I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 585 A Bowl Of Porridge (For Subscription, For Support)

"Ginghis fragrant glutinous fish lip, Genghis Khan barbecue, jar meat, Huangjing eel porridge, soft pocket long fish and boiled dried shredded meat!"

Li Xuan looked at the table full of dishes, and from these names, he should be able to guess whose dish it was?!

Fermented soybeans are used in the fragrant glutinous fish lips, which must be Ryoko Sakakakaki's cuisine. Speaking of which, after Li Xuan inspired her, she learned a lot of koji ingredients unique to Donghuang. Fermented soybeans should be Ryoko Sakakakaki's new favorite and new favorite.

Genghis Khan barbecue is well-known as a neon household and is a very representative local cuisine in Kaido. This is of course the cuisine of our gentle and pleasant Xiaohui.

The pure meat dish of jar meat is written by our meat general, Mito Ikumi, and the partial herbal cuisine of Huangjing eel porridge is from Arato Hisako.

The soft-pocket long fish is Yoshino Yuuki who controls the wild game, but the dish of boiled dry shreds surprised Li Xuan, it is Nakiri Erina's!

Speaking of which, there are various versions of this dish of boiled dried shredded rice, including the civilian youth version, local tyrant luxury version, and supreme emperor version, mainly depending on the ingredients used.

But Nakiri Erina is the version that chooses the simplest and the most common ingredients. It seems that under the influence of Li Xuan and others, 417, Nakiri Erina's idea of ​​being misled by Nakamura Ji has changed.

"Hisako, is this eel porridge your dish?!"

In fact, Li Xuan didn't even need to ask, he knew in his heart that this eel porridge itself is a great tonic dish, not to mention that it has been improved on this basis and added medicinal materials.

Speaking of which, Arato Hisako and the others have been with Li Xuan for a long time, and the main direction of cooking is also tilted towards the east.

"Yes, Brother Li Xuan, I know you like to drink soup or porridge before meals, so I specially prepared this eel porridge."

Arato Hisako made a bowl of porridge for Li Xuan, put it in front of him, and asked him to taste his yellow rice eel dish!

Li Xuan asked others to eat too, without waiting for him, but basically everyone also made himself a bowl of eel porridge.

Thor and the others got used to it after staying with Li Xuan for a long time, as if there was no soup or porridge when they ate, or they definitely felt uncomfortable and almost something.

Besides, everyone has been busy all day today. Even though they ate the Ganghe fried noodles made by Li Xuan just now, no one can refuse a bowl of steaming meat porridge at this time.

Li Xuan picked up the eel porridge in front of him, there were dots of red and green floating in the dark brown rice porridge, and there were also traces of yellow ginger dotted in it.

From this point of view, it seems that the eel porridge does not look very good, but Li Xuan knows that the eel porridge with this color is very authentic!

The overall dark brown color of the porridge is due to the eel blood, which will turn into this color after high temperature.

Many people actually know whether the eel porridge is authentic from the moment the eel porridge is served, and that is to judge from the color.

For eel porridge, except for the internal organs of the eel, everything else needs to be integrated into this pot of porridge to bring together the effects of the eel.

Swamp eel is warm in nature, sweet in taste, delicious in meat, and rich in nutrition.

The rice we usually eat has the functions of invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, stopping diarrhea and helping digestion. Therefore, eel porridge has the functions of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, warming the middle and invigorating the spleen, nourishing the brain and improving intelligence, and is suitable for those who are weak, lack of qi and blood, and malnourished.

Coupled with the sealwort and wolfberry added to the eel porridge, this eel porridge is absolutely worthless!

After all, Polygonatum can moisten the lungs, invigorate the spleen, and invigorate the kidneys!

Supplement! Supplement!

Li Xuan put some in the bowl from the bowl of chopped green onion and coriander that he had prepared separately. Arato Hisako was afraid that some people would not eat the chopped green onion or coriander, so he didn't put it in. (cjab)

The green that I just mentioned is chopped celery. Adding minced celery to eel porridge can increase the fragrance of eel, and the special fragrance of celery can also play a role in removing fishy smell

After all, it is eel porridge, and eel blood is also used. If the deodorization work is not done well, it must be difficult to swallow.

Creamy, delicious, sweet!

After this hot eel porridge entered his mouth, Li Xuan's impression was the above three words!

The denseness comes from the texture of the rice, the umami and sweetness is the taste of the combination of eel and other ingredients!

The heat of this porridge is also just right, it does not give people the feeling of lack of water in the soup, the consistency of the porridge is just right, and the other ingredients are perfectly followed by the best time.

Arato Hisako told Li Xuan about his method of making rice eel porridge. Basically, he used salt and cornstarch to remove the mucus from the rice eel.

Then take a plate of clear water, cut off a small section of the tail, and let the rice field eel drain the eel blood in the plate. This eel blood water is the best material for cooking rice.

Don't think it's cruel, isn't it the same when killing chickens and sheep, you have to put them clean.

It's just one from the beginning and one from the end.

Eel blood and rice are boiled, and the eel is broken open to remove the internal organs. Generally speaking, to save trouble, some chefs directly cut the eel into small pieces, and put them in when the rice porridge is half boiled.

Arato Hisako, in order to make it easier for everyone to eat, and with Kanna around, naturally made it more detailed.

Boil the whole eel in the pot, wait until it is fully cooked, take it out, let it cool down a little bit, and separate the meat and bones. The bones are not thrown away, but continue to be put back into the pot to continue cooking.

Wait until the last time the pot is almost ready to replace the whole bone with eel meat cut into small pieces with a knife.

In this way, the rice porridge also has the umami taste of the eel, and the eel meat will not be overcooked and become dry and unpalatable.

Of course, it depends on Arato Hisako's own idea whether it is the addition of wolfberry sealwort and celery powder, or the amount of condiments such as cooking wine and pepper.

To be honest, as a member of South China F3 before crossing, Li Xuan did not drink rice eel porridge less.

Even when I was born and weaned when I was a child, I basically cooked eel porridge at home. After all, there was a shortage of supplies in those days, and eel porridge was considered a high-end product in the countryside!

Li Xuan has been drinking eel porridge for so many years, it can be said that the song made by Arato Hisako can be ranked in the top three today.

As for what is more delicious than Arato Hisako, it is not the taste, but the blessing of feelings.

Seeing that Kang Na and the others are also drinking very happily, it shows that this eel porridge made by Arato Hisako has indeed captured the stomachs of everyone!.

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