
Erina's matter, even if it came to an end! And in the dead of night, as the last diners left, this Yunhai restaurant finally closed!

Kobayashi gentian as a cook.

After eating a full crocodile feast, I returned to Tōtsuki Academy with satisfaction!


when leaving.

She told Chu Feng, however, that after the start of the semester, the freshmen of the higher education department will be faced with residential training activities. At the same time, in addition, some affairs in the academy still require her, the second seat of the Elite Ten, to be responsible and run.


this time.

She may not be able to come to Yunhai Restaurant for the time being.

Hearing this news, Chu Feng felt a little lost at first, but also expressed that he could understand.

In the end, when Xiaolin Rentan left, he specially made an extra layer of puff pastry, so that she could satisfy her cravings on the way back.

And with her departure, this Yunhai restaurant is finally closed!



"Congratulations to the host for completing 150 orders today and rewarding 150 gold coins!"


"The host successfully signed in once, and the reward recipe Tianshen Comet Fried Rice!"

In an instant.

The system's voice was remembered in his Chu Feng's mind.

After being stunned for a while, Chu Feng then reacted, feeling extremely excited.

In addition to getting 150 gold coins for selling 150 dishes! The most important thing is to get a brand new dish!


This new dish is quite unusual!


Tenjin Comet Fried Rice.

This is a fried rice that claims to have the most fluorescent agents!

This dish comes from "China's Little Master", although it has a very magical name, but in fact this dish is nothing more than fried rice!

That's right.

The ingredients used are mainly:


Qingjiang cuisine.


Just because it was dropped from the sky, it became Tenjin Comet Fried Rice!

Of course, although it is vegetable fried rice, in the plot of the original book, this bowl of vegetable fried rice allows the local residents to restore vitamin C and become strong again!

Therefore, this dish is considered a treasure in Chu Feng's eyes!


"did not expect."

"You can even get the dishes from "China's Little Master"."

at last.

Chu Feng, finally unable to hide the joy in his heart, laughed a few times.

Now, he is more confident that he can build this Yunhai Restaurant into the strongest restaurant in the world! After all, relying on his own cooking skills and the help of the system, it is difficult for him not to dominate the entire cooking world!


"For a while now, even Kobayashi Rentan has been busy with affairs in the academy. In the entire Yunhai restaurant, I have to be busy inside and out!"

"It seems."

"The most important thing."

"I still have to hire an employee quickly!"



Chu Feng, who only felt tired, sighed helplessly! Immediately afterwards, he cleaned up and washed early, and then fell back to sleep!


the next day.

Early morning hours.

The thin mist slowly serialized in the gaps in the woods! And the newly born sun is slowly passing through the clouds, like a shy little girl, began to look at the earth!

at this time.

In Tōtsuki Gakuen, in the cooking room.

With the final result, Tadokoro Megumi, who successfully entered the Higher Division, had dull eyes and a kind of despair in his eyes!

She raised her head slightly, and glanced at Lecturer Chappelle on the stage.

Can't help but.

She was so scared that she almost lost her soul!

"It's over!"

"It's really over!"

"Is it possible that I, Tadokoro Megumi, are really going to drop out of school? Is my destiny in this life, as Boss Chu Feng said, can only be reduced to washing dishes for a Yunhai restaurant?"


She was nervous, she whispered to herself.


"Good morning."

"Students, I'm the lecturer in charge of this assessment, Roland Chapelle!" After looking around, the lecturer Chapelle on the stage finally spoke up!


Under the stage, there was silence.

I saw that all the freshmen present were holding their breath, and they didn't dare to let go of a fart!

After all, standing in front of them is the most severe lecturer in the entire Tōtsuki Academy! In his class, the grades that students can get have always been only two results:



There is no third result, which can be negotiated.


from start to finish.

All the students, have never seen this lecturer showing a satisfied smile because he has tasted the food! Therefore, he is also called a "chef who can't laugh".

It is conceivable how desperate these students are to let such a person take charge of this assessment test!



"Today's test question."

"I want you to make a beef stew with Burgundy red wine. According to the past practice, I will write the recipe for this dish on the white board."

"You just need to follow the recipe and make a Burgundy red wine stew that I am satisfied with within the stipulated 2 hours!"


Chapelle said very calmly to the many students in the audience.



"Burgundy Beef Stew?"

Tadokoro Megumi, who kept writing the word "person" in the palm of his hand because he was nervous, and then swallowed it into his mouth, was instantly stunned when he heard what Chapelle said!

Beef stew in red wine?

Isn't this what Boss Chu Feng cooked in the Yunhai Restaurant yesterday?


"As long as you follow the method given by Boss Chu Feng, you will definitely pass the assessment!" Soon, Tadokoro Megumi, who reacted, seemed to see hope, so he hurriedly got busy.



She picked out some ingredients.

Then, she quickly wiped the beef dry with kitchen paper, and then fry the charred layer on a high fire and add an appropriate amount of flour to make it evenly covered with rain and dew!

Immediately after.

Put the beef into the pot, add 1/3 bottle of red wine, and start to simmer on low heat.


"Someone is so bold."

"You don't need the recipe I provided at all, but you can create a new way to make beef stew in red wine according to the correct method that you insist on!"


"It seems that this assessment test is not so boring!"

At this time.

Lecturer Chappelle, who was watching everything in the cooking room on the stage, finally settled on Tadokoro Megumi.

And when he saw that Tadokoro Megumi used different ingredients in the red wine stewed beef dish, he couldn't help but be surprised!


Surprised, but also a little bit looking forward to it! *

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