I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter Five Hundred And Ninety-Two Rushing (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"...Establish a new organization, gather my carefully selected students, a cutting-edge team that seeks new delicacies, and share all the delicious gods' worlds. I named it the Central Gourmet Organization...the above are the ideals I pursue world."

Li Xuan watched the video recorded by Tadokoro Megumi, that is, the video of Nakamura Ji summoning the students to give a speech.

Compared with him on the original timeline, he is much restrained now.

For example, when I introduced myself, I said I was Nakamura Ji instead of Nakiri Ji, and I just established a new organization, the central food agency.

At the same time, it is not the commander-in-chief, but the general counsel, that is, the power of the chief division, Nakiri Senzaemon, is divided.

To be honest, according to Li Xuan's understanding of Nakamura Ji, he should be confident enough to come out of the shadows and shine the fangs of "310".

In the current situation, with such lack of preparation, he still came out to fight against Nakiri Senzaemon, so he didn't have much advantage at all!

Li Xuan didn't know that it was all his fault, how could Nakamura Ji start the plan so hastily?!

He had already recruited seven of the Elite Ten, and he had made this plan early on, and even Kuga Teruki joined his camp in the end, that is, there were no problems with the eight Elite Ten.

Who would have thought that in the end Xiaolin Longdan and the three of them would change their minds temporarily, no matter how big the benefits he offered from his side, they would not persuade them to come back.

If a complete failure is okay, then just give up, there is nothing to say, but now it is a 50-50 situation.

But to achieve the current plan, Nakamura Ji spent a lot of time, energy, money and contacts, and he had to send it out!

Of course, it is impossible for Nakamura Ji alone to realize the act of stealing the sky and changing the sky, and of course there are other supports behind it.

Rather than just quitting, Nakamura Ji decided to take a gamble. Anyway, in the 50-50 situation, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his plan, and the plan was absolutely perfect.

Once the plan is implemented, the students who see the actual effect will definitely fall in love with him, and other Elite Ten will also join his team.

Thistle Nakamura has this confidence!

Nakiri Senzaemon's set is long gone!

As for taking revenge on Kobayashi Rindou and the others?!

It's not that Nakamura Ji doesn't have this idea, but neither they nor the strength behind them is simple, and the other Tōtsuki Elite Ten are also their friends, and they won't allow Nakamura Ji to do this.

Now the most important thing for Nakamura Ji is to snatch Tōtsuki over. When all the dust settles, then it is time to settle the score!

After serving as Tōtsuki's general advisor, Nakamura Ji not only established the central gourmet organization mentioned above, but also established an experimental class.

This experimental class is what he arranged for Tōtsuki students on the original timeline. The cooking is completely determined by the central food agency, and the students only need to follow the recipes and tutorials.

No need to conceive and create new dishes, but you can't make any changes. Ingredients, dosage, cooking methods, time, etc. must be strictly followed!

This alone would definitely not be able to attract students, but Nakamura Jita, a fine man, opened his mouth directly.

What makes Tōtsuki's system so far more unreasonable, strength-oriented, completely disregarding the fact that different chefs grow at different speeds. . .

In addition, the experimental class teaches Elite Ten-level techniques, ideas, and recipes. It is a world without conflicts, unnecessary dropouts, unnecessary competitions, and unnecessary screenings!

Since then, liberated and gained freedom, no one is an abandoned child, and they are all important forces to create a bright future for Tōtsuki!

As for Nakamura Ji's speech, Li Xuan could only say that he was really very smart, he incited most of the ordinary students and won their favor.

It is very difficult for them to survive and stay in Tōtsuki. Entrance exams, dormitory training, autumn trials, and promotion exams. . .

In addition, he is young and easy to get ahead without considering other things, so it is not surprising that he agrees!

To be able to learn the skills of Elite Ten, without all kinds of troublesome exams, and the teacher will teach carefully, which ordinary student can refuse it!

In addition, because Nakamura Ji did not completely control Tōtsuki, he did not disband the research group, research association, and club, and there were fewer people who opposed it...

Therefore, according to Tadokoro Megumi and their observations, after the assembly, many students went to the office of the central gastronomy agency to inquire about related matters, and many of them even transferred classes directly.

There is no way, the cakes painted by Nakamura Ji are really, really, really, really, really delicious for ordinary students!

Perhaps Nakamura Ji was a blessing in disguise, and good fortune and misfortune depended on each other. Li Xuan's side destroyed his original plan, making him change from a single-handed Tōtsuki to a two-person competition.

But temporarily hiding the bad part and the disgusting part to make it easier for him to get the approval of the students is not a gain.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Nakamura Ji will just change his ways and give up his previous ideas and plans, it's just for the time being.

If he does defeat Nakiri Senzaemon and take control of Tōtsuki next, then it will continue as planned.

Do you think this situation of Tōtsuki is unbelievable?

The students have the most power, they are directly in charge of the principal, and they can also use seemingly weird and impossible plans to implement two teaching methods in one school, and it is still up to the students to choose which one.

It is naturally impossible to change it in Donghuang, but here is Tōtsuki, not to mention that its original system is like this, the cooking skill is 5.7, and the promotion council is supreme.

It can only be said that Nakiri Senzaemon played off by himself and cheated himself.

Now this situation can be regarded as self-eating.

Then again, both Li Xuan and Nakiri Erina can clearly see Nakamura Ji's teaching method.

This teaching mode is very beneficial to ordinary students, but it curbs the growth of geniuses, not only super geniuses like Yukihira Sōma and Nakiri Erina, but also ordinary little geniuses.

After all, completely losing the ability to innovate is just to cultivate a cooking robot.

At the same time, it is also very attractive to those students who don't want to work hard and think about getting something for nothing.

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