I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 285 Li Xuan's Reminder (For Subscription, For Support)

"Hermione, are you sure that the hair you got from the girl named Millison Birds is hers? Not someone else's or another animal's?


But Hermione didn't regret it because she knew that Li Xuan was doing her good and caring for her. Besides her parents, Li Xuan was the one who cared about her the most.

Hermione gave up the idea of ​​participating together, listened to people's persuasion, and had enough to eat, not to mention Li Xuan's words. Hermione trusted Li Xuan very much.

So how can you say that Hermione is super brave and is worthy of being a real little lion. If you mention this matter to a professor casually, you can solve the problem very easily.

Don't make the little girl cry, so Li Xuan should talk about it.

In fact, the most important thing at the moment is not to find the successor of the secret room at all, but to find the monster that can petrify students, let Professor Dumbledore and the others destroy it, and then talk about other things.

Well, apart from Professor Lockhart, who has the most charming smile, could it be possible for him to brainwash the basilisk with "forget it"?!

This is not like Harry Potter and the others, it can be eliminated quickly, and even if the effect of the drug has passed, there are still some sequelae.

Every time this monster appears, you will find that the spiders in Hogwarts escape in groups, and every time you see the murderer's creatures are petrified, you can search in this direction by yourself.

"I think you can start with a monster that scares spiders and has the ability to petrify. It should be a monster related to snakes. After all, isn't Harry's Parseltongue able to hear the monster's words?"

So she silently dismissed the plan in her heart, and indeed she just thought as Li Xuan said.

You are just a little wizard in the second grade, there are many more powerful wizards than you, I hope you will tell the professors the information after you find the culprit, and this is the end, okay?"

However, since you can enter the Dimension Restaurant, it means that the future has changed, and opening your eyes means that it is different.

The result was still petrified. Fortunately, she kept her hand and tore off the piece of paper about introducing the information about the basilisk in her palm. Even if she was petrified, the answer could still be told to everyone.

In the Harry Potter movies, my favorite is this character, a smart, tough and brave girl who has reached a height that many so-called pure-blood wizards cannot reach through her own efforts.

Forget it, this unreliable guy, don't bring it up to shame.

The emotions of animals are the most sincere and pure, and Thor and the others are not jealous or disgusted with Lila's appearance. They are familiar with animal language and naturally understand why Lila treats Li Xuan like this, and Li Xuan deserves to be treated like this. .

Li Xuan's words reminded Hermione that now everyone does not know who the murderer is, whether it is a human or a magical creature, but from the current situation, it is undoubtedly a magical creature of the snake type.

You could even add an extra piece of information about Salazar Slytherin, so you don't have to look for answers in a sea of ​​conjectures.

"Well then, it's enough for Harry and Ron to become Crabbe and Goyle to test Malfoy."

Following this clue, he must be able to find the murderer in a very short time.

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Think about how terrifying the eight-eyed spider, the overlord of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, mentions the basilisk, and you know how powerful the basilisk is.

Hermione raised her head, looked at Li Xuan, almost lost in his star-like eyes, and nodded subconsciously.

"Hermione! Don't think about solving this monster yourself, although Gryffindor is brave, it doesn't mean being reckless, and it doesn't mean putting life and death aside, don't forget, you still have family and friends.

Seeing that Hermione's thoughts were dismissed, Li Xuan was also relieved. In the original book, Hermione guessed that the murderer who attacked the students was a basilisk. You can avoid being petrified.

Then they were given such favorable living conditions, and they didn't have to fight for survival as before.

You know, the compound medicine doesn't recognize what you put in it, don't cheat yourself, after all, you don't want Harry to be pulled directly from the top of other people's heads like Ron, so don't become weird. Oh weird stuff.

Looking at He 3.1 Min, who left to chat with Thor and the others and started the drama, Li Xuan didn't say much. He hugged Laila's head and gently scratched it on the head. This is something only Li Xuan can enjoy. treatment.

Others, even Torlukoa, just touched Layla at most. They were able to be so close to Layla and get what she liked, only when they were like gods descending to earth, they rescued themselves and Leni.

Such as the cat ears, the faint whisker marks on the face, and the cat tail that hasn't completely disappeared.

It should be said that it is a kind of "407" like a half-orc, with the head and tail of a cat, but it is still a human body.

Li Xuan didn't mean to scare her, he remembered that Hermione swore that she would turn into a cat after putting the hair she got from someone else into a compound potion.

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Hermione shuddered with fright. What if she really turned into a cat or a dog? Although she likes cats very much, it doesn't mean she wants to become a cat!

Of course, it should be said that in the basilisk attack, all the petrified people did not look directly at the basilisk, otherwise it would be directly cool, after all, it is a magical animal rated as xxxxx, this is not Lockhart in black magic The elf from the defense class can be compared.

The first cat, Mrs. Norris, is the water on the ground, Justin is through the ghost, Kurt is the camera, and Hermione is the mirror. It can only be said that this is a blessing in misfortune.

Li Xuan didn't want to let Hermione directly overwrite her because of her appearance. If it was someone else, it would be cold when she was cold, but Hermione was different, let's not mention her relationship with him now.

The only bad thing is that in the end it was cheaper, Ron Weasley, who really deduced what it means to put flowers in cow dung!

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