I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 597: Psychology Class (For Subscription, For Support)

Well, Tadokoro Megumi and the others are all stunned, this melon is a bit full!

Even Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako over there are the same. The fact that Nakamura Ji is Saiba Seiichiro's little fan really made Nakiri Erina never expect.

That person actually has someone to admire? And she is still the same person as her former self, so Nakiri Erina can only say that she really deserves to be a father and daughter?!

"How should I put it, in fact, it's a bit complicated here, or a bit bloody?!"

"Brother Li Xuan, tell me, to be honest, I'm quite curious about that man's past."

Erina recovered from the memory, and said to Li Xuan very calmly, this sentence is not a lie, but a fact.

Originally, with Li Xuan's help, Erina came out of that dark memory, but tonight, whether it was Li Xuan "397" who called her into the kitchen alone to ask her alone, or the emerald jade Hengdan noodles , Erina knew that this contained Li Xuan's concern.

In fact, Nakiri Erina didn't realize Jade Jade Hengdandan Noodles at first, but she only realized when Nakamura Ji was mentioned while drinking tea and chatting.

In addition to being delicious, that emerald jade balance dan dan noodle gave people a warm feeling, dispelling the haze in the heart, and feeling full of strength all over the body.

In addition, Li Xuan was gossiping about Nakamura Ji just now, and at the same time Xiang Liangzi and the others were also secretly paying attention to themselves with great concern.

Although the movement range is not large, the careful Nakiri Erina noticed it.

For so many years, since Nakiri Alice went to Eastern Europe, the only friend around her is Arato Hisako.

But before Arato Hisako placed himself as a subordinate, a follower, rather than a friend of Erina, so there is still something missing in terms of friendship.

But after getting to know Li Xuan this year, it was completely different.

Family affection, friendship, and even youthful love are all made up at once.

The heart knot has been removed, and now Nakiri Erina has completed the transformation, and the demeanor of the ogre family is fully displayed in her body!

"Okay, let me tell you about it, this topic starts with Yukihira Jōichirō, also known as Seiichiro Saiba...

In the following time, Li Xuan told Tadokoro Megumi and the others what happened to Saiba Jōichirō at the beginning, and at the same time told everyone that Nakamura Ji insisted that Saiba Jōichirō's departure was due to Tōtsuki's system problems.

To be precise, this is why Nakamura Ji is doing things in Tōtsuki.

"Okay, it's another unexpected reason, hey, why did I say again?!"

Sakaki Ryoko and the others didn't know what to say after hearing what Li Xuan said.

Obviously they came to Li Xuan's place to have a meal and let Li Xuan enlighten them, but unexpectedly it turned into a melon-eating scene.

What's more, there are so many melons that I can't finish them all!

From the Tōtsuki reform in the morning to the gossip here at Li Xuan in the evening, it’s only one day, how can it feel so long?!

"Actually, about the past of Ji Nakamura and Jōichirō Saiba, you can just listen to it, and I hope you can understand something from it.

Why did Saiba Seiichiro run away before the competition, and why he left Tōtsuki instead of participating in the competition, and all kinds of praises are really good, and why Nakamura Ji became like this, I hope Xiaohui you can Think about it. "

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Nao Sadazuka and the others quieted down and began to think.

That is to say, Thor and the others who have nothing to do with them are too lazy to deal with these things. Knowing that Li Xuan is going to teach the little girls, they don't bother.

A few people went upstairs to wash up by themselves. After listening to the gossip, the education stopped listening.

After being silent for a while, Li Xuan didn't wait for them to speak, but said first himself: "You can exchange your thoughts in private after you go back, and I will share my thoughts...

Li Xuan didn't say much about the truth, but hoped that they could support each other on the road of cooking, and don't hold everything in their hearts like Seiichiro Saiba.

Don't be influenced by the words of the outside world, your own efforts and sweat can be seen by yourself, instead of being erased by a word of "genius".

Also, cooking is to bring happiness and happiness to people, not a tool and means!

Balabara gave Tadokoro Megumi and the others a thought class and a psychology class, and talked a lot, seeing how they were thinking, Li Xuan didn't continue to say more...

He picked up the teacup and drank tea to moisten his throat.

No way, Li Xuan didn't want to do this either, but Tōtsuki's lessons are also a bit problematic.

There are culture classes and cooking classes, but no psychology classes.

And that kind of cruel education method is also easy to grow crooked, too early contact with this kind of thing, especially when the mind is not fully mature, it is easy to go wrong.

Thistle Nakamura is a very typical example.

So Li Xuan had to play a psychiatrist as a cameo, he didn't want Tadokoro Megumi and the others to make a fool of themselves!

Tadokoro Megumi and the others are smart people, and it didn't take long for them to understand what Li Xuan said.

More importantly, they all know that they are not Saiba Seiichiro, nor will they become Saiba Seiichiro.

Not only are the times different, but more importantly, they have friends by their side and support behind them, and they are not alone in the gourmet wilderness!

Li Xuan and Mito Ikumi chatted for a while, and asked them to pay attention to the actions of the central food agency, especially to remind them that Nakamura Ji may attack various research associations and research groups.

Forcibly disband or take back the venue by eating halberds, and let those ordinary students join their own experimental classes and other means.

People like Tadokoro Megumi and others in the seminar need to pay special attention. If you have any questions, you can discuss them together. If you are not sure, you can come to yourself.

Watching the two cars carrying Yoshino Yuuki and the others go away, and the taillights gradually blurred, Li Xuan did not turn around and close the door to enter the shop in a hurry.

Instead, I want Nakamura Ji to convince Eishi Tsukasa their excuse, what Tōtsuki, as the leading culinary school in Neon, has the responsibility and obligation to promote the development of the neon cuisine world.

What does it mean that what is not recognized by them is not food but feed? Doesn’t that mean that ordinary people are born?!

In addition, the purpose of purging and teaching is to cultivate 'soldiers', destroying all the small restaurants on the street, which feels a bit dark in the culinary world.

Nakamura Ji's behavior is not called helping Neon Cuisine to progress, it is called eliminating dissidents, and it is called campus violence and brainwashing on campus!


Li Xuan turned around and closed the door, leaving only a laughing sound. .

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