I'm in Food Wars: Opening A Restaurant

157 The sensation of the audience

The same piece of meat.

Pickled and unsalted, generally pickled ones are more tender and more watery!

This is because the meat loses its internal moisture quickly under intense heat during the cooking process!

That is, as the temperature increases, the water content will become lower and lower. Without additional treatment, the water content is almost irreversibly reduced!

temperature change.

Nature causes changes within matter.

at 50°C

Myosin begins to coagulate and solidify.

As the meat turns from raw to cooked, the texture begins to harden slowly.

And at around 60°C, the cells start to aggregate into clumps of protein, surrounded by moisture, and the meat becomes firm and juicy!


Start at 65°C.

The collagen outside the connective tissue denatures and shrinks, causing it to put new pressure on the cells, releasing a lot of juice, and the quality of the meat starts to become chewy!

So after understanding these principles, Nakiri Alice uses the low temperature cooking method to process the steak!


She heated the pot to 200°C, added corn oil to moisten the pot, and kept the fire on medium high!

Then, fry the beef 08 on both sides for 1 minute until the surface is crispy!

Immediately after.

It's thick cut steak.

Because Alice has practiced knife skills at Yunhai Restaurant, Alice is very skilled in cutting the steak! Finally, it is frying until the surface is crispy!


Sprinkle salt and black pepper evenly over the steak, making sure every side is coated with the seasoning.

Put into a low-temperature slow-cooking vacuum bag.

Use the instrument to remove the air inside and keep it in a vacuum state.

Then use a low-temperature machine, cook at low temperature for 1.5 hours, and let the steak slowly steam to medium rare at the "low temperature" state of 48C!

"Hi! 55

"This steak.

"It's surprisingly soft!"

With a knife and fork, slightly touch the surface of the steak.

Immediately, I saw that the steak quickly dented, and then quickly bounced back! Such a miraculous phenomenon, Chitao Xia Ya was taken aback for a moment!


She never saw anyone.

Is it possible to handle the steak so softly!


"It's processed with low temperature cooking.

"The so-called low-temperature cooking method is a scientific way to "wake up" ingredients, that is, put fresh meat into a lower temperature apparatus in turn, and let the meat cook slowly!

Nakiri Alice, explained without thinking.

"I see!"

"The purpose of using low-temperature cooking is to enhance the tender meat quality of the steak and bring a new taste experience to the steak!


"Why thick-cut steak?"

Think about it.

Qianyu Xia Ya, there are still some doubts!

"The cooking idea of ​​thick-cut steak is that the inner cookedness reaches the peak of the curve evenly, and then the outer part is rapidly coked and the Maillard reaction brings the meat flavor to enhance the flavor of the product! 35

"But. Years

"This process must be as fast as possible!

"Don't affect the internal familiarity, that is to say, as long as you solve the problem along this line of thinking, there will generally not be a big gap!"

"That's it!

"I understand!"

Probably understood Nakiri Alice's description.

Qianyu Xia Ya finally showed an expression of sudden realization! Immediately, she couldn't wait to cut a small piece of steak with a knife and fork and began to chew it slowly!

on the tender steak.

It is a thick curry sauce flowing.

At the same time, potatoes and carrots perfectly absorb the taste and taste of steak! The unique aroma of the vegetables is also mixed with the mellowness of the steak, and every bite is like a fairyland on earth!

Steak processed by low temperature cooking method, although not bloodshot, is exceptionally tender!





These kinds of different taste experiences can always linger in your mouth!


"This steak tastes amazing!"


"I didn't expect to have such a delicious dish at the last minute! This... This is the most amazing and delicious dish I have ever eaten in my life!



"At first, I thought it was filet mignon, but it turned out to be a tendon steak!"

"And this kind of tendon steak is not like filet which is almost all lean meat, nor is it like the eye meat with a lot of fat, this is... the kind of steak with moderate fatness and leanness!


"I'm so touched to eat this kind of food!"

a time.

Five reviewers present.

They all abandoned the elegant appearance of eating, and started to gobble and eat!

Even the pretentious two sisters, Chitaro, have begun to be deeply conquered by Alice's curry steak dish!

in terms of meat tenderness.

Plate tendon steak, which can be said to be second only to filet and eye meat, is tender and juicy after cooking.

But for some people, the tendon in the middle of the tendon steak is really hard to chew, so the popularity of the tendon steak in the market is actually not as good as that of filet mignon and sirloin steak! 303


For Alice.

Just use a low-temperature slow-cooking method to turn the tendon in the middle of the tendon steak into gelatin! This way, the tendon will not eat too much!

And the success of this dish also proved that her idea was right!


Alice's results are finally out.

95 points!

The scores of the five reviewers are all very consistent, and all of them rated 19 points, which is only a little short of the full score of 20 points!

And rely on such scores.

Nakiri Alice, finally replaced Mito Ikumi as the first place in Division A!


She is also a student with a comprehensive score of over 90 in Division A.


"My score is indeed the highest!

Knowing that her score was 95 points, Alice was inevitably excited! After all, her biggest goal in life is to defeat Erina in Tōtsuki Academy and become an Elite Ten!

And now.

She is getting closer and closer to this goal!


"Looks like I'm the last one!

Feeling the endless cheers from the audience because of Alice's cooking, Tadokoro Megumi at this time can only wipe away the sweat Tamako!

Immediately, she presented the cooking she had just finished.

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