Wu Dao Gui Hu, who was constantly searching in the study, had forgotten what happened before. He took out all the books that had been sealed for a long time and looked through them carefully bit by bit!

Hard work pays off. Soon he suddenly found a secret compartment on the wall!


The secret compartment opened, and he saw several dusty books inside!

The dust blowing in his face made him cough repeatedly!

However, his attention was still mainly on those books that had been sealed for a long time!

"There is such a place?!" He said in surprise.

Then he took out one of the notebooks marked with Zeya City Nursery School and flipped through it.

You won't know until you see it, and you will be shocked!

There are many basic information of young children on it, including the Red Moon Vine Fruit!

He was full of surprise and couldn't help his curiosity, so he flipped through it frantically.

Everything, the dusty secrets were reflected in his dark eyes at this moment!

There was nothing else in his heart except surprise!

At this time, Wu Dao Guangshi, who had just returned from dancing, suddenly stopped!

He just felt something strange under his feet, and when he looked down, he was standing on the branches of the Helm Underworld!

"This is!!"Instantly, his heart was filled with surprise and disbelief. Driven by curiosity, he followed the branches towards the hall! As soon as he entered here, what caught his eyes was the Heim underworld plants everywhere! He didn't know when the whole house was full of these things!

He couldn't help but fall into astonishment.

At this moment, the roar of a sword suddenly came from behind, and the crisp sound of a sword came from behind him!



Takatora Wudao, who was still in the study, also heard the screams of his brother. He didn't care to continue watching and ran out!

He saw Mitsushi Wudao fall to the ground. Fortunately, he didn't seem to be injured!

Then, Takatora Wudao also saw a figure passing by the window in an instant, and it flashed away!

Although he didn't see it too clearly, he also knew that the guy who attacked Sid, Minato Yoko and others had already targeted them! With his eyes slightly raised, Takatora Wudao took out the honeydew energy lock seed without hesitation, and was about to transform!

Suddenly, a crack in the underworld of Heim appeared above his head, and countless branches and vines emerged directly from it, attacking like a python!

Unexpectedly, the honeydew energy lock seed in his hand was snatched away!

""Oh no!"

Panting, he watched the lock being snatched away from him, and Wudao Guihu cursed inwardly.

At this time, Wudao Guangshi's voice rang in his ears again.

"Brother, what was that just now?"

"Not sure yet....."After a moment of silence, Wu Daoguihu said in an indescribable tone. His deep eyes stared at the window where the black shadow flashed by, and Wu Daoguihu murmured in a voice that only he could hear:"Is it you?......".............

The next day, Wu Daoguihu left home early in the morning and arrived at the door of an abandoned orphanage!

This was the Zeya City Nursery School that his father had established, but it had been abandoned six years ago after his father Wu Daotianshu became seriously ill!

Through the iron fence, he could clearly see the dilapidated and barren ground!

Overgrown with weeds, dilapidated walls, and all kinds of abandoned facilities on the ground!

"That's it....."He muttered to himself, and then pushed the door open.

He went straight to the main building. As soon as he entered, he saw children's shoes all over the floor, as well as various documents scattered around.

For some reason, the layout was quite warm, but it made him feel inexplicably cold, as if some unknown major event had occurred here!

And there were many buried.....Secret!

Without stopping, he carefully checked every room, but unfortunately he didn't find any useful clues!

However, in the last room, he suddenly found a sign that prohibited entry!

It was as if he was trying to cover up his mistake!

Wu Daoguihu, who was skilled and bold, was naturally not afraid and opened the door violently!

What appeared in front of him was a dark passage, but the passage was not very deep, and he could still see the faint light emitting from the innermost exit!

Following the wall, he walked out of the dark passage and then stepped into a room.

After a closer look, a look of surprise and astonishment flashed across his serious face.

In front of him were scattered research reports, and the surrounding walls were full of plants from the underworld of Heim. The main items on display were also the dazzling array of research equipment!

From the notebook, he already knew the secrets buried here!

On the surface, it was an orphanage and a nursery!

But in fact, it was a special educational institution that wanted to cultivate talents who would shoulder the future of the World Tree!

Some people who left here became leaders, some became researchers, and some became agents operating in the dark corners of society.

Does it sound familiar?

Isn't this Build's Namba Douji?

But compared to Namba Douji, these people have a more tragic future.

That is, if they are not selected, they will become guinea pigs for human experiments!

Especially the human experiments on aliens, this is because Wu Dao Tianshu was also eroded by the underworld of Heim.

In order to survive, he must find a way to solve the erosion, so those children with average talents became experimental subjects and finally sacrificed painfully!

"Father.....People like you!!"Even though that was his own father, it was hard for the sharp-tongued but kind-hearted Wudao Guihu to accept it!

At this moment, a special voice suddenly came from a secret room nearby.

It was like a childhood song, full of childishness and innocence!

And when he looked in the direction where the song came from, he saw a junior alien!

He was just about to step forward to find out what was going on, when suddenly a black shadow appeared!

Leaping down from the second floor, it kicked him hard!

Fortunately, Wudao Guihu's own fighting ability was also extraordinary. He blocked the opponent's attacks one after another, and then took the opportunity to fight back!

Forcing him to reveal his true face!

It was.....Red Moon Vine Fruit!.......

At this time, Xia Yi had already found this place by following Wu Daogui Hu through the white Garuda familiar!

He casually took a camera and took a few pictures of the dilapidated orphanage.

He sighed faintly:"It's so sad~ It's disgusting to do human experiments on children!"

The voice was a little cold. Any normal person would feel extremely angry about this kind of thing!

Slowly, heavy footsteps sounded, echoing in this desolate nursery!

Ps: It is worth mentioning that the actor of Wu Dao Tianshu is the same as Yuanzaki Ryubei.

If you want to adopt a girl, since you are so anxious, just adopt Sister Taozi in advance.

The foreshadowing is almost done.

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