

Everything is shrouded in darkness.

Half the moon hangs diagonally, and the silhouette on the ground is slightly mottled. A gust of cool wind blows the leaves and makes a rustling sound, making people feel relaxed and refreshed!


At Tōtsuki Gakuen.

The notice of the accommodation training activities has begun to be passed to every new student!

For a time, everyone was caught in an unprecedented sensation!


"It's over!"

"It's really over!"

"The terrible accommodation training event is finally coming!"

Yoshino Yuuki, who lives in Polar Star Dorm's dormitory, immediately hugged his head and shouted when he saw this activity notice full of cartoon Q version style in his hand.


"Then...that's what you said."

"Do I have to go to Yunhai Restaurant for a while?"

One listen.

Tadokoro Megumi sighed helplessly.



"It's all this time, you still miss that handsome boss?"

"In previous years' residential training activities, more than half of the freshmen will be wiped out! This year, if you don't work harder, you may be expelled from school!"

Seeing that Tadokoro Megumi didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem, Yoshino Yuuki could only hurriedly hold the event notice, shook it in front of her, and said softly.


"More than half of them will be expelled from school?"

Tadokoro Megumi, amazed!


"Think about it."

"If you drop out of school because of unqualified grades in this residential training activity, then what face do you have to go... to meet the Prince Charming in your mind?"

Seeing Tadokoro Megumi's face gradually turning pale, Yoshino Yuuki here restrained his smile and asked indifferently.

Tadokoro Megumi: (⊙o⊙)


In an instant.

Tadokoro Megumi, I was so scared that my soul flew away!

She only felt powerless, so she could only lie obediently in Yoshino Yuuki's arms, with a lifeless expression on her face: "I... I'm going to be expelled from school, what should I do?"


"I want to go home!"

"Here... this place is really scary!"



"Yoshino Yuuki."

"Don't scare Tadokoro Megumi all the time! You know her character is more timid than others, why are you so naughty in front of her?"

"I want to tell you."

"Although the accommodation training activity is a knockout match, isn't there still half of the people who survived?"

"Such a survival rate is very high!"

"So as long as you maintain a normal heart and seriously deal with every assessment of the accommodation training activities, you'll be fine!"


Isshiki Satoshi, always maintaining a faint smile, said to the crowd.


"You're already in second grade!"

"You have already experienced the accommodation training activity once. Of course you can say these painless words in front of us!"

Yoshino Yuuki, being so warned by Isshiki Satoshi, scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

She looked at Tadokoro Megumi lying in her arms, and saw that her face was getting paler, and she was so frightened that she realized that what she had just done was really too much!


For accommodation training activities.

In front of Isshiki Satoshi, she still had a frown!


"At Tōtsuki Gakuen."

"There will always be many insurmountable hurdles. If you want to achieve something here, you will naturally have to work harder than others!"

"If you face any difficulties, you are always timid, afraid of this and that, then you are destined to not be able to do great things!"

Say it.

Isshiki Satoshi, shrugged.

Then, he smiled and said, "What about me! From the bottom of my heart, I hope you, the freshmen in the Polar Star Dorm dormitory, can pass the dormitory training program smoothly!"

"After all, the Polar Star Dorm dormitory itself is a whole, and no one can be without it!"


"Isshiki Satoshi-senpai, I understand!"

Yoshino Yuuki, stunned for a moment, finally nodded.

Afterwards, she glanced down at Tadokoro Megumi, who had no masters, and couldn't help muttering to herself, "Alas! Xiaohui is also true, but it's just a restaurant!"

"I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup that boss gave her, but she was fascinated by it!"

"She's a little weak by nature."

"If she can meet a strong man who can think of her, she will naturally have an urge to depend and adore!"


"It's really surprising."

"In this world, there is only one person who makes Tadokoro Megumi so fascinated!" Isshiki Satoshi, his eyes flashed, he couldn't help falling into thought!

Who is it?

Who on earth is it?

What kind of talent and charm does this person have that Tadokoro Megumi will never forget him!


at the same time.

in a fully equipped kitchen.

Nakiri Erina, imitating the beef rice bowl Mito Ikumi made this morning!

I saw that she cut a few pieces of butter into the hot pot, and used a low fire to force the oil out of the butter! When the oil reaches a certain level and starts to sizzle in the pan, put in the sliced ​​beef!

Fry the beef until it changes color.

Add the finely chopped onion to the pan.

at last.

That's the most important place!

Her eyes tightened, and she quickly added a small dish of white sugar to the pot and stirred it well! After the sugar caramelization reaction occurs, the white wine is quickly added, and the alcohol is released with a high fire!


A bowl of beef rice bowl, that's it!

But it can be seen that at the moment when the cooking is completed, a rushing aroma spreads to the entire kitchen in an instant! And in this fragrance, Erina's whole heart is filled with sweetness and satisfaction!

Can't help but.

She couldn't wait to taste it.



"Is this Chu Feng's cooking?"

"This taste really resembles his cooking style! Using the simplest ingredients can often create the most perfect taste!"


"That guy, too... too powerful, right?"

finished eating.

Nakiri Erina, Chu Feng's handsome back appeared in his mind!

her heart.

Suddenly pounding, eyes full of tenderness! *

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