I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 502 Goblin Matters (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Brother Li Xuan!"

After eating the phoenix eggs that Li Xuan took out, Amano Haruna and the others took the initiative to clean up, and Erza came to sit next to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan took out a cup of sweet cola from the super backpack and placed it in front of Erza.

Erza thanked her, and looked at the carbonated bubbles constantly popping out of the cup in front of her. Having tasted sweet Coke, of course she knew what it was like.

Erza, who likes desserts, naturally has no resistance to this extremely sweet cola, holding it in her hand, the familiar sound and vibration of sweet cola like firecrackers

gulp it down!

The overwhelming sweetness makes people dazzled by the happiness brought by the sweetness for an instant, and the sugar penetrates into every part of the body bit by bit.

The energy of the cells in the whole body has been supplemented, and all the "810" are activated, and they are constantly beating following the beating of the lively carbonic acid in the mouth!

That kind of feeling that the whole body is wrapped in a gentle and refreshing feeling makes people unable to break free, and only Xia has been immersed in it.

Close your eyes and quietly feel the refreshing joy for a few seconds. This sweetness will not make you panic, but it is very refreshing and full of energy!

Putting down the glass, Erza refused Li Xuan's proposal to refill her another glass. You can't eat too much of a good thing at once, so you will lose your sense of expectation!

"Brother Li Xuan, I came here to tell you that the rain girl Julia you mentioned has been found, and now she has joined the union. With the guidance of the old man, she can slowly control her overflowing magic power. !"

Hearing Ersha's words, Xuan didn't expect that she came to tell him this matter.

"Really? This is very good. Fairy Tail is different from the general wizards' guild, isn't it because this is a harbor like home?!"

Li Xuan said with a smile, Ersha nodded to Li Xuan in agreement.

After escaping from Paradise, she came to Fairy Tail. After experiencing it and living here, Erza found that it is indeed a big warm family as Grandpa Rob said!

Like myself, the three Mira siblings, Naz, Gray, Karna, and Rebby. . . . . .

The children who lost their loved ones due to various reasons have been sheltered and warmed here. Carlos, the old man who loves to drink, always seems to be out of tune, but his concern for the children is not fake.

The same is true for other people in the trade union, who take special care of children like Erusa.

And since Erza came to Fairy Tail, I don't know if the attribute of the big sister head in her body has been activated!

It has the demeanor of the discipline committee member of later generations, no, it should be the demeanor of the fairy queen.

Meera, who was always against her in the past, didn't bicker like in the original timeline, and formed a very good bond with Li Xuan.

The main reason is that Mira also thinks that the guild needs a character like Erza, otherwise troubled kids like Natsu and Gray will easily lead others down.

Mr. Ma Carlof's request is not high, that is, everyone is not some evil wizard, just grow up happily, and it doesn't matter if you have a little problem.

It's a pity that in the end, it also caused my grandson Laxus to grow up and not understand him, so the child's growth still needs the intervention and help of external forces!

Recently, Erza and Mira have teamed up to stare at the little girl Kana. She started drinking at a young age. This is not acceptable. They don't want to see the future Kana become a drunk!

Therefore, Kana died before her teacher's success, and her plan to spend her days drinking to soothe her worries was aborted before it even started!

The two of them also talked to Karna in private. Seeing that the two sisters cared so much about her, the ten-year-old girl broke down and cried, and told them that Kildas was her father.

Knowing that Kana's mother had passed away when she was six years old, she joined Fairy Tail alone, and Kildas didn't know that Kana was her own girl, so she always went out to complete the mission of ten years and one hundred years, and at the same time she was so chic !

While Erza and Mira cherish Kanna more, they also complain about Kildas.

At first, I thought this uncle was a nice person and treated everyone well, but I didn't expect him to be a scumbag!

But there is also the reason why Gildas didn't know that Karna was his daughter at all, otherwise it would definitely not be like this!

The more powerful a person is, the less likely he is to have offspring, which is common in all worlds...

After Erza and Mira knew that Kana hadn't told Gildas, their first thought was to tell him to see if he was still so ruthless.

It's a pity that Gildas is not in the guild now, and he went out to do tasks again.

And now Kana believes that Gildas left in pursuit of greater power, so Kana wants to use her own power to defeat him, telling him how ridiculous her original thoughts were.

So this is why Kanna chose card magic, because her own magic talent is not particularly good, and using foreign objects is the fastest way to improve her strength in a short period of time!

After coming to the Fairy Tail guild, I realized that Kildath is so powerful. Since he was six years old, a few years have passed, and his strength has been improving, but Kildath's strength has become even stronger!

Kana couldn't see any hope for a while, so she planned to drink away her sorrows, but she was stopped by Erza and Mira before it even started!

In the original timeline, Erza and Mira were busy bickering, and Li Xuan did not appear at the same time. They were each licking their own wounds and sad past, and did not pay much attention to other people.

Unlike now, I have a good life, and I still have time and energy to pay attention to the guild. They help the horseman Carlos to take care of the growth of the children in the guild, and they themselves have people like Li Xuan watching.

Regarding Kana's matter, Ai Lusha, who was a little distressed and didn't know what to do, also took this opportunity to ask Li Xuan what to do.

Mira, who was busy over there, saw Erza sitting next to Li Xuan and also sat down. Asking Li Xuan the solution was the solution they came up with after thinking for a long time but couldn't find a solution!

Li Xuan thought about it for a while. Now that Kana's resentment towards Kildas is not so deep, she is still a child, and she still yearns for fatherly love deep in her heart. Erza and Mira still need to tell Kildas Kana It's his child.

Give Kildas a chance, a chance to make up for Kana, or wait a few more years, until Kana grows up completely, it doesn't matter if there is Kildas.

At that time, the problem between father and daughter will be more difficult to solve, and the knot in Kana's heart will be even more difficult to untie!.

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