With the end of the opening speech, the accommodation training activities finally began.


in a cooking room.

The assessment officer, Fuyumi Mizuhara, was looking closely at the group of students who were busy.

Because every assessment officer, they can give the questions of each test according to their own wishes and ideas! And you can also ask students what to do according to their own evaluation conditions!


This time.

The assessment question given by Fuyumi Mizuhara is pasta cooking!


Compared with the raw steak and the cold salad, I feel that only a plate of hot pasta accompanied by a fresh and thick sauce can hit the stomach in the stomach!


Love pasta.

The most important reason is that its glycemic index is very low!

The so-called glycemic index refers to the relative speed at which carbohydrates in a certain food enter the human body to cause blood sugar to rise within two hours under standard ration!

When the value is below 55, the food can be considered a low-sugar food.

When the value is between 55 and 70, the food is moderately sugared.

When the value is above 70, the food is high in sugar.

The value of pasta is often between 45 and 50, so it is considered a low-sugar food! Even pasta that is cooked and left to cool will have a lower glycemic index!


Pasta, very tasty.

It is not easy to soak or fall off, it can be refrigerated for a long time in the refrigerator, or you can eat it without making it! Even office workers can make it a day in advance and bring it to the company to eat the next day!


for various reasons.

As a result, pasta is more and more popular with people!


only see.

Nakiri Erina offstage, first of all calm.

Then, she will cook the pasta part first, put a teaspoon of salt after the water boils, and cook the pasta for ten minutes!

Da da da!

Da da da!

Grab a kitchen knife and quickly cut the sausage into small pieces.

Divide the small tomatoes into two, slice the garlic for use, and chop the red pepper for use!

Pasta is cooked.

Remove the cold water, and then boil some water to process the snow peas.

When the oil is hot, add the garlic slices and fry until fragrant, then add the sausage slices and fry until browned on both sides! Next, add chopped red pepper and tomato cubes, fry the succulent and drain the water peas!

at last.

Add the pasta and stir fry evenly, then add some prepared meat sauce for seasoning.

After the market.

Garnish with a few more basil leaves.

So, a plate of Japanese-style Neapolitan pasta dishes is done!



"It turned out to be hollow noodles?"

Seeing the first pasta dish in front of him, Fuyumi Mizuhara's eyes flickered a few times! Then, she couldn't help but look up at Nakiri Erina.


"many kinds of."

"However, its thickness, length, smoothness, and curl, these three factors will directly affect the pasta's ability to grab and absorb the sauce!"

"Hollow noodles are used because this type of noodles can be loaded with more meat sauce!"

Erina, explained.



"You are very thoughtful."

Fuyumi Mizuhara heard this and nodded quickly.

Obviously, Erina's words made her look at Erina with admiration! It seems that this year's Tōtsuki Academy, the freshmen are not too bad!

at last.

She couldn't wait to pick up the fork.

Roll up some pasta with a special meat sauce with a fork, then slowly put it into your mouth and chew it carefully!

Suck, suck, suck!

Suck, suck, suck!

As soon as I ate it, I just felt that this very smooth hollow noodles went perfectly with the special meat sauce! Even for a moment, you can feel the strong fragrance!


"This this……"

In an instant.

Fuyumi Mizuhara was so shocked that she couldn't say a word!

Whether it is Japanese or Italian, Naples pasta should be mainly spicy, sour, salty, spicy and smooth!



These two have a spicy and irritating feeling, which is definitely not to be missed.


It's capers and olives!

These two flavors are the main taste bud stimulation, and the salty and sour taste of the pickle can be very addictive.

But no matter what.

The combination and amount of any ingredients are all about balance!

Any kind of ingredients, even the less conspicuous ingredients and seasonings, such as salt, vinegar, wine, etc., should pay attention to the right amount, too much or less will directly affect the taste of the whole dish!



"This kind of mastery of taste is truly unprecedented!"

"That extremely balanced taste will not destroy the toughness of the pasta at all! Moreover, this special meat sauce flavor is not too showy, and it is desperately suppressing the taste of the pasta itself!"


"It's so cool!"

"This soft and smooth texture, this sweet and sour, rich and varied taste, this very Q-bounce pasta, everything tastes so perfect, without the slightest flaw!"

At this time.

Fuyumi Mizuhara, gradually entered a realm.

In her mind, the scene of a blue sea immediately appeared. I can only see that she is independent of the seaside reefs, and she can see from afar. The sea and sky are still as far as the eye can see, without the slightest boundary!


The turbulent waves hit the rocks unexpectedly.

The waves splashed like broken jade, looking like clusters of white plums from a distance! Finally, Fuyumi Mizuhara, who was standing on the reef by the sea, was immediately splashed by these waves!


"Okay... it's such a disgusting feeling!"

at last.

The huge waves faded away quietly.

And Fuyumi Mizuhara, who was all wet, couldn't help but exclaimed!

The Japanese-style Neapolitan pasta dish that was like waves caught her off guard!


"Do not!"

"This feeling is really wonderful!"

"Ah... No, I really can't, I still want... I still want it!"

Can't help but.

Fuyumi Mizuhara, open your eyes.

Then, she started desperately eating the pasta dish in front of her! That very indecent eating appearance seems to be telling her heart, she has already been conquered by this kind of food! *

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