a glass of wine.

Clear and full-bodied.

I can only see Nakiri Leonora in the restaurant, with a calm demeanor!

Her shining eyes are always focused on the wine glass in her hand! Slim fingers, holding a silver spoon with skillful gestures, quickly stirred the ice cubes in the glass, but did not make a single sound.

at last.

She slowly threw a bright red cherry into the wine glass!

The transparency of the wine.

Cherry red.

It is a wonderful ~ baptism of vision!

Immediately, she picked up the wine glass, and the dankou-colored nails reflected the luxurious color in the liqueur cup, and then under Chu Feng's gaze, she took a sip!


"This wine is really fragrant!"

"With crispy and sweet cherries, the entrance is sweet and fresh! 99


Nakiri Leonora, came back to his senses.

She opened her eyes and glanced at Chu Feng next to her. Seeing his calm expression, there is always a sense of personable demeanor, and I can't help but be a little elated!

"Chu Feng.

"Don't be stupid!"

"Come and drink with me."

"Mrs Leonora!"

"Are you on your mind today?

Chu Feng, find a seat beside Leonora and sit down!


He moved the tip of his nose slightly.

I can only smell a faint fragrance in the air! This fragrance is different from the jasmine fragrance on Nakiri Mana's body, but it is somewhat similar to the fragrance of roses!


all said.

Smell the scent to know people!

Different women have different body scents!


"What's wrong with me?

"It's just too lonely, no one to talk to with me, and no one to play with me!"

"You know Alice is an intern here in the restaurant. I'm the only one in the dormitory room of Tōtsuki Academy. It's really boring!"9


"This morning.

"I just came to you, I want to talk to you with me!"

Nakiri Leonora, bowed his head.

Immediately after.

She looked at the wine in the wine glass, and she had finished drinking, so she quickly reached out and picked up the wine bottle next to her, ready to pour more wine for her own wine glass!

"Let me do it."

Just then.

Chu Feng, however, grabbed Nakiri Leonora's hand and snatched the bottle from her!


"This... how embarrassing this is!" Feeling the temperature and touch of his hand, Nakiri Leonora actually had a feeling of being electrocuted, and his heart was in a mess!

at last.

She looked at Chu Feng.

To be honest, she likes Chu Feng's character, gentle and considerate!

Sometimes, his every move is always very elegant, which makes Nakiri Leonora, who has rarely seen handsome little fresh meat in his life, be heartbroken!


"Chu Feng.

"It is said that masters are lonely. 35

"A person like you, who is almost unmatched in terms of cooking skills, sometimes feels that he is empty in some aspects?"5

"Especially when you're succumbing to such a small restaurant and not going anywhere!"



Nakiri Leonora, couldn't help but ask curiously.

In Chu Feng, there are really many places that are worthy of her inquiry!

"Huh? 35

"Okay, why are you asking this question?"

Chu Feng, stunned for a moment!

"Just curious!"

"How can you be curious about everything, don't you know that when a woman begins to be curious about another man, it is the beginning of sin?"

Chu Feng smiled and said.

"what the hell!

"I...I...I'm a woman who has seen the world, how can I be coaxed by a little brat like you?" Nakiri Leonora, listening to Chu Feng's words, inevitably blushed.


She continued to take a sip of wine and said angrily.

"Hard to say!"

"That's how Nakiri Mana came here, so I'm afraid you will be like her!" Chu Feng touched the tip of his nose and laughed softly.

"Huh? 35


Nakiri Lei Lou Nuola, directly rolled his eyes at Chu Feng!

0... ask for flowers... 0



In her heart, she does feel a little bit! Hey, I don't know why I can't stay at Tōtsuki Gakuen, I have to drink at Yunhai Restaurant early in the morning!

Hard to do.

I'm really interested in Chu Feng?

At this moment, Nakiri Leonora, who is full of thoughts, is thinking wildly!

'in your opinion.

"Even Nakiri Mana, who has the tongue of God, has to submit to me! So how many people in this world can follow in my footsteps?


"In your eyes, I might be a lonely person, right?"

"However, I don't feel lonely running this restaurant by myself! Instead, I feel very comfortable being surrounded by people all the time!


"It wasn't until now that I knew that I was alone, and I actually don't have a feeling!"

"At the very least, I feel very free! I can do whatever I want, and don't do whatever I don't want, and I can live every day as I want!

At this time.

Shy smile.

Chu Feng, then turned to Nakiri Leonora seriously.



"If you want me to say, you are a heartless person, you just want to live your own life! Besides, you obviously have such a strong cooking skill, but you only want to run this restaurant well!"

Nakiri Leonora.

Listening to Chu Feng's words, I was actually a little touched.

Think about yourself.

In the past, he was the head of the Nakiri International Research Department!

Everyday life is to hide in the laboratory, with a group of stinky men who can't do anything but research, specializing in new technologies and new dishes!

Are you lonely?

Seriously, that kind of life made her feel so lonely!

If she hadn't had her daughter Alice by her side, she would have wanted to die!

Therefore, this is why she ran back to Tōtsuki Gakuen immediately when the general manager asked her to come back and intervene in the fall audition and outdoor practice course!

Just because.

She really wanted to escape from that place! Li.

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