I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 557: Mapo Tofu For Eating (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

In the face of spring roll mapo tofu and longxu noodles, everyone unanimously chose the longxu noodles first.

Compared with the deep-fried spring rolls and mapo tofu, everyone thinks it’s better to have some noodles first to whet your appetite.

The originally slender dragon beard noodles were deep-fried, and then poured into the broth. The noodles began to soften after fully absorbing the soup.

The slender noodles make everyone dare not use force, for fear that any more force will pinch the noodles.

Just into the mouth, before chewing a few times, the noodles melt in the mouth, the delicate and elegant taste, coupled with the intoxicating fragrance of lotus.

Originally, this Longxu noodles were sweet, that is, red and white sugar was sprinkled on the noodles.

But Li Xuan doesn't like sweet noodles very much, and the broth he made is salty, and if sugar is added, the taste of "843" will be a bit strange.

When eating noodles, put the miraculous ultra-thin noodles mixed with rose petals into your mouth, the noodles and meat will have a wonderful reaction in your mouth, adding a layered sense of taste.

Add all kinds of side dishes on it, drink a sip of broth, and have such a bowl of longxu noodles in the morning, what a wonderful thing!

"You guys secretly eat delicious food and don't ask me to join you, I don't care, I want to eat too!"

When everyone was indulging in the deliciousness of the longxu noodles, a person suddenly walked in from the door and said loudly as soon as he entered.

"Why don't you call me? Didn't you come here on your own initiative? Come and sit down. Today we eat dragon beard noodles and spring rolls with mapo tofu, and serve them on the table by yourself."

Li Xuan smiled and said to Kobayashi Longdan who pushed open the door and walked in, Li Xuan knew that everyone's appetite is not small, so he didn't make one bowl for each person, but made several more bowls, so he couldn't get enough You can eat more or share with others, even spring rolls with mapo tofu.

So don't say that there is an extra Kobayashi Gendan, it is enough for her to bring Akakubo Momo.

Kobayashi Gendan came to the dining table unceremoniously, opened the stool and sat down, greeted Thor and the others without their help, and brought a bowl of longxu noodles in front of him.

He picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Xiao Lin Long Dan has this temperament, and she treats people who get along well and truly treat each other as friends. Li Xuan, Thor and the others also like to get along with such Xiao Lin Long Dan.

Xiaolin Longdan didn't expect that he would be able to have breakfast if he wanted to come early to help Li Xuan and the others. It really is good intentions that are rewarded!

As soon as she came in, she could smell the aroma unique to noodle dishes, and the air was filled with the aroma of scallops, shiitake mushrooms, fish board, shrimp and other ingredients.

Just from these ingredients, you can guess that the soup here is definitely not bad!

Therefore, Kobayashi Gendan took the first sip of hot soup instead of eating noodles like Thor and the others.

As soon as you enter the mouth, the first impression you give Kobayashi Gendan is that it is fresh!

Incomparably sweet and domineeringly occupying the entire mouth, it seems that at this moment she has come to a sea of ​​ingredients, where you can see all kinds of ingredients are swimming happily

Penguins that look like fish boards, green flounder that looks like edamame, bright red and lively prawns, scallops with tender steaks in their shells, and shiitake mushrooms that have been turned into beautiful flowers with a flower knife. . . . . .

Kobayashi Gendan was completely immersed in the ocean of soup for a while, and didn't care about eating noodles.

Others finished the noodles first than Kobayashi Rindan. For those with smaller appetites like Tadokoro Megumi, a bowl of longxu noodles is almost enough.

But for Thor and the others, at least two bowls are needed.

Nao Sadazuka and the others have already picked up spring rolls and mapo tofu with their hands and started to taste them.

To be honest, this dish looks no different from fried spring rolls, but inside it is mapo tofu. Everyone also thinks that a dish of mapo tofu was played by Li Xuan.

This mapo tofu can be directly made into dishes and served on the table, or it can be made into exquisite high-end pastries.

Now you can eat it directly with your hands, without using spoons and chopsticks, and it’s not only what you read while sitting at the dining table in the house is called cooking.

"This feeling is really unique. It's the first time I eat mapo tofu like this, holding it in my hand, as if chewing the white rice and mapo tofu in my mouth at the same time.

But it’s not as cumbersome and complicated as before, just hold it in your hand and eat it like this…………………”

"That's right, the mapo tofu here has more fried diced meat, which feels a bit cold, plus finely chopped tofu diced and mapo sauce, and the spring roll skin outside to neutralize it , you won’t feel too spicy after eating, but just right to satisfy you.”

Kobayashi Rindou, who was eating and drinking, heard the comments from Nao Sadazuka and the others over there, and couldn't help but become interested in the fried spring rolls on the table.

Although she also heard the spring roll mapo tofu that Li Xuan said just now, she didn't listen carefully [The freshmen are all in this bowl of noodles.

Isn't it just fried spring rolls, can you play with flowers?

In the end, I underestimated Li Xuan, he really made the spring rolls look like flowers!

The pastry mapo tofu made last night has opened Kobayashi Gendan's horizons, and today he also made a spring roll mapo tofu?

Kobayashi Gendan felt that a certain dwarf student next door should come and learn from Li Xuan, what is a chef!

What's the use of staring at that mapo tofu all day [I don't see any improvement?!

Kobayashi Gendan took a piece of spring roll mapo tofu and put it in his mouth. After one bite, the crispy spring roll skin was fried and full of the aroma of rice.

There is also the deliciousness of the mapo tofu overflowing from the inside, so you can eat it with your hands wrapped in it.

You can enjoy the deliciousness and fun of 2.2 Mapo Tofu anytime and anywhere, breaking the usual impression of Mapo Tofu.

This is the embodiment of the strength of a chef. A dish is stamped with a distinctive personal mark, instead of just following the script like Teruki Kuga.

A dish of Mapo Tofu in his hand, it can be said to be delicious, fully displaying the numbness and spiciness of Mapo Tofu, but that's all. "There is no more change.

Mapo tofu dish is not only available everywhere in Donghuang restaurants, but also in Nihong. After all, no one can refuse a bowl of mapo tofu bibimbap!

But it is really impossible to make mapo tofu into spring rolls and pastries like Li Xuan!

This is why Kobayashi Gendan sighed so much. .

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