I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 601 Little Chef Lisanna (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

Anyway, Li Xuan also asked Tony to continue to help buy Zhenjin, because Erza currently has enough attack and lacks a pair of defensive armor.

Then the creation of the Vajra Armor will be on the agenda, not only the Vajra Armor, but also the two super large shields and the Vajra Barrier, which require a lot of vibration gold.

It may not be possible to buy large amounts of vibranium from Wakanda, but such an armor with two shields is still possible.

The original Vajra Armor was able to withstand the attack of Jupiter, a magical cluster gun from the Ghost Guild. After adding Vibration Gold, it might not be stronger in defense.

With Tony at the bottom, Erza and the others have no problem exchanging some magical beasts or magic technology unique to the Fairy Tail world with Tony.

In order to build powerful armor, Erza is a task madman in the Fairy Tail guild.

Her and Mira's team is definitely the strongest team in the current Fairy Tail guild!

That's right, Mira and Erza are teaming up now, instead of teaming up with her younger siblings.

As for the reason, it is that Mira and Elfman have a relatively large difference in strength. If Mira's strength is used to take over the task, it is easy to cause Elfman's casualties.

But with Elfman's strength, it would slow down Mira's growth.

Mira also thought of forming a team with Elfman and Lisanna at the beginning, as usual, taking them under her wing.

But they were persuaded by Li Xuan's words: "Mila, you can't be with them all the time. Maybe you are protecting them now, but isn't it a kind of shackle to them?!"

Coupled with seeing Erza's rapidly improving strength, Mira finally decided to give Al the time to grow up alone as Li Xuan and the others said.

Mira and Erza formed the strongest team, while Elfman teamed up with Gray, the ice mage, because of his changed temperament.

But Lisanna chose to become a guild mission manager instead of going out to do missions because of her young age and because she didn't like fighting very much.

Just like Mira in the original timeline, she is responsible for various daily affairs of the guild.

Even though she was still young, she was very proficient in doing these things, and completed the tasks arranged by Makarov in an orderly manner.

It made Makarov's workload a lot less, but he was praised by Makarov a lot.

Both Mira and Elfman agreed on this. In their opinion, Lisanna is still the little sister who needs to be protected by herself, so it's fine if she doesn't do the mission.

Even now that Lisanna has practiced receiving magic almost like Elfman, they still think so.

Lisanna didn't have any opinion on this either, she wasn't a person who liked to fight.

Practicing magic now, improving strength is purely for self-protection.

The previous experience made her understand a truth when she was still young. It is completely different to have power and not have it.

So I was busy with management when I was in Fairy Tail, but I still worked hard when I should work hard in Dimensional Restaurant.

Speaking of Erza's weapons, in addition to the conventional iron swords and the Zhenjin Knight Sword just mentioned, Erza has also created a lot of weapons.

The corresponding weapon of the Armor of the Sky Wheel is the Zhenjin Knight Sword, and the Armor of the Black Feather is a separate high-strength alloy axe. This alloy is the alloy used by Tony to make the Mark Armor.

And there is the evil spear that matches with the armor of the giant!

This huge spear has the power to destroy all evil, and at the same time, it is powerful and heavy, and it is undoubtedly a sharp weapon against huge enemies!

The creation of the evil gun made Ersha's small coffers shrink a lot, and it was Li Xuan who provided some sun crystals produced by sunflowers in the botanical garden.

In addition to the evil spear, Shake Hongying was also forged.

Now Erza is not the year X784 when the plot started. There are still several years before that time, and she has only joined Fairy Tail for more than a year and less than two years.

To be able to reach this level is already very far away.

And Mira has been able to receive the soul of Satan in her whole body!

On the field, Erza armor and the fanning devil E are fighting at high speed from the sky and the ground.

Over there, Amano Hina and the others were also bombarded by various elements of wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

The strong wind and rainstorm around Amano Hina obeyed her instructions, while Robin had countless arms to attack or defend.

Both Elfman and Lisanna received magic, one received a kind of monster called the Violent Flame Gorilla, and the other received the Dazzling Swift Panther's monster.

……ask for flowers…

It can be seen from the name that one is the strength route and the other is the agility route.

Amano Hina's wind and rain, Elfman's flames, Lisanna's flashes, and Robin's Huahuaguo, such battles are not only highly destructive but also highly enjoyable to watch!

Lisanna usually seldom fights in the Fairy Tail Guild, so she just makes up for it in the Dimensional Arena.

Their instructors, Thor, Elma, and Lukya, watched from the sidelines, pointing them out from time to time.

Li Xuan?

Li Xuan was just a pure spectator, just watching from the sidelines.

You said that there is nothing wrong with letting him teach Erza and the others to cook, but there is nothing you can do about fighting.

He himself has just left the novice period. If he hadn't practiced in the gourmet world before, he might not dare to say that he is better than Erza and the others in terms of fighting skills.

So this job should be handed over to Thor and the others. Among other things, they are definitely at the master level in terms of combat experience!

Li Xuan just taught Lisanna how to cook some snacks. After all, Lisanna does not accept tasks, although she still has a salary from the guild.

But money is such a thing that no one would despise too much, right?!

Li Xuan didn't teach too much, just some appetizers such as lo mei, alcoholic peanuts, etc., which are relatively simple dishes with uncomplicated steps.

The main reason is that these small dishes can be made a lot once they are made, and they can be stored for a long time.

The drunkard peanuts can be fried in a large pot at one time, and finally packed in sealed jars.

The same is true for stewed meat. The stewed ingredients are stored in the refrigerator, and it is not a problem to store them for a few days.

As for the fact that there is no refrigerator in the Fairy Tail guild!?

There is magic here, so don't worry about this problem at all, okay?

Especially since there is an ice mage in the guild, it is not a problem for him to rub a refrigerator out of it.

Just use magic to maintain it!

Not to mention that such a snack has brought Lisanna a lot of income, perhaps not as much as the income of Erza and Mira's team, but it is almost equal to the income of Elfman and Gray. .

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