I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 254 delicious Erina (for subscription, for support)

Li Xuan's helpful character naturally doesn't want to see a girl go the wrong way.


In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem, it is just a matter of cooking.

Whether from Nakiri Erina at the beginning, or to Arato Hisako at the back, it was because Nao Sadazuka felt that he had been baptized from the inside out after tasting each other's dishes.

I don't dare to say anything else, but in cooking, even Yukihira Sōma, the protagonist of the so-called King of Medicine, is not as good as Li Xuan. Do you think Li Xuan, who has luminous cooking special effects and a Vientiane chef's heart, will lose to them?

So what's the use of the super chef Li Xuan?

So the son of luck is still not as good as Li Xuan.

If you want to be shocked and baptized, what is more suitable than Li Xuan's improved seven-flavored magic mapo tofu?

Spicy, fragrant, color, hot, numb, crisp, and tender like waves of waves one after another, sweeping Nao Sadazuka's heart.

What's more, under the super addition of Li Xuan's super chef, Nao Sadazuka, who ate the magic mapo tofu, only felt that he had entered a boundless wilderness completely composed of tofu.

The wilderness is covered with red peppers, green garlic sprouts, dense sansho peppers, and big trees whose fruits are soy crispy flesh. The tofu under your feet is gently swayed like jelly.


And at this moment, countless red 'magma' suddenly spewed out in the tofu wilderness, extremely hot, and the air seemed to be on fire—generally.

But when you smell it a little, you will find that this is not lava at all, but the sauce of magic mapo tofu, and the whole world is suddenly dyed bright red.

Whether it is the sky, the tofu wilderness, or the chili peppers, garlic sprouts, crispy meat, mountain peppers, etc. in the wilderness, they are all covered with red light. It should be said that the whole world seems to be suddenly swept by a world-destroying flood.

It's just that this 'flood' is a bit special, not water but a fiery red magic mapo tofu sauce.

Nao Sadazuka, who was in this world, was naturally unable to escape, and the whole person was involved in the torrent. He originally thought that the seemingly extremely spicy flood would suffocate him, even to the point of being too hot.

But on the contrary, on the contrary, it is extremely gentle, floating in the red ocean, I only feel that I have entered the wonderful ocean, and I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

It seems that there are seven small fish around, accompanying him to swim everywhere in the ocean, and Nao Sadazuka has forgotten how long he has not been so happy!

Therefore, Nao Sadazuka couldn't stop her actions that day, her body and heart were deeply imprinted by Li Xuan, there was no way, Li Xuan's luminous cuisine was so overbearing.

Nao Sadazuka, who was baptized both physically and mentally, has naturally become Li Xuan's person, and the object of his worship has also become him.

In this case, Li Xuan will not refuse, and also promised that Nao Sadazuka can come to the store every afternoon like Tadokoro Megumi and the others.

Don't be sneaky, do things upright, straighten your back, and change your clothes. She is obviously a girl who asks for a good look, but she dresses herself up like this.

How could Nao Sadazuka, who regards Li Xuan as a god, refuse to accept Li Xuan's request?

Nakiri Erina looked at Nao Sadazuka who had changed into a nice little dress in front of her, her hair was well combed, and her waist-length hair was neatly draped behind her.

She showed a beautiful and beautiful face, and because she had not been exposed to the sun for a long time, Nao Sadazuka looked extremely fair.

Coupled with this shy look when facing Li Xuan, the image of the stable little girl next door!

For a while, Nakiri Erina had some taste, but this feeling was because his original admirer was taken away by Li Xuan, or because Li Xuan gained another little fan girl and crazy admirer, and there were two more around him Girls don't know!

Why are there two, of course Eluma is also included!

Sadazuka Nao is actually very powerful, and Li Xuan did not say that she must change her cooking path.

After all, it takes a lot of effort for a chef to find a cooking area that he is good at, so why bother to hit the south wall?

.....for flowers .....

Just like Nao Sadazuka is good at stewing dishes, and has deep attainments in dry food and dried fish and other heavy-tasting ingredients, but let her go to Nakiri Alice's molecular cuisine, it simply won't work.

The famous saying is right, genius is one percent inspiration plus ninety-nine percent perspiration, but that one percent inspiration is often more important than ninety-nine percent perspiration!

As mentioned earlier, chef is also a very talented profession. Talented chefs are similar to Li Xuan. It didn’t take long for him to reach the super chef. Although there is systematic help, it is undeniable that Li Xuan’s talent is not low. .

Because the taste of Nao Sadazuka's dishes is a bit heavy, Li Xuan, in order to avoid her affecting other people, is not completely separated, just a small compartment, which is simply trivial for our omnipotent system.

Li Xuan asked Nao Sadazuka to come here not only to correct her character and style, but also to make some friends with Li Xuan.

As Dojima Gin said during his training camp, cooking is a very stressful profession.

To endure countless nights of anxiety and hesitation, to face various emergencies, and to do everything possible to restore the disadvantage.

A lifetime of living as a chef is like wandering alone in the wild wind whistling.

At this time, there is more and more need for like-minded partners who can support and encourage each other. In this boundless and lonely wilderness, a person's strength is very small.

One person behind closed doors may improve quickly at the beginning, but it is best to be like being stuck in a quagmire and unable to move an inch.

Only by communicating more, learning more, and having more knowledge is the truth. The sea is open to all rivers, absorbs nutrients from other excellent dishes, and blooms the flower of your own cooking style!

So Li Xuan hopes that Nao Sadazuka can make some friends, instead of always being alone as before, but to have a few close friends, which is also a way to change Nao Sadazuka.

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