I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 595: Alma's Highlight Moment (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Elma is right, it is rattan pepper! Ordinary peppercorns have to be peeled after they are ripe, but rattan peppers can be used even if they are not ripe.

You didn’t eat rattan peppercorns and Chinese peppercorns in the bowl because I squeezed them all into oil, so that the aroma of peppercorns and rattan peppers will be more intense, and at the same time, the numbness of peppercorns and rattan peppers will be slightly weakened .

Use this kind of rattan pepper oil with a mild irritating feeling to pour on the freshly prepared dandan noodles, so that the flavors of rattan pepper and peppercorns and chili oil will blend with the noodles when the noodles are mixed.

At the same time, it can also avoid accidentally biting a grain of Chinese prickly ash and rattan pepper when eating noodles, and the experience of eating noodles is better!

I also kneaded the rattan pepper into the dough, which made the overall flavor of the rattan pepper more three-dimensional and a piece of jade on this jade scale is a green and immature rattan pepper!

Li Xuan explained the numbing feeling when everyone ate it, the echo from the outside to the inside, and from the inside to the outside, it turned out that Li Xuan not only used rattan pepper oil.

When mixing the noodles, rattan pepper water was added!

"Master Li Xuan, why is this noodle made into Dandan noodles!"

The little cutie Kang Na raised another question, Fei Cui and Yu Heng refer to 103 rattan pepper and peppercorns, but why is there no origin of the name Dan Dan Noodles?!

The main reason is that other people basically know the origin of dandan noodles, Tadokoro Megumi and the other seven needless to say.

In order to have more common topics with Li Xuan, Thor has learned a lot about Donghuang culture, especially food.

It's just that there are too many delicacies in Donghuang. Even after more than half a year, Thor is still learning.

As for Lukya, he is very casual about these things. Anyway, as long as he lives long enough, he can learn all kinds of knowledge from other people.

"Dan dan noodles is a traditional dish in Sichuan and Sichuan, and it was called this name because it was sold by hawkers in the beginning.

Tadokoro Megumi answered Kanna's question gently, simply and clearly.

"Come on, try this Yunwu twice-cooked pork, it will give you a completely different experience!"

Looking at the twice-cooked pork piled up into hills on the plate, the top is completely covered by fresh scallions, and it looks like a mountain that has not been searched for. 1

This time, everyone didn't rush to comment after being caught, but all looked at Elma to see how she commented, or to give her a chance to perform.

Elma didn't gobble it up like before, but savored the taste of the pork belly in her mouth carefully.

"The scallion white full of air, wrapped in sweet and tender pork belly, slowly blends in the mouth, just like the cloud-shrouded Mount Emei!

Different from the usual twice-cooked pork, the common side dish of twice-cooked pork is chili, so the taste of the meat is mixed with the spiciness of the chili.

But this Yunwu twice-cooked pork is different, no chili is used, because the chili will take away the elegance of the scallion, the slightly sweet and slightly spicy of the scallion, and the slight lightness, plus the most original taste of pork belly.

It's as if you stand on the top of the mountain and feel the thickness of the mountain, but you can also touch the clouds at your fingertips!"

Everyone nodded, approving of Elma's comments.

Looking at it on the bright side, isn't it that the fried pork belly is sprinkled with scallion shreds cut like hair? It feels similar to eating roast duck.

But let’s not talk about Li Xuan’s ingredients, let’s not talk about the green onions from the vegetable field in the sky and the pork belly pork from the gourmet world, Li Xuan’s cooking skills are now worthy of turning decay into magic.

Therefore, this cloud-mist twice-cooked pork is really like its name, making diners feel as if they are in the clouds, the clouds brush their cheeks, the breeze blows their clothes, but they are stepping on the majestic and heavy mountains.

Seemingly contradictory, but in fact (cjdh) complement each other.

Coupled with Li Xuan's other refreshing and sweet stir-fried seasonal vegetables, Nakiri Erina made hot and sour pickled cucumbers, and all the girls were very full for this meal!

After eating and drinking, Thor and the others cleaned up the tableware, while Li Xuan took out the teapot to make tea for everyone, and chatted.

According to the usual time, this time should be Li Xuan's business hours, but a few days ago, Li Xuan didn't give himself a rest because of Tōtsuki's Moon Festival.

I originally planned to rest today, but some old customers were very greedy for their own cooking, and the Moon Festival could not be lined up for a few days, so Li Xuan opened for the whole morning this morning to give back to the old customers.

As for the afternoon and evening, that is the rest time.

That's why Li Xuan had time to chat leisurely with Tadokoro Megumi and the others. They also came here after chatting with Thor until Li Xuan had a rest tonight.

Otherwise, at this point, Li Xuan is definitely busy and can't take care of them at all.

Of course, even if Li Xuan is still open tonight, they will come over, even if Li Xuan has no time to talk to them, they are willing to come to help.

Not for anything else, just because you will feel more at ease by Li Xuan's side.

After all, what happened to Tōtsuki today made them feel a little overwhelmed, and they didn't know who to talk to, because the family didn't know much about Tōtsuki's affairs.

Although they have a good relationship with each other, they can't feel safe and down-to-earth like Li Xuan, even if they don't talk, just being by their side!

When Thor and the others finished their work and sat down to drink tea, Li Xuan suddenly remembered something that he hadn't mentioned just now.

"Speaking of which, do you know Dojima Gin, Chef Zhangjima's Elite Ten of his class?!"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, they basically shook their heads. After all, Dojima Gin's class was too far away from them. If you look at Yukihira Jōichirō and Nakamura Ji in it, you will know that their children are as old as Tadokoro Megumi and the others.

Seeing the girls shaking their heads, Li Xuan smiled and answered: "Actually, I don't know too much, I should only know three, no, it should be the top four, and that was the golden age of Polar Star Dorm! "

Hearing Li Xuan mention the familiar word Polar Star Dorm golden age, Tadokoro Megumi and the three of them knew that Li Xuan really knew it.

After all, Grandma Fumio Daimidō mentioned this word in front of them more than once.

Mito Ikumi, who doesn't live in Polar Star Dorm, heard this word for the first time.

"The era of Dojima Gin, to be precise, should be the 69th Elite Ten, the first Dojima Gin, the second Saiba Seiichiro, the third Nakamura Ji, and the fourth Ebizawa Riko!".

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