I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 520 Put An End To The White-Eyed Wolf And The White Ticket Monster (Please Subscribe, Please

Of course, if there is a plant summoner in the future who reaches the number of kills and hand-in numbers reaching 1 million at the same time and is promoted to the star-level, Dave can continue to add another 10 million to the king-level!

The plant summoner level system has been determined, and the next step is the evaluation standard.

Those who just got the plant illustrated book are naturally not in the top class. After defeating ten zombies and handing in ten zombie corpses at the same time, they can be promoted to the black iron level.

That's right, killing and surrendering corpses are equated here. If you want to advance to a level, you don't just kill, but also surrender the same number of zombie corpses.

Otherwise, if you only go out but not in, wouldn’t Dave lose money?!

The black iron level is 10, then the bronze level is 100, the silver level is 1000, the gold level is 1W, the diamond level is 10W, and the star level is 100W.

At present, the possibility of the gold level is still very high, the diamond level may be achieved after a while, but the star level is out of reach.

He who can kill a million zombies and turn over so many corpses is really a ruthless person!

Maybe after the initial period, there will not be so many zombies for the summoners to kill!

As for the benefits of increasing the level of the summoner, the first one is naturally that each level opens up the exchange authority of one more magical plant.

That's right, each plant summoner has a limit to the types of summons, but there is no limit to the number, as long as you have enough points!

At the beginning, a magical plant summoning authority will be presented, and if you want to expand later, you can only increase your summoner level.

This is also a means of spurring, to prevent some plant summoners from paddling for fish, and to avoid a single family, even if the plant summoners reach the star level,

If every summoner can summon all the magical plants as omnipotently as Dave, it would be a bit of a tradeoff, and it would not be able to give full play to the ability of each magical plant.

As an inventor, Dave naturally does not have this kind of trouble!

In addition, waiting for a gold-level summoner is a watershed moment. At this level, you can exchange some extraordinary items that Dai Jing exchanged from Tony and the others.

Before that, they could only be exchanged for some living supplies and ordinary thermal weapons.

To be honest (cjab), I don’t know if it’s the rules of Dave’s world. Human thermal weapons can also cause damage to zombies, but unless they are dried into pieces, they will completely lose their vitality.

Otherwise, even if you beat its head off, it can still bite you!

But the magical plant attack does not have this defect, which Dave told Li Xuan.

Li Xuan couldn't figure out why, it could only be said that it was the rules of the world!

In order to appear the white-eyed wolf and the guy who gets something for nothing, it is also mentioned that it takes points to exchange for magical plants.

For the time being, the exchange price of each plant is twice the required sunlight value, and the one-time magical plants are based on the original price, such as potato mines, cherry bombs, and destruction mushrooms.

The concept of sunshine value is actually said by Li Xuan. After all, only Li Xuan, who has played the game Plants vs. Zombies, knows it.

But Li Xuan put it another way, that is, the sunlight value needed to activate the magical plant, the value set for a sunflower sunlight is 25 points.

Having said that, Dave will naturally understand and be able to convert.

After thinking about it, the exchange price was quite reasonable, so it was settled according to what Li Xuan said.

Even if he has learned the illustrated book of plants, then Li Xuan doesn't mind learning from the Yusan family from the world next door.

According to Li Xuan and Dave's vision, the types of magical plants are divided into three categories: combat, support, and defense.

The four magical plants at the beginning of the game, except for the sunflower, the other three are the three types above, pea shooter, potato mine, and nut wall!

From this point of view, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective to choose the pea shooter, because it is the most cost-effective choice in terms of attack ability, durability, and the difficulty of unlocking if you do not choose the future.

Li Xuan and Dave naturally considered this problem, so they also gave a solution.

The first is the initial quantity, the initial free quantity is one for Peashooter, three for Nut Wall, and five for Potato Mine.

The second is the unlocking price in the future. In fact, no matter which one you choose, the unlocking price of the Yusanjia is the price of Peashooter, which is two hundred!

From this point of view, at least a certain degree of fairness can be guaranteed, and complete fairness cannot be achieved.

Li Xuan naturally hoped that through such a choice, he could tell the plant summoners that working together is the kingly way.

Even for Xingyao level summoners, they can only unlock seven kinds of magical plants at most.

At present, there are already dozens of magical plants in the plant illustrated book, and even three-digit numbers will soon be broken through.

It is difficult to rely on the strength of only one person. The only way is to work together to form a team, at least three people.

Although the magical plants invented by Dave are basically fighting more, but there are also a lot of support and defense!

In addition to potato mines, the auxiliary ones are ice mushrooms, water lilies, torch stumps, lantern grass, clover, magnet mushrooms, and garlic. . .

In addition to the nut wall, there are giant nut walls, ground thorns, pumpkins, lettuce, and iron ground thorns for defense. . . . . .

So don't think that the two major categories of support and defense have no prospects for development. With Dave here, are you still worried about this?!

It is impossible for human beings to be in a state of battle all the time. Defense will be the norm after the future is stable. At that time, it is definitely the time for defensive and auxiliary magical plants to fight their skills!

At the same time, the magical plants, the types of magical plants developed by each level, this is the most time-consuming thing to consider.

Because the stronger the power, it is natural to need to stay further back, so that the summoners have something to look forward to.

In each level, the three kinds of magical plants that need to fight, defend, and support need to be included, and even those plants with higher universality need to be placed in the low-level exchange list.

For example, water lily is an auxiliary plant, naturally the lower the better, so that the summoners can take advantage of the water surface earlier!

At the same time, combat plants also need to take into account both land and water. Even if there are water lilies, it can make up for some disadvantages, but it still needs to be considered.

This requires brainstorming, and everyone discussed and reached a result.

Everyone in the Dimensional Restaurant is talented, their IQ is definitely not bad, and they come from different worlds. The plan discussed in this way is not 100% perfect, at least it can reach 50%!.

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