiled cabbage?

Take a look.

Isshiki Satoshi, asked in surprise.


"The so-called boiled cabbage means that the soup base is clear and transparent! Although this dish seems to be very ordinary, there are many secrets hidden in it!

"I was fortunate enough to taste this dish when I was wandering in the Celestial Dynasty."

"That taste.

"To this day, I still have some impressions!

Beside him, Yukihira Jōichirō glanced at the boiled cabbage, as if he was reminded of the past, and couldn't help but make a deep sense.


"Been taught a lesson!"

"Senior, you are indeed very knowledgeable!

Isshiki Satoshi, a little embarrassed: "Alas! Although I am the seventh seat of the current Elite Ten, my family has been a big family with the title of "West Isshiki" since I was a child. All are quite accomplished!

"Even more so when it comes to cooking!


"Only I don't know much about the food culture of the Celestial Dynasty, which really represents the oriental culture! Although I have heard of boiled cabbage, I have never eaten it in my life!"

"Hehe! 35

"Everyone has their own limitations."

"Like me, when I was at Tōtsuki Gakuen, wasn't I also the second seat of the Elite Ten?"

"But what's the result? Even if I'm a good cook, I can't handle the pressure from all sides! So, don't take this kind of thing too seriously!


"Being able to choose to let go is actually a kind of growth!

smell this.

Yukihira Jōichirō, couldn't help but chuckle softly!

In Isshiki Satoshi, he seems to see himself in the past! But after a lapse of time, he has already let go of everything, and he is no longer the frivolous "Shura" he used to be!

"That's right! 35


"With my current strength, I can be considered a leader among my peers! So, why should I look above the top now? What do I want to pursue too much?"5

Say it.

Isshiki Satoshi seems to have figured it out, and the knot in his heart has finally been untied!

Boiled cabbage just served!

Upon closer inspection, while being elegant, the soup has a strong and mellow taste, which has a wonderful feeling that it is not like a rare dish, but more than a rare dish.


It's really high!

To be able to boil the realm of soup to such a degree, this Chu Feng is really amazing!

In the long-term cooking, the flavors of all the various ingredients are blended together! Finally, it is presented in the form of "boiled water".

Just a glance, Yukihira Jōichirō felt amazed inside!


This dish in front of me.

Is it better than the boiled cabbage he ate N years ago?

Think about it.

Yukihira Jōichirō, can't wait to taste it.


Very strong.




The three kinds of flavors fill the mouth in an instant! Even any taste buds on the tip of the tongue can deeply feel this wonderful taste!



next moment.

Yukihira Jōichirō, stunned on the spot!

It is no exaggeration to say that this boiled cabbage dish gave him an experience that he had never had in his life!

Seemingly bland 0...

It is actually bland and flavorful.

If you use something to describe it, it is like a mountain shrouded in smoke. It looks hazy, but there are all kinds of gorgeous scenery hidden inside!


For many things.

When it reaches one extreme, it becomes another extreme!

The most intense things are very bland on the surface! And the most bland things contain complex and diverse truths inside!

most of the time.

Yukihira Jōichirō believes that this life is like cooking, and the taste is pure joy! And this Chinese dish of boiled cabbage just reflects that belief in his heart!

"I see!"

"The soup base here uses the traditional Chinese cooking technique of hanging clear!"

"Turn the heat of the soup boiler to the clear soup, but it can't roll or bubbling! Then continue to put the shredded chicken into the soup, gently push it out in the same direction, and then put the beef velvet in the same way! 99

"Do so.

"It can make the soup have no impurities and no oil slick, clear as water, slightly yellowish, and "boiled water" is basically made!

"Finally. 35

"Then use hot clear soup, that is, "boiling water" poured down from the top until the cabbage is cooked! The "boiling water" that has scalded the cabbage can be used for other purposes, and cannot be used back in the finished "boiling water cabbage" 2.0.

"Put the blanched cabbage on the bottom of the soup pot, and gently pour the reserved boiling water.


"You can make this delicious dish! 99


Yukihira Jōichirō, those vicissitudes of life are filled with incredible!

He really couldn't believe that a young man under twenty years of age could successfully cook this seemingly bland but actually rich magical soup base by relying on traditional cooking techniques!

In a sense.

This Chu Feng, want... stronger than him!

"hard to imagine.

"If you give Chu Feng twenty years, no, ten years, or even five or three years, he will probably become the real master of this era!""

this moment.

Yukihira Jōichirō, was really shocked.

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