The next day, in the underworld of Helheim,

Kuzuya Kota and Wudao Mitsumi entered.

This time they came in completely at the invitation of Wudao Mitsumi.

As for the reason, it was also because Wudao Mitsumi said that he hoped to find the overlord to communicate and see if there was any effect.

It happened that Kuzuya Kota was also reluctant to give up, and Wudao Mitsumi's suggestion directly aroused his eager heart.

So he agreed and then came here.

Walking behind, he couldn't help but suddenly recalled what happened before.

"Sorry, Guangshi, about the dance.....I broke my promise to you......"Kuzuba Kota looked apologetic.

Hearing this, Wu Daoguang pretended to be indifferent:"It's okay, I don't take it to heart anyway....."

"What's more important now is to protect the city. We must find the overlord to persuade them to end the struggle!"Mitsumasa Wudao looked unperturbed."

Seeing this, Kuzuya Kota didn't think much about it, just smiled and nodded, and then prepared to find the overlord.

However, in the process���, Wu Dao Guangshi also started his plan, and took the initiative to inform Sid to go somewhere, and the two of them jointly encircled him......The development of the matter was completely beyond his imagination.

By the river, he stared at Sid who was beaten to pieces by the Shenghong form, and was completely in doubt!

Although he knew that Kuzuya Kota had a new lock,.....This strength is too exaggerated!!

Sid was beaten without any chance to fight back and was forced to dissolve his transformation. He didn't even have the strength to stand up. He looked miserable, lying on the ground and opened his mouth to ask for help from Wudao Mitsumasa.

The latter was also in a state of panic.

He didn't think he could defeat Kuzuba Kota in this form!

If he failed, he would really.......I can't go back to the Gaim Team!!

Isn't this a case of losing more than gaining!

My brain was working quickly, thinking about a way out of the situation.

Instantly, an answer emerged in my mind......

Kill Sid!

As long as Sid is dead, only Sengoku Lingma will know his plan.

As for that guy, it's much easier. He just needs to explain the situation.

In this way, he can hide in the Gaim team like before!

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised the grape gun in his hand without any hesitation, ready to give Sid the final blow.

But the accident happened again, and a emerald green alien suddenly appeared!

But the difference is....He spoke!

"What are you doing in my territory?" Jade, who looked like an elegant gentleman, suddenly asked.

According to their overlord's division, this place was his territory.

"Foreigner....He spoke!!"When Wu Dao Guang saw this scene, he was also unable to remain calm and was stunned for a second.

The alien who could speak, what did this mean?

There was no doubt that the emerald green existence in front of him was.....The ruler and overlord of this forest!!!

When he first saw the existence that he had only heard of, a trace of fear and irritability appeared in Wudao Mitsumi's eyes.

It was really unexpected that one after another appeared, which completely disrupted his original plan.

His original plan was also very simple, to trick Kuzuya Kota into the underworld of Heim, and then let Sid show up and provoke!

At that time, Kuzuya Mitsumi would give him a key sneak attack to end the battle!

It's very simple, but it is very practical to deal with a naive man like Kuzuya Kota!

But....The current situation has completely exceeded his expectations.

Whether it is the terrifying power of Kuzuya Kota's new form or the sudden appearance of the Overlord, the only clear thing is....He is in trouble now!

"Xiao Shi, hurry up! The Overlord is very powerful, I can only delay him for a little while!"When Kuzuya Kota saw the appearance of Jade, he remembered the scene of being beaten by Shinhong before, and said hurriedly

"I......"Hearing this, Wu Dao Guang Shi was also slightly startled, and his heart was slightly moved.

But then he returned to his coldness, nodded indifferently, and then sneaked close to Sid.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between Kuzuya Kota and Feicui, he left here with the barely recovered strength.

After walking a few steps, Sid suddenly shook off Wu Dao Guang Shi, stared at him cautiously and angrily, and said in a cold voice:"You wanted to kill me just now!"

Hearing this, Wu Dao Guang Shi saw that the matter was exposed and had no intention of concealing it, but just said indifferently:"Anyway, even if you go back like this, the punishment you face will not be much better than death, right?"

"Are you threatening me?!" Sid heard the hidden meaning, that is, Wu Daoguang could keep the secret of his failure and absolve him of the crime, but Sid would also have to pay a price.

As for this price....…I'm afraid it won't be that easy!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel angry and resentful.

I hated myself for being too weak, for not having the right, and even for not being able to do anything.....Hate this world!

But the situation is stronger than people, and now he has no choice but to bow his head!

""What do you want?" he asked with a cold snort.

"I don't have any other ideas, I just hope you can stop alienating me because of what happened before, because our mission is not over yet!" Wu Dao Guangshi replied slowly

"I see...."Sid lowered his head and snorted coldly and agreed.

Then he asked again:"What the hell is that guy's lock seed?! It's so strong?!"

"I don't know. That was also the lock type that Sagara gave him, so it's so powerful......"Wu Daoguang shook his head and guessed.

He was also curious about the power of Sheng Hong's lock.

"If he has that lock power, it may not be so easy to get rid of him....."Sid continued slowly.

"That's right, but I have another idea....."Wu Dao Guang Shi gently touched his chin and answered slowly.

"What method?" Sid looked up and asked curiously.

"I can't tell you now, you can rest here for a while, I'll go check the situation." Wu Dao Guang Shi then headed towards the location where Kuzuya Kota and Feicui were.

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