I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 576: Baozi Feast (For Subscription, For Support)

"Sure enough, the red bean paste bun is the best! The soft bun skin, plus the sweet, soft and glutinous bean paste filling inside, it's amazing, amazing red bean paste bun!"

"Kang Na is indeed a child, only children like to eat red bean paste buns, adults prefer to eat meat buns! Look at this pork ribs bun!

The pork ribs, which are grilled to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, separate the bones from the flesh, and are absolutely divine when used as stuffing for buns!"

Over there, Kanna and Yoshino Yuuki, who kept on eating steamed buns, started arguing again.

It’s just that Yoshino Yuuki, you and Kanna are fighting, why are you still using the map-cannon?!

Yoshino Yuuki, who was still complacent here, suddenly felt a few unkind eyes cast from the side, and his heart skipped a beat, "It seems a little too complacent!

Turning her head, she saw Nao Sadazuka, Tadokoro Megumi, and Arato Hisako who were holding bean paste buns, staring at her.

With a resentful smile, Yoshino Yuuki hastily exported all kinds of rainbow farts one after another, trying to make up for what he said just now.

What kind of sweet sweet red bean paste is a girl's life, red bean paste buns are one of the most delicious buns in the world, please forgive me for not being able to speak just now. . . .

For a while, the whole restaurant was full of joy, especially Kangna, seeing Yoshino Yuuki, who had been arguing with her all the time, was definitely the one who laughed the loudest and was the happiest!

Yoshino Yuuki was angry, but there was nothing he could do. After all, the eccentric Kanna had already guessed that Yoshino Yuuki would take revenge on her, so she had already hid in Shenliangzi's arms.

Even Kanna knows that Ryoko Sakaki is Yoshino Yuuki's nemesis!

No way, Yoshino Yuuki, who has a lively personality and loves to be funny, meets the mature and steady Shen Liangzi, just like a younger sister meeting an older sister, who is directly suppressed by blood, and dare not say much.

Li Xuan didn't eat the meat buns and red bean paste buns first, but picked up a sauerkraut bun first, so he was greedy!

The bun skin is as fluffy as cotton candy, and the sauerkraut stuffing Li Xuan also added chili peppers and a little pork to make the taste more intense, and at the same time, the meat oil will fully stimulate the aroma of sauerkraut!

The hot and sour sauerkraut enters the mouth together with the fluffy and soft bun skin, yes, this is the taste!

When I was in elementary school, I went to the school gate ahead of time and waited for the door to open. Such a sauerkraut bun was definitely the best comfort in winter!

Even the sauerkraut buns at Baozipu are not your turn if you arrive late!

There are three people and one pig, but Li Xuan has three people and one bun!

Compared with Li Xuan who picked up the sauerkraut bun first, Mito Ikumi, an absolute meat eater, picked up a beef bun.

Divide the steamed stuffed bun into two pieces, and the aroma of the ripe and juicy beef mixed with several kinds of spices will come out completely!

This kind of beef, the fusion of spices can be called perfect.

It gave her the feeling that it was not like the beef was slowly infiltrated by the flavor of spices from the outside to the inside after cooking.

But this kind of beef itself contains the taste of spices, even their blood is composed of spices.

Mito Ikumi has never seen beef and spices go together so well, like a sponge and water.

No, it should be like dropping ink into a bottle of water, completely blending together!

Sure enough, the special ingredients in Li Xuan's hands are always refreshing and amazed. Mito Ikumi doubts that this beef can have such a strong flavor of spices, but there is no trace of spices in the meat. Is it because he eats spices? grown up.

For a long time, let the taste of spices penetrate into the body little by little.

Nakiri Erina at the side picked up the crab bun, which uses hard-shell crab meat as a filling and is paired with golden wheat buns.

Without tasting it in her mouth, just smelling the fragrance in the air, her God Tongue gave her a hint. This bun may not be the best, but it is the most beneficial to God Tongue!

This hard-shell crab whose shell is as hard as a diamond, after being cooked by Li Xuan, not only the crab meat inside is sweet and delicious, but even the crab shell becomes crisp and refreshing.

Eat it in one bite, as if you have turned into a huge crab and are running rampant in the ocean!

Everyone was immersed in this simple steamed stuffed bun. It seemed that just eating these steamed stuffed buns could be eaten as three meals a day. It was so delicious!

……… Ask for flowers…

When they felt a little thirsty and picked up the corn soup, which was just the right temperature, they felt that if the buns were not served with corn soup, it would be as if Boya had never met Ziqi, and the mountains had not collided with running water. Seems to be out of spirit.

After eating such a breakfast, everyone feels comfortable, full of strength and vitality.

The fatigue that was still left after waking up, after eating, it melted completely under the warm sunshine, and disappeared!

Li Xuan got up early to make buns because of this desire. After all, apart from Tadokoro Megumi, who has been fed by Li Xuan, his physical fitness has slowly improved a lot.


But Nao Sadazuka and the others are just ordinary girls' physiques, and even after that, they did not miss the food from the gourmet world brought out by Li Xuan, but the time was short, the quantity was small, and the improvement was not large.

These days are exhausting enough!

After eating, they rested and digested for a while, and seeing customers outside had already started queuing up, Li Xuan and the others started working.

In the first four days, there were pastry Mapo Tofu, Spring Roll Mapo Tofu, Yuheng Mapo Tofu, and Wuying Mianxin, but today is gone. As the last day of the closing ceremony, what Li Xuan and the others have to do is perfect Get the job done today.

Let's raise today's turnover even higher, making this record even higher and harder to break through!

For this reason, Li Xuan prepared some more ingredients today than a few days ago, since this record was created by himself, then he should raise it as much as possible!

It seems interesting to make it more difficult for latecomers to surpass, and let a non-Tōtsuki chef become the Tōtsuki record holder!

Today is the last day of the Moon Festival, and there are more tourists than yesterday. It was only after 9 o'clock in the morning, and the restaurant was full within a short time after opening.

To be honest, this is very unimaginable, after all, Li Xuan is not a roadside snack, but a restaurant, and they come to the restaurant early in the morning to order such a table of dishes, and it can only be said that Li Xuan's cuisine is enough to attract them!

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