I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 578 Noodle Waterfall (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Brother Li Xuan, what about you, what dish do you want to cook for us, it must be a new dish that we have never tried before?!"

Here, Mito Ikumi came to Li Xuan's side, holding his arm and asking while shaking.

Hey! Mito Ikumi, if you use this to test the cadres, you have something to say!

But even though his heart was turbulent, Li Xuan still looked calm on the surface, but the small movements of his arms made Mito Ikumi a little shy.

If it were Tadokoro Megumi and the others, other people might see their temperament, but Mito Ikumi's temperament is not low, and with wheat-colored skin, even a little redness on the face is covered.

Li Xuan is not a fool, how could he not eat the meat when it was brought to his mouth?

And everyone knows it well, it's not that other people haven't had close contact with Li Xuan, kissing, hugging and touching the head to kill the first one. Some people may not have done it yet, but the latter two have done a lot.

It is when they 29 and Li Xuan do these things alone and in private, unlike Mito Ikumi who is as bold as Mito Ikumi and dares to do it in front of everyone.

"It's really cunning, I also want to stick with Master Li Xuan!"

Here, Nao Sadazuka stared at Mito Ikumi 'viciously' with puffed cheeks and muttered in a low voice, Li Xuan is the god in her heart, but Mito Ikumi was so bold to hug his arm in front of everyone.

If it was Thor and Lukya, the big family and the second room, Nao Sadazuka would not object, and with Thor and the others' skills, Chayang and his group of little girls are nothing at all.

The others also looked at Mito Ikumi over there, their eyes flickering, as if they were planning some trick.

"It's a new dish. You may think it's an ordinary dish, but after you eat it, you can discover the mysterious fried noodles inside. It's called Ganges Fried Noodles!"

“Ganga Mee?!”

The girls repeated the names of the dishes that Li Xuan said, and as for the mediocre words in Li Xuan's words, there was no need to believe them.

They have also known Li Xuan for a while, even if he cooks the simplest dishes, the ingenious ideas contained in them will definitely surprise people, thinking how anyone can think of such a method.

This fried noodles can be named Ganges River, and they have probably guessed the characteristics of the fried noodles.

The name of Li Xuan's cuisine is not random, it is not as straightforward as Nihong's cuisine, but it has a certain meaning.

Of course, there are also very direct names, such as shredded pork with green peppers and braised duck with walnut sauce, but if they are not so direct, they must include other things.

Either it is not the shape, or the other name of the ingredients, or the full meaning, or the generalization of the taste.

For example, the name of the dish Phoenix Emerald Dumplings refers to its shape. When placed on a plate, the light green dumplings become a phoenix about to fly, and the red spicy sauce on the ground is like a fire.

Another name is even simpler. The Yuheng Mapo Tofu just launched is like this. Yuheng refers to the pepper used.

The golden ratio siu mai is the representative of the meaning, which means that the ingredients in this siu mai are matched according to the golden ratio.

The generalization of the taste, then the tornado shark fin sausage must stand out, and the loose shark fin after eating it is raging in the mouth like a tornado.

As for the Ganges fried noodles, that should be the third one just mentioned.

No one here is illiterate, oh, except Thor and the others, they are not uneducated, but they do not understand the culture of this world.

Tadokoro Megumi here took the initiative to explain to Tor and the others: "The Ganges is a word and the name of a river, and it is one of the five major rivers in the Peacock Kingdom.

However, the Ganges in Brother Li Xuan's Ganges fried noodles does not refer to this river, but another meaning. In Buddhist terms, the Ganges should actually refer to the Ganges sand in the Henghe, referring to is a very large number.

In fact, in Donghuang culture, Ganges sand is also a quantitative unit. Generally speaking, the current mainstream view is that Ganges sand refers to the value of 10 to the 52th power to 10 to the 56th power.

In other words, Li Xuan's dish of Ganges Fried Noodles means that there will be countless flavors. "

For Tadokoro Megumi's analysis, Ryoko Sakaki and the others nodded their heads and expressed their approval. Recently, Tadokoro Megumi is not the only one who is strengthening his understanding of Donghuang culture [Nakiri Erina and the others are also doing the same.

This made Lukya and Elma beside them think, whether they should learn more about Donghuang's culture.

And Thor?!

I'm sorry, since she planned to become the empress of the imperial palace, she has learned a lot about Donghuang culture. Although she is a bit biased, at least she is learning.

Li Xuan, who was busy in the kitchen, didn't know that just by virtue of the name of Ganges Fried Noodles, Tadokoro Megumi and the others roughly figured out the key point of this dish, which is the variety of tastes!

The people outside discussed for a while, and after each decided on the dishes they wanted to make, they reported all the ingredients to Nakiri Erina, and sent them directly in one file, and then it will be fine after a while. Within half an hour 257, the ingredients will definitely reach their hands.

As a result, they had just finished their discussion, turned around and looked at the kitchen, and found that in such a short period of time, the kitchen had become a sea of ​​noodles!

Three walls of the kitchen have been blocked by three shelves covered with white noodles, and the fourth shelf is being covered by strands of noodles falling from the sky.

Li Xuan, who is in charge of the white Luo snake chain, looks handsome and unrestrained when he kneads his dough, and he is full of appreciation!

Even though Tadokoro Megumi has told everyone that this Ganges fried noodles wins with the variety of tastes, but the words and language are pale, as long as you see it with your own eyes, you will be shocked!

Nakiri Erina and the others gathered at the door of the kitchen to look at Li Xuan's noodle waterfall. There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of them, not to mention a little shocking.

In order not to affect Li Xuan's work, and also to prevent the noodles from getting dusty, everyone stood a few meters away and watched.

It’s okay that they were far away, but now that they are closer, Kobayashi Gendan and the others can see that the noodles look exactly the same, but they are actually different!

The thickness must be the same for uniform heating and convenient control of the fire, but the shape and pattern are different, such as twist, cross-cut, straight-cut, oblique roll, and wave. . .

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