The golden and tender egg rolls are wrapped in red and tender shrimps!

One bite, it is smooth and mellow, and the lips and teeth are long aftertastes the strong fragrance of eggs, the freshness and sweetness of shrimp, and the fresh fruity aroma of olive oil!


its taste.

Not amazing!

But it is very kind, which makes Chu Feng feel a kind of plain and warm after tasting it carefully!


"This jade is burnt."

"It looks like a simple omelet, but there's actually a little something in the interior!""

"Adding fresh shrimp will make the taste of tamagoyaki richer and sweeter. Frying with olive oil can achieve a refreshing and healthy effect! 35

"Especially olive oil is suitable for high temperature cooking, frying food between 130 and 190 degrees Celsius is a very safe and delicious "three zero three"!

"And. 35

"Olive oil, heat will expand!"

"So, when using it, you can use less oil than other oils, and it won't cause the dishes to be too greasy!

at this time.

Eating tamagoyaki.

Chu Feng, is slightly intoxicated.

In the past, Erina's cooking always gave people a particularly amazing feeling! Especially in the selection of ingredients, it is more about high-end and delicate, and there is often a kind of distance beauty!


Such dishes.

Many times, because of excessive pursuit of perfection, many people are out of reach! Moreover, she herself does not think about the essence of cooking from the perspective of diners like Tadokoro Megumi!


her cooking.

In Chu Feng's eyes, it is nothing more than a kind of "self-entertainment" thing! And the Yuzi-yaki in front of him allows Chu Feng to see Erina's growth!

Maybe it's because this yakiniku was made for Chu Feng, so it was inevitable that during the production process, she thought from Chu Feng's point of view!


Being able to cook from someone else's point of view, Erina is transformed!


"Your cooking.

"It's really delicious, I love it!

at last.

Chu Feng wiped his mouth and smiled at Nakiri Erina.

"Huh? 35

"this and that……"

"Actually, it's just a little snack I made casually, and... it can't be said to be so elegant and delicate! I originally thought that this is the kind of food, you will not like it!

"Unexpectedly. 35

" think it's delicious!

own cooking.

Finally got the approval of Chu Feng.

At this time, Nakiri Erina looked at Chu Feng with bright eyes, and felt a little shy in her heart. She felt her heart beating faster, and her whole body felt numb like an electric shock!


This feeling makes her addicted!

"Hmm! 99

"This kind of food."

"Even though the ingredients are simple, the taste is very good!""

Chu Feng, smiled again.


Under the watchful eyes of Nakiri Erina, he continued to eat this extremely delicious Tamagoyaki! And watching Chu Feng continue to eat the dishes he made, Erina was very happy!

This is the situation.

Nakiri Mana on the side has a panoramic view.

She looked at Nakiri Erina, who always had a faint smile on her face, and her thoughts couldn't help being a little complicated!


The night was dark, and the hour had passed.

The sky outside is already darker! After the simple celebration, Tadokoro Megumi, Yoshino Yuuki, and the three daughters of Ryoko went back!

And Nakiri Alice, in order to hope to get better results in the next eight rounds!


She hopes to stay for one night and let Chu Feng continue to give her some pointers!

for this reason.

Chu Feng said it doesn't matter!

After all, Nakiri Leonora is here too, and it would be nice to have Alice stay so that the mother-daughter couple can get together for a while!


Saw Alice staying at Yunhai Restaurant.

Nakiri Erina also forcibly stayed on the grounds of "being more with her mother"!

So far.

The primaries for the fall tryouts have just ended.

After this Yunhai restaurant closed on the first day, it welcomed two beauties again! For a while, this restaurant became very lively again!

as usual.

Chu Feng, who ran to the bathroom to take a shower, returned to his room... But just as he walked in, a pretty figure appeared at the door!

"Chu Feng!

"I... can I come in?


It suddenly became crisp and called.



"You're so eloquent!

"Although this is my room, there seems to be no rule that you can't come in, right?

Chu Feng stepped forward and pulled back instantly. He turned around slightly and gave Erina a deep look! After that, he moved his position and motioned Erina to go to his room first!


Erina, blushing, walked into his room.


She remembered!

We were in Chu Feng's room, but we kissed him! However, because of Nakiri Mana's spoiler, both parties ended up in an embarrassing way!

Chu Feng, who came in behind, was sitting on the sofa.

And Erina looked at his room carefully, and after hesitating for a while, she carefully sat next to him! That kind of demeanor that wanted to be close to him, but wanted to keep a sense of distance, really Let Chu Feng laugh and cry!


Two people sitting together.

Between each other, they are absorbing each other's unique breath.


"Are you getting close to some women now 2.0? 99'

Erina, spoke first.

Although her tone is very flat, it is also concealing the relationship between Chu Feng and Nakiri Mana, Nakiri Leonora, Kobayashi Rentan, Nakiri Alice, Tadokoro Megumi and so on!


"It's a long story, and my relationship with them can't be explained in a few words.

Chu Feng sighed.

He stretched out his hand, soothed Nakiri Mana's pretty face gently, and murmured, "Erina, this includes you!

"Chu Feng!

"I...I'm actually...really..."

Nakiri Erina bit her lower lip, her eyes filled with water mist, some struggle and some depression.


She finally made up her mind and said, "I like you very much!"

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