I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 599 God (For Subscription, For Support)

In this universe, Peter and Gwen achieved success, and with Peter's help, Harry Osborn also solved the genetic disease, and Dr. Conners also saved himself.

George Stacey, the sheriff, did not sacrifice, and became the mayor with the help of Peter and Harry. He showed his ambitions, and everything was so beautiful.

Li Xuan likes this kind of beauty, but Li Xuan changed everything from what he felt at the beginning.

Not long after entering the Dimensional Restaurant, Sam Witwicky also changed his original destiny, and with the help of the Autobots, he "defeated the attack of Vitex.

Now he has truly reached the pinnacle of his life. Under the guidance of our Mr. Tony Stark, he has transformed from a simple and stupid tenor to an old fox.

Not to mention anything else, at least he learned quickly how to handle those disgusting guys.

And Optimus Prime also said that Megatron and the others will not give up so easily. With the words of Megatron before leaving as evidence, Ugly Country and Sam still have a common enemy here, and it is not time to tear their faces. .

Therefore, Sam still has time to develop in the future, and how far he can reach depends on his own good fortune.

The Ugly Nation's military has no choice. Even if they are greedy for Autobots, they can only cooperate temporarily.

This time in the battle with the Decepticons, they not only saw the power of Optimus Prime, but also understood the power and difficulty of the Decepticons Megatron.

If you can use missiles casually in the wilderness, it's okay, then just bomb him!

But Megatron and the others are not fools. After connecting to the network of Transformers Blue Star, they will naturally be able to know the behavior of those people, but they will not give them a chance.

For the time being, the military in the Transformers world is not as vicious as that in the Marvel world, even daring to throw nuclear weapons directly into the city.

At least in a short period of time, it can also become the amulet of Megatron and the others, but it will not be sure in the future.

When they feel that the threat is big enough, maybe those ruthless guys will directly kill the Autobot Decepticons together!

And our Sesshomaru is still on the way to kill Naraku, not only because of Li Xuan's request, but also because Naraku dared to attack Ling.

Let Sesshomaru, who was originally just Shangxin, become Nisha Naraku!

With Inuyasha and his team, Naraku is too miserable!

As for the three siblings Robin, Erza, and Mira?!

Aren't they the ones who are fighting in front of Li Xuan now?!

Li Xuan and Thor handed over a lot of things, not only knowledge, magic, but also combat skills.

Now they are improving their fighting skills, not that they will not use their strength if they have nothing.

Erza and Mira are old rivals, while Lisanna, Elfman, Robin, and Hina Amano are in a big melee.

The strength of the four of them is not much different, and such a big melee is also the fastest way to improve them.

According to the evaluation of Fairy Tail World, Erza and Mira are now at the strength of A-level mages, while Elfman and the others are at the strength of B-level mages.

Although Amano Haruna entered the Dimension Restaurant faster than Mira and the others, and accepted Lukoya and the others' guidance earlier.

But Amano Hina is just an ordinary person, not as well-founded as Erma and Mira.

Don't forget that at the beginning, Amano Hina's own ability was flawed. If she used too much, her body would become unreal, and she would even be assimilated by heaven and earth.

It also took a lot of time to make up for this defect. With the help of the god Lukya, Amano Hina's ability was completely controlled by her, and there was no defect at the same time.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they are now at the same level as Lisanna and Robin, after all, there is no aura of heaven and earth in the world of Amano Hina.

If Amano Hina wanted to improve herself and absorb spiritual energy, she still had to rely on Li Xuan.

Amano Hina's progress has also fallen into a shackle, but in the future, she should not be inferior to Erza and the others, and even surpass them.

Because Li Xuan recently put forward a bold plan with Lukya and the others, that is the artificial god plan!

In the world of Amano Haruna, to be precise, there is no extraordinary power, at least in this era, there is no soil for the existence of extraordinary power.

Don't look at Amano Haruna who became a weather maiden before, able to control the weather, but in fact that is not her power.

At best, she can turn the rainy weather into fine weather, but there is still a time limit. If it is her strength, it is better to say that she is a middleman.

If Hina Amano hadn't been lucky enough to come to the Dimension Restaurant, met Li Xuan, and changed her original life trajectory, the current Hina Amano might meet Hodaka Moritori according to the original timeline, or she might have completely fallen into a deep sleep. Sky minister.

Since with the help of Li Xuan and the others, they have made up for the shortcomings and at the same time truly mastered the power to control the weather, why not take this opportunity to create gods?!

Even if there are various difficulties in believing in becoming a god, at the same time, the strength after becoming a god is relatively vain, and you are very dependent on believers.

But that is also God!

Always stronger than ordinary people?!

No matter how you say it, Amano Hina is still an ordinary girl living in a world without magic.

Being able to become a weather maiden also shows that she has enough talent and affinity in this regard.

But compared with other people, such as Mira and Erza, they are much worse.

Maybe her qualifications are not weaker than theirs, but because the world she lives in doesn't have extraordinary factors like magic and spiritual power.

If she wanted to improve herself, she could only do so in Li Xuan's Dimensional Restaurant. In her world, let alone improving her strength, it took a lot of effort to barely maintain the spiritual power in her body.

In a world without demons, there is no transcendental factor, but faith is definitely not bad!

The fundamental reason why Li Xuan was able to make this plan was that, as a god, Lukya had a way to collect and use the power of faith in his hands.

If there is no way to become a god through belief, just let Li Xuan think about it, he doesn't have the power to think about it, of course it is daydreaming.

The longer he lives with Lukya, the more Li Xuan thinks that Lukya is a super treasure, you never know how many secrets she knows and how many treasures she has.

In other words, Lukya has experienced a lot in her long life.

Anyway, Li Xuan knows quite a lot at present, and now in the Dragon Clan, Lukya is a bystander, that is, a neutral faction.

But according to the gossip from Thor and Elma, Lukya stayed in the Chaos camp and the Harmony camp for a period of time respectively.

Later, when I feel bored and uninteresting, I become a neutral faction.

Lukya himself said that he was believed by humans as a god, and he also became a world-destroying dragon that destroyed the entire world!

Li Xuan didn't respond in the slightest to this, on the contrary, he thought it was really cool.

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