In Zeya City, Xia Yi's apartment.

He has already arranged for his new neighbor, Yaozi.

"Okay, you will live here from now on. Xia Yi smiled and said slowly

"A brand new life~ It's really exciting~" Minato Yoko smiled like a dimple, relaxed completely, stretched her body, and revealed her graceful figure.

Her slender curves showed the perfection of her figure.

"Looking forward to it?....."Xia Yi smiled and said,"Let's talk about expectations later. Now let's go to Helm's Underworld."

"Now? I understand."Mouto Yoko nodded slightly, without refusing.

Then, under Xia Yi's action, the gray-white curtain flashed, and the figures of the two disappeared from the spot.

It was like a spliced world, in the underworld of Heim.

The dimensional wall flashed, and Xia Yi and Minato Yoko walked in together.

"What are we going to do?"Mouto Yoko looked very excited.

She felt a little excited for the first time to go on a mission with Xia Yi.

""Look for Qi Wen Jie Dou and see if he has any news about the Overlord." Xia Yi said slowly.

Last time, Qi Wen Jie Dou had clearly stated that he was going into the underworld of Heim to find the Overlord.

So it shouldn't be difficult to find the Overlord by following the man with extraordinary luck.

""Qi Wen Jie Dou?" Minato Yaozi was slightly startled, and nodded thoughtfully.

Then he asked:"Then how can we find each other in such a big forest?"

"Dimensional wall can." Xia Yi answered briefly, then paused and explained:"He is probably nearby. For safety reasons, transform first. This should be near the depths of the forest."

"" Okay ~"

Then the two of them quickly transformed together.

When the dark figure was reflected in Minato Yoko's beautiful eyes, a strange light instantly filled them.....The more you look at him, the more handsome he becomes. You never get tired of looking at him! For a while, he was obsessed with the figure of the Dark Knight. Xia Yi, who was originally looking out at the forest, couldn't help but feel a little strange.

He looked sideways and noticed the silly look of Kou Yoko in an instant.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes:"Have you seen enough? When did you become a fangirl?"

He had never realized that the girl in front of him had such potential.

She was always calm and queenly, but she didn't expect that she could be so cute.

What a treasure~

Kou Yoko didn't deny it when she was discovered. Her eyes became more naked, as if she wanted to swallow the black knight in front of her.

She said with a smile on her face:"I can't see enough~ And even if I am a fangirl, I am only a fangirl for you."

This sentence was like a sharp sword, piercing Xia Yi's heart and breaking his usual indifference.

This kind of preference is always the most touching.

He coughed twice, still kept calm and changed the subject:"You really have had enough, forget it, go find the Qiwen Jiedou."

""Hi hi~" Seemingly calm and composed, but actually very panicked inside, Minato Yoko managed to keep her voice calm and teasing, and walked in front under the cover of the mask.

Although she was so cool in teasing just now, but actually, as a novice in love, she had already been panicking.

The thought kept flashing through her mind:"Will he think I'm too frivolous?"

"Will he hate me?"


Minato Yoko, who was full of colorful psychological activities, was about to suppress her emotional shock and go to find Kaito.

But at this moment, the roar of a motorcycle suddenly rang in their ears.

Then, they saw Kuzuba Kota approaching slowly not far away!

The latter also saw Xia Yi and the others from a distance with the ability of his compound eyes.

His expression froze for a moment, and he showed a hint of confusion:"Eh? Why is Dark Decade with that violent girl from the World Tree?!"

Even though he was always naive, he was secretly cautious at this moment, and made all emergency preparations as he rode closer!

"Hey! Dark Decade-san!"

"What a coincidence! I can meet you here....."

Parking the car in front of Xia Yi, Kuzuya Kota said with a strange look on his face.

Because of what happened to Kakui Yuya, he didn't blame him. He even thought that Dark Decade was simply unaware and just regarded the alien transformed by Yuya as an ordinary monster.

But.....It is always a bit awkward when a friend dies at the hands of another person.

I have to look away and not mention those things.

"Is it a coincidence? It is a bit of a coincidence. Xia Yi didn't know what to say.

It was too much of a coincidence. He came here to find Qu Wen Jie Dou, but he met another troublesome idiot.

When he was about to say a few perfunctory words and leave, suddenly Ge Ye Hongtai said,"That....Dark Decade-san, do you know the Overlord? The ruler of Helm's underworld, the inhabitants of the entire forest"

"Hmm? I know~" Xia Yi nodded slightly, looking very perfunctory.

"That's great! Dark Decade-san, let's go find them together and convince them to stop the invasion of Helm's underworld!" Kuzuya Kota instantly became excited.

If he joins forces with Dark Decade, his chances of winning will be much higher!

"Wait? What are you going to do?" Xia Yi's eyes narrowed slightly and he asked back.

"Looking for the Overlord?"Kageya Kota was stared at by him so seriously that his face changed slightly and he didn't know what to say.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yi continued to ask without changing his expression.

"Convince them to stop invading the Earth! As long as we can communicate with them heart to heart, I think we can end the invasion of Helm in a peaceful way!" Kuzuya Kota said passionately

"......Are you serious?"Xia Yi said nothing, but looked at the other person seriously for a moment, and then he was sure that this troublesome idiot in front of him really had such a plan.

Minato Yoko beside him was also understanding, and smiled and said what Xia Yi wanted to say

"Kuzuba Kota, did you get something wrong? Will humans discuss with ants?"

This is why they, the World Tree, have no intention of communicating with the Overlord until now.

Because they all know that the inequality of strength is their biggest obstacle!

Especially when Niu despised humans and Zhenhong slaughtered researchers. It made

Wudao Guihu dare not even hope that the Overlord would help them!

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