I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 540 Menu Formulation (Seeking Subscription, Seeking Support)

Not to mention, in addition to this, Tōtsuki also acts as a first-hand middleman in terms of ingredients.

Students can order the ingredients for the shop by themselves, or submit a list to the school for help in ordering.

Most students find it troublesome, so of course they choose to get ingredients from the school. After all, the price is not more expensive than outside, or even lower, so you don't have to worry about it yourself.

The quality of the ingredients is also guaranteed, and you can directly appeal if you have any problems. If there is a shortage of goods, it can be delivered within ten minutes of a phone call. If the school has enough stock, it will not affect the business.

If you are looking for it yourself, it is not easy to negotiate the price. After all, the quantity is uncertain, and delivery is also a big problem. At that time, there will be so many people in Yuexian Festival, and it will be difficult to replenish the goods if they are out of stock.

After that, you have to settle the bill, and you have to make statistics and report to the supplier every day, and there is more than one supplier.

There are a lot of shortcomings for myself, and a lot of advantages for the academy, so why not choose the way of less money and less work?!

Except for the rare ingredients used in some stores, such as the restaurant of Elite Ten, or the home itself is an ingredient supplier, such as Mito Ikumi, who opened his own store on the timeline 053, must use his own ingredients, and the rest will be supplied by the academy.

Of course, Tōtsuki is not at a disadvantage. They have inextricably linked with the food suppliers, and some of them are even one of them.

The quantity of one or two stalls is not much, but if the strength of the entire academy is gathered, it will be quite a lot. The larger the quantity, the greater the room for price.

This piece of Tōtsuki can earn a little more, although it is not much, but the quality must be guaranteed.

But in addition to monetary benefits, sometimes human relationships are also a kind of gain. Through this, the friendship with food suppliers is maintained, which is also very important for a culinary school!

Both the face and the inside are rewarded, which is why Tōtsuki’s Tsukiyō Festival is getting bigger and bigger every year!

Not to mention that because of the Moon Festival, Kyoto's GDP has increased, and it also sells the face of the government. My students also get benefits, have more confidence in the college, and will study harder in the future.

Tōtsuki can be said to be all-you-can-eat, so it’s amazing!

Customers tasted delicious food (cjed) and gained joy; students gained experience and aroused their desire to learn; supplier relationships were maintained and money was made; the Kyoto government gained political achievements and made achievements.

But Tōtsuki has cultivated students, maintained relationships, gained the approval of the government, and made a lot of money himself. He has everything he should have. Everyone gets what they want, and they all have a bright future!

Li Xuan felt that it must not be something that he thought too much, that he could think of, and those people in Tōtsuki would not think of it?

Not to mention there is a Nakiri Senzaemon inside!

In fact, Li Xuan can of course choose Tōtsuki to help with the ingredients, but at the beginning Li Xuan just thought that there were not many ingredients used to make those dishes, so he didn’t need Tōtsuki, just talk to Jiuji Yasuo directly .

It turns out that Thor and the others prepared a surprise, but it doesn't matter, as long as the amount of ingredients consumed on the first day comes out, it will be enough for the next few days.

Thor and the others ordered twice to three times the amount of ingredients they usually have in the restaurant. If it’s not enough, Li Xuan can take some from the super backpack, or close the shop in advance to accompany Kangna and the others to eat and drink. It’s also a good choice .

Li Xuan, who no longer has the troubles of survival and has achieved financial freedom, naturally doesn't have to worry about many things!

Li Xuan sits with a tablet to write and draw, and he doesn't plan to make too many dishes. These days, there are only ten dishes in the restaurant, and there are only four dishes in the restaurant next door Jiuwo Zhaoji.

Signature mapo tofu, stir-fried water spinach, red oil dumplings and saliva chicken, Li Xuan's has doubled!

Li Xuan also planned not to follow the usual menu of the restaurant, some dishes that are not on the menu can also be shown.

Li Xuan thought about it, and the four dishes that he thought about at the beginning were still carried out according to the original plan, one dish a day, and the last day returned.

No, Li Xuan thought about it and decided to change it. It should become a new dish every day, and the dishes from the previous day will be served the next day.

Otherwise, if the fame is spread, the guests come to taste it but they don't get it, it must be very sad.

Li Xuan thought about the uncomfortable feeling when he went to the restaurant he wanted to eat excitedly in his previous life and found out that it was closed. Think about it differently. Now that he has become famous, he shouldn't engage in such petty thoughts.

Then, in this way, I can think about Jiudao Cuisine Bureau again. With Tadokoro Megumi and the others, my workload will definitely be reduced a lot. Don’t forget that they are all excellent chefs

The dishes launched on the first day naturally have a place for cakes and mapo tofu, and then there are four main dishes, potato cold noodles, plum fried rice, comet fried rice and shark fin siu mai!

It is paired with a five-piece set of dishes, sweet and sour pork, double-cooked pork, fried crab bucket, flame-roasted suckling pig, and braised duck with walnut sauce!

Isn't that enough for ten dishes?

The heavy, refreshing, sweet and sour deep-fried dishes are all included. Li Xuan thinks this menu is very good.

The flame-roasted suckling pig and cold potato noodles in it were not included in the menu by Li Xuan in the usual restaurants, and now they can be said to be brought out separately.

Potato cold noodles are okay, and the flame-roasted suckling pig dish, if it weren't for Mito Ikumi and Yoshino Yuuki, Li Xuan would not have come up with this time-consuming dish that requires constant attention!

If the roasted suckling pig is to be properly heated, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, someone must be watching it all the time.

Mito Ikumi, who focuses on meat dishes, and Yoshino Yuuki, who specializes in game dishes, are undoubtedly very suitable. At the same time, the flame-roasted suckling pig is also a test of a chef's control over the flame.

But with the skills of Mito Ikumi and Yoshino Yuuki, they are totally capable!

In addition to the fire, the flame-roasted suckling pig is the meat quality and the sauce that needs to be used.

I'm sorry, the sauce Li Xuan has the Xuzhi sauce of the Xuzhi Forest in his hand, and the honey smeared on the flame roasted suckling pig will also be honey from the Honey Dragon.

Li Xuan, a medium-sized suckling pig, is not in hand, but it doesn't matter, just give a call, and Mito Ikumi will arrange it properly.

What's more, Li Xuan doesn't plan to sell too much, a flame-roasted suckling pig can be divided into four parts, and at the same time, Li Xuan didn't let Mito Ikumi and the others hold the suckling pig to roast there.

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