I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 522 The Devil's Son (For Subscription, For Support)

"Ding dong!"

While Dave and the others were in full swing, Li Xuan noticed that the door of the restaurant had suddenly opened.

The door opened, and a girl who was only eight or nine years old walked in cautiously, her eyes were full of caution, as if the slightest sign of trouble would make this scrawny little girl escape.

Looking at the shoulder-length black hair, the bronze-colored complexion that was exposed by the sun without paying attention to sunscreen, and the pair of jasper-like pupils, Li Xuan recognized this little hedgehog who tried to be as sharp as possible. little girl with spines showing.

Nicole Robin!

A poor girl, the only survivor of O'Hara, at a young age, the demon Yuzhi has a bounty of 79 million Baileys!

Of course, Li Xuan knew that Nicole Robin was not the son of a devil, and it was not because "210" was the will of those in power that she was given this title.

At this time, Dave and the others also noticed Robin standing at the door with a vigilant face. Judging from her position and tight body, she was still very vigilant to the outside world.

Li Xuan gave them a look and asked them to continue with their work, leaving the rest to him.

Dave and the others didn't say anything, and continued the discussion after a glance. After all, only Li Xuan is the owner of this dimensional restaurant, and he knows everyone from other worlds.

And many people were very vigilant and cautious when they came to Dimension Restaurant for the first time, but now they have become friends and partners?

Li Xuan didn't expect that after he killed that disgusting Bala's Kozuki Momanosuke, One Piece World would actually choose a new guest.

It seems that in the future, Dimension Restaurant will basically have one guest per world, if there are any more, it will be re-screened only after the previous one dies.

"Come in, don't worry, you should have relevant information in your mind before coming here, so your obsession will be sensed.

Li Xuan stood up with a smile, and said to Nicole Robin over there.

Looking at Li Xuan's smile, did he feel the malice in Li Xuan's body, not only him, but also no one else in this restaurant.

Robin, who has been wandering for a while, has escaped many times by relying on his ability to perceive good and evil in people's hearts.

Li Xuan didn't know that Robin had this ability, but it's normal to think about it. Even if he didn't have it at first, he was forced out by life in the end. He has some abilities and looks very powerful, but the person concerned would rather not know it!

The clever Robin guessed that it should be caused by the devil fruit he ate. After wandering for a while, he naturally knew that the unpalatable fruit that he was too hungry to eat was a devil fruit called the secret treasure of the sea.

Robin thought for a while, and followed Li Xuan's words and walked in. After all, her already hungry stomach told her that if she didn't eat, she might starve to death!

It's just that Robin who walked in had a trace of embarrassment in his eyes besides being alert.

Because everyone here except myself is well-dressed and clean, even the two little girls over there are fair-skinned and wearing gorgeous clothes, just like the princesses in those kingdoms.

Where is it like myself, wandering on a deserted island, with no food, dirty, and tattered clothes, it’s okay on the island, but you can smell the unpleasant smell mixed with it in the restaurant Sea water is salty and sweaty.

It was also seeing Connor and Lisanna that Nicole Robin dared to walk into the Dimensional Restaurant.

But even if she doesn't come in, she can't help it. She is really at the end of her rope.

Before, I finally pretended to join a pirate group, and before I was safe for a few days, my identity was discovered by the other party, and I had no choice but to use [loyalty to detonate the bomb prepared in advance.

When those pirates were busy saving themselves, they escaped in the small lifeboat that had been prepared long ago.

There is no way, every time Robin finds a new sheltered pirate group, the first thing is to find a way out, her identity is too easy to expose.

Moreover, the strength of the pirates we find every time should not be too strong, otherwise they will easily overturn and cannot escape at all.

Although they escaped smoothly, they encountered a storm on the way. The boat was so fragile in front of nature.

If Robin hadn't tied himself tightly to a few planks with a rope before the boat collapsed, it might have sunk directly to the bottom, maybe this might be okay, sometimes "living is worse than dying!

But even living is very difficult, Robin wakes up and finds himself floating on a desert island, the real desert island......

There are no animals, only sparse grass, and a deserted island full of rocks.

Robin, who was already extremely weak, persisted on such a deserted island for a week, relying on the grass on the island and the fish and shrimp washed ashore.

As for why not go fishing?!

Devil fruit users are cursed by the sea, they will become limp when they touch the sea water, what can you do with Robin?!

Coupled with the precarious days before, he couldn't eat enough, and couldn't sleep well. It's normal for Robin to be so thin.

A little girl less than ten years old, wandering in the sea, still suffering from wanted and all kinds of pursuits, can still persevere, Li Xuan admires, and even cherishes, how many children are like Robin in that fucking world of pirates Such childhood life is a tragedy.

Since Robin was able to come to the Dimensional Restaurant, it means that I have a relationship with her, and with my own help, at least this Nico Robin in One Piece World is no longer like the original timeline.

A person lived alone for 20 years before finding his partner. People only saw the maturity and stability of Nicole Robin, but forgot the bitterness and suffering of the 20 years behind her.

Li Xuan also noticed that Robin looked a little embarrassed. Girls still pay great attention to their appearance. 3.9 "Renewed!"

Li Xuan snapped her fingers, and Robin felt as if a gust of wind was blowing over her body. The next moment, she noticed that all her dirty clothes had become clean, and the smell that made her feel embarrassed was also gone. .

I stretched out my hand and saw that the dirt on my hands was gone, and my whole body has not been so clean for a long time!

No way, Nicole Robin didn't dare to clean herself even before she was on a deserted island. One was to disguise her identity as the son of the devil to avoid being noticed by bounty hunters and the navy.

The second is to prevent being noticed by human traffickers. In Pirate World, human traffickers can be said to be everywhere, and the slave industry has spawned many dark giants.

After all, the group of pigs at the top of the Pirate World likes to buy slaves to torture them!.

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