I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 550: Two Adorable Animals (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Ah, Elma, business in Li Xuan's store is going well.

Elma, who was operating the tablet with her head down, heard a familiar voice, looked up, and saw that this was Rintou Kobayashi, but she looked like her wrists were stuffed with food bags.

He was still holding a Florentine-style tripe in his hand, and he was eating it while greeting Elma.

"Yes, there are quite a lot of guests today. We haven't eaten yet, and we have to wait a while before we have a rest. We plan to buy some delicious dishes made by other students at the Moon Festival later."

Hearing Elma's words, Kobayashi Gendan smiled and raised the bag in his hand: "What else do you need to buy it, I just bought so much here, let's eat together, it just so happens that I also want Li Xuan's cooking .”

Seeing Gendan Kobayashi like this, Elma was not polite, and first let Kang Na who was sitting at the cashier go into the kitchen to talk to Li Xuan, and then stepped forward to take off the dozen or so bags on her wrist.

"Master Li Xuan said yes, we will have dinner with Elder Sister Xiaolin later!"

After a while, Kang Na came out of the kitchen, just asking a question.

"Little Kangna, I haven't seen you for a few days, you're so cute again! Come on, this Florentine tripe I just bought, it tastes good, let's try it at 070!"

Xiao Lin Long Dan handed over the paper box in his hand, intending to let Kang Na have a taste too, for this cute little creature like Kang Na, Xiao Lin Long Dan also liked it very much.

That is to say, Akakubomomo didn't know that Kanna had also come to Tōtsuki to participate in the Moon Festival, otherwise she would never have stayed in the Linshan area to open a store.

You must know that the first time Qian Kubotao was brought to Lixuan's store by Kobayashi Gendan to meet Kang Na, it was a shocking man!

Akakubomomo is a girl who likes cute things very much, and has her own unique insights into the attribute of cuteness. In other fields, she can make a lot of money relying on this feeling.

But what doll could be cuter than our little Kangna?!

not at all!

So at the first moment when he saw Kanna, Akakubomomo was like a fanatic fan meeting an idol, his eyes lit up to describe the scene at that time.

Almost frightened Kang Na who had just returned to the restaurant after school into a frenzy of thunder, after all, anyone of the same sex would be terrified when he was looked at with that cold-toothed look.

Fortunately, Kangna felt that Akakubomomo had no malice towards herself (cjcg) at all, and she was small, about the same height as herself, and a super cute girl, so she forgave her.

Akakubomomo also knew that her behavior had frightened Kanna, so she made a phone call and got a bunch of dolls for Kanna.

To say that it is a pile is less, it should be said that it is a car!

No way, as one of the shareholders of many toy factories, apart from money, Akakubomomo has nothing but dolls.

She loves cute dolls, and you can tell by the teddy bear she hugs wherever she goes.

But in the same way, this is also her partner. After all, she is relatively silent and has few friends, except for Kobayashi Gendan.

Regarding Akakubo-momo, Kanna didn't have any opinion. After the initial misunderstanding was resolved, they became friends.

For the bunch of dolls sent by Akakubomomo, after obtaining the consent of the other party, Kanna picked some she liked, and asked Thor and the others to pick some, and gave the rest to her classmates and friends.

Not even Lisanna and Kanna were left behind, they were all installed!

What was difficult that day was that Li Xuan sent Kang Na to school, not because of anything else, but because those dolls needed to be loaded into a car and sent to school, otherwise it would be difficult to take so many.

Even if you drive, you still fill up the trunk and the back seat of the car, leaving only the driver's seat and the co-pilot's seat.

Fortunately, Kang Na told the teacher and classmates about this matter one day in advance. After going to the school gate, the children were waiting there, and then reasonably 'delivered' the super large package to the classroom.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would have to carry these dolls with Kang Na into their classroom before they could leave.

Anyway, when Kangna's classmates and teachers came home from school that day, they more or less carried a doll back with them. The price of many dolls is not low, after all, women and children earn the best money!

And dolls, women and children kill all!

With Akakubo Momo, Kanna also sold a wave of favors.

In this regard, Akane Kubo Momo, who is rich and powerful, said that it doesn't matter if Xiao Kangna wants to come again a few times!

"Thank you, Sister Xiaolin, but I'm working right now, so I can't catch fish. I'll taste it with Master Li Xuan and the others after the business closes later,"

Seeing Kang Na saying these words with a serious face, Kobayashi Rindan only had one word in his mind, and that was cute!

And she is so sensible, Kobayashi Rindan also likes Kang Na very much, who can not like a sensible and cute younger sister?!

Kobayashi Gendan looked at the time, and asked Elma about when it would close for business. He learned that he would not pick up customers after 5:30, and it should be around 6:00 when he can eat.

Kobayashi Gendan looked at the time, there was still about half an hour before it was six o'clock, and there was still time, so he said hello to Alma and left.

The food I bought just now looks like a lot, but they are basically bought in the main avenue area, where the stalls basically serve one person in order to increase their turnover.

This kind of dish is not much, and the price is a plum coupon, and a bamboo coupon for a little bit.

It’s not a scam, but too much portion. First, it’s not easy to eat. Second, the price is the same price. No matter how much the portion is, they will lose money. They don’t want to lose money and drop out of school.

Moreover, this is not the first time for the Yuexiang Festival. Everyone in the main avenue area knows that if the portion is too large, the whole family will be full, and other stalls will not be able to sell it.

Therefore, it is basically served for one person. If one person eats, it means that one person can eat four or five cents full. In this way, one person needs to consume at least two times. If it is a group of people, everyone can share the food.

Anyway, the Yuexiang Festival is now in its ninety-second year, and the doorways inside have been thoroughly figured out, and everyone knows it by heart.

And sometimes, a small portion is the best choice. Tourists travel so far to Tōtsuki to participate in the Tsukiyō Festival, and if they come, they will be full after eating just one portion. What’s the point?

It’s like when you go to the night market and order a portion of fried rice noodles. After eating the whole thing, you can’t support yourself, and you feel tired, so you go home without any interest.

So the food Xiao Lin Gendan bought just now was enough for her, but not enough for so many people.

Just now Xiaolin Longdan saw that there were many acquaintances in Li Xuan's store, and she only just found out that Li Xuan had also come to participate in the Moon Festival, otherwise she would have come this morning. .

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