I'm in Food Wars: Opening A Restaurant

25 strangers, Tadokoro Megumi



The most important thing is that because of the ability of "God's Tongue", it can always give the absolutely correct option! Therefore, in Erina's eyes, everything she does cannot be questioned!

Even cooking.

No room for criticism from others!

But since she went to Yunhai Restaurant, where she witnessed Chu Feng's cooking, her original thoughts and ideas began to slowly shake!


She somewhat figured it out.

correct answer.

Not just one, but many.

For chefs, perhaps the most important thing is to dare to break through oneself and create new dishes, rather than the pursuit of perfect dishes!



"It turned out to be the winner."

"Then there is no need for the Ramen Research Association to exist!"

Say it.

Nakiri Erina, directly ignoring Hasegawa Jiro.

She looked back at Arato Hisako and urged, "Hisako, next you go to contact the demolition troops and let them deal with it immediately!"


"Miss Erina."

When Arato Hisako heard this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.


Under the astonishment of the crowd.

The headquarters of the Japanese Ramen Research Association, which used to be very beautiful in the past, was completely razed to the ground by the demolition troops in an instant and turned into dust!



The most common comment is nothing more than "Delicious and delicious!"

They are full of fireworks. But in the eyes of poets and artists with delicate emotions, food has another poetic look!

One vegetable and one meal also hides the great interest of life.

Just when Erina wanted to expand her power, Chu Feng's Yunhai Restaurant unexpectedly welcomed another important guest.

"Old... Boss!"

"Here, can you order a beef stew with red wine?"


In front of Chu Feng.

She is a girl with blushing cheeks and a shy personality.

Looking carefully, her biggest feature is the blue double twist braid. And on the bangs on the right side, the silver hairpin made her look a little more cute!

Especially the pair of watery bright eyes, always blinking, people can't wait to put her in his arms immediately and cherish her fiercely!


"There just happens to be some fresh beef here."


Chu Feng, only nodded in response.


"That's great!"

Hearing this, Tadokoro Megumi immediately became excited.

Although she is good at local cuisine, she actually likes stewed dishes! The reason is that stewing itself is an extremely personal thing!

Except for the food itself.

It is the people who eat together and the process of cooking!


Can tell you how much water to add, how much salt, and how long to simmer!

Pots are different.

Food is different.

The heat is different.

When is the right time to simmer!

No one can tell the answers to all these questions. At most, they can only give you a general direction, so that you can decide the recipe in your own way!


And right now.

Tadokoro Megumi is actually very distressed and painful.

Because she was the last in the elementary department and was promoted to the advanced department! Although it was said that when I was in the elementary school, my grades were often not very satisfactory, but it was barely enough to not be eliminated!


It's hard to make it to the higher department.

But soon after school started, he was about to face his first assessment test! Moreover, if she cannot pass smoothly, she will face the risk of being expelled from school with a high probability!


She wants before she gets kicked out.

Have a good meal of beef stew in red wine at this Yunhai restaurant!


in the folk.

The French still prefer traditional dishes.

Among the traditional dishes, the country cuisine is the most famous.

And in this department, the most proud of the French is that pot of Burgundy red wine stew! The original country beef stew with red wine is famous for its flavor, but the dishes are "hard to be elegant".

Chunks of beef.

In red wine, stewed black.

Moreover, the aroma of red wine and the aroma of meat blended together, forbearance and strong. And Chu Feng's red wine stewed beef at this time is the most primitive method.

Serve red wine beef and vegetables with a sprinkle of parsley for extra flavor!

Afterwards, a plate of beef stewed in red wine was placed in front of Tadokoro Megumi. When she saw that the entire plate was dark, she couldn't help being taken aback!


"This...is this beef stew in red wine?"


"It's the most primitive way."

"Let's eat and see, I believe this dish will definitely make you feel something!" Seeing this, Chu Feng just smiled softly and explained.


"Then I'll start!"

After speaking.

Tadokoro Megumi, can't wait to pick up the knife and fork.

Immediately afterwards, she cut a large piece of beef and slowly put it into her mouth!

At the entrance, the meat spreads easily along the texture. Any taste buds on the tongue can quickly feel the rich wine aroma permeating it!

Solid sensuality.

Slightly sour wine taste.

The two are constantly blending, bringing a strange satisfaction.


"This...this is..."

Can't help but.

Tadokoro Megumi was stunned.

Her movements began to slow down!

From gobbling down large pieces to slowly tasting small pieces, I am afraid that I will miss any feeling this dish brings! And the pleasure of the tender beef being quickly crushed in her mouth made her unforgettable in an instant!

I tasted the beef and it tasted unexpectedly good! The meat is springy, soft and delicious, and the vegetables absorb the rich flavor of the sauce, which is very delicious!

at last.

Tadokoro Megumi even mixed the remaining gravy with mashed potatoes and ate it clean. *

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