Silent night!

The clouds on the beach gradually dissipated. The cool water-like moonlight sprinkled down, adding a bit of vitality to this fairyland-like scene!


Chu Feng is taking a larger coconut.

Make a small opening at the top and pour out the coconut water.

I can see that this old coconut shell has thick coconut flesh! And the coconut flesh contains coconut milk and oil, which is nourishing and moisturizing, has a strong fragrance, and has a greater tonic effect!

Then, he scraped the coconut flesh with a spatula and left it in the coconut shell.

Next, cut the chicken into pieces, put the chicken into the coconut directly after blanching, pour some coconut milk into it, put some salt, and then steam the whole coconut in the pot!

so to speak.

This is how coconut chicken works.

It is the easiest and purest of all the different ways of coconut chicken!

"Three Zero Three"


Sweet and flat!

The pulp has the functions of tonifying deficiency and strengthening, invigorating qi and expelling wind, eliminating chancre and killing insects! At the same time, long-term consumption can make the face moist, benefit energy and tolerate hunger.

Therefore, it has high economic value!

In the tropics, people who may live here, it is quite common for dishes like coconut chicken! However, for Nakiri Leonora, who has always lived in the Nordic region, it is a bit of a fuss!


"Could this be coconut chicken?"


"That's right!""

"Because the conditions on the island are limited, I can only cook dishes like this! On the side, Chu Feng, who is busy with his work, said with a smile.

In the Hainan region of the Celestial Dynasty, there are four famous ingredients, which are:

Wenchang Chicken!

Add Duck!

East Goat!

Happy Crab!

Almost all the dishes made from these four ingredients have become the exclusive taste of Hainan! And the coconut chicken dish is well-known throughout Lingnan!

Made with specialty Wenchang chicken and coconut!

Of course.

under current conditions.

The coconut chicken made by Chu Feng is definitely not Wenchang chicken! But even so, this coconut chicken dish can make Nakiri Mana and others feel delicious!


It tastes smooth and meaty.

And when you chew it carefully, it feels very chewy!

With the special sauce, it tastes really delicious!


when entering.

The first feeling it brings is freshness!


It's salty!

Immediately afterwards, the sweet taste followed! No matter what kind of taste you like, you can taste the taste you like in this coconut chicken!

"The coconut meat is delicate and soft, and the coconut water is delicious and sweet!"

"Although this coconut is rich in mineral nutrients, I didn't expect the coconut water and coconut meat to have a strong fragrance, and when paired with the tender chicken, my tongue couldn't stop!"

Take a bite.

Nakiri Mana, sunk in no time!


"The deliciousness of chicken and the fragrance of coconut can be felt in your mouth in an instant! And this kind of different taste, you really won't feel bored no matter how you eat it!


Xiaolin Gentian, followed by nodding.

Coconut Chicken is a recipe that combines the taste of summer with chicken!

The taste is extremely wonderful, and this dish also breaks the pattern of ordinary cooking, it creates a dish that is beautiful, delicious and nutritious!

Its coconut flavor is fragrant, and the whole soup is particularly refreshing and delicious!

Finally, the coconut chicken broth is also drinkable directly. In the taste of coconut, there is also the umami of chicken. Drinking it in a bowl is actually full of happiness.




"Really full!

At this time, Xiaolin Rentan, who had just eaten his fill, touched his bulging belly and said in a daze.

In fact, even if it was a seaside vacation, she felt that there was nothing to do! Instead, she felt very happy to be able to eat Chu Feng's cooking here!


For food lovers, this life is destined to be inseparable from the word "eat"!

"Chu Feng.

"I'm full too!"

Nakiri Leonora, also wiped his mouth.


"You seem to be eating a little bit!" Seeing that Nakiri Leonora didn't eat much, Chu Feng was stunned for a while, and asked curiously...


"I'm not very hungry!"

Nakiri Leonora, after saying this, he got up and left!

Such a weird behavior made Chu Feng a little confused. Nakiri Mana next to him touched Chu Feng's arm lightly.

"Chu Feng."

"I think Leonora should have something on his mind, or you can follow along and take a look. After all, this time on the beach vacation is mainly to provide opportunities for the two of you!"


"You must not miss it!"


"Okay! 99

"I'll come when I go."

Even Nakiri Mana said so, is there still room for Chu Feng to refuse? So, his figure flashed, and he quickly followed!

The bright moon in the sky is as bright as a jade plate.

There are thousands of stars, all like shining pearls, like the pieces scattered on the chessboard, messy! At this time, the earth seems to be asleep, only the sea breeze is still blowing. !

At this time.

Nakiri Leonora ahead, stop!

She looked left and right at first, and then seemed a little hesitant!


How strange!

What is she doing here?

There seems to be nothing here except for a spring flowing down from the top of the mountain, right? Also, it seems that Nakiri Leonora is familiar with this place!

Hard to do.

During the two days she came to the island, she was observing this place?


What does she want to do when she observes this place?

Just thinking about it, Chu Feng quickly looked up, but his heartbeat stopped for a while, he held his breath, and stared at Nakiri Leonora undressing!


Does she want to take a bath?


Look no further!

So, Chu Feng consciously stretched out his hand to cover his eyes! However, if you take a closer look, you can see that in the huge gap between his fingers, a pair of eyes staring straight ahead without blinking!

in the bright moonlight.

Nakiri Leonora's skin glows like jade!

so that.

At this moment, Chu Feng was stunned!

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